Listed below are 3151 taxa included on NameThatPlant.net as of 10/27/24, using nomenclature preferred by the 1968 Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (whose "index number" is noted in parentheses). A plus sign indicates that the Flora further divides that species into varieties or subspecies.

Click the scientific name to link to information and (maybe) pictures!

1 - Abies fraseri (016-04-001) — Fraser Fir, She Balsam, Southern Balsam

2 - Abutilon theophrastii (122-06-001) — Velvetleaf, Indian Mallow, Butterprint

3 - Acalypha gracilens (107-04-002) — Slender Threeseed Mercury, Slender Copperleaf, Shortstalk Copperleaf

4 - Acalypha ostryaefolia (107-04-004) — Pineland Threeseed Mercury, Hophornbeam Copperleaf, Roughpod Copperleaf

5 - Acalypha rhomboidea (107-04-003) — Common Threeseed Mercury, Rhombic Copperleaf

6 - Acalypha setosa (107-04-005) — Cuban Copperleaf

7 - Acalypha virginica (107-04-001) — Virginia Threeseed Mercury, Virginia Copperleaf, Shortstalk Copperleaf

8 - Acer negundo (115-01-001) — Eastern Box Elder, Ash-leaved Maple, River Maple

9 - Acer pensylvanicum (115-01-003) — Striped Maple, Moosewood

10 - Acer rubrum (115-01-004?) — Carolina Red Maple, Trident Red Maple

11 - Acer rubrum (115-01-004) — Eastern Red Maple

12 - Acer rubrum (115-01-004?) — Drummond’s Maple, Swamp Red Maple, Drummond’s Red Maple

13 - Acer saccharinum (115-01-005) — Silver Maple, Soft Maple

14 - Acer saccharum ssp. floridanum (115-01-006b) — Southern Sugar Maple, Florida Maple

15 - Acer saccharum ssp. leucoderme (115-01-006c) — Chalk Maple, Small Chalk Maple, White-bark Maple

16 - Acer saccharum ssp. nigrum (115-01-006d) — Black Maple

17 - Acer saccharum ssp. saccharum (115-01-006a) — Sugar Maple, Hard Maple, Sugar-tree

18 - Acer spicatum (115-01-002) — Mountain Maple

19 - Achillea millefolium (179-79-001) — Eastern Yarrow, Eastern Thousandleaf

20 - Achillea millefolium (179-79-001?) — Yarrow, Thousandleaf

21 - Aconitum reclinatum (076-04-002) — Trailing Wolfsbane, White Monkshood, White Aconite

22 - Aconitum uncinatum (076-04-001) — Appalachian Blue Monkshood, Eastern Blue Monkshood

23 - Acorus calamus (032-01-001) — European Sweetflag, European Calamus

24 - Acorus calamus (032-01-001?) — Sweetflag, American Calamus

25 - Actaea pachypoda (076-08-001) — Doll's-eyes, White Baneberry, White Cohosh

26 - Adiantum capillus-veneris (010-01-002) — Southern Maidenhair Fern, Venus-hair Fern

27 - Adiantum pedatum (010-01-001) — Northern Maidenhair Fern

28 - Adlumia fungosa (086-01-001) — Climbing Fumitory, Allegheny Vine, Cliff-Harlequin

29 - Aegopodium podagraria var. podagraria (140-23-001) — Goutweed, Bishop's Weed

30 - Aesculus octandra (116-01-003) — Yellow Buckeye

31 - Aesculus pavia (116-01-002) — Red Buckeye

32 - Aesculus sylvatica (116-01-001) — Painted Buckeye

33 - Agalinis aphylla (166-25-006) — Scaleleaf Gerardia, Scaleleaf Agalinis, Scaleleaf False Foxglove

34 - Agalinis decemloba (166-25-011) — Tenlobe Gerardia, Sandplain Agalinis, Tenlobe False Falseglove

35 - Agalinis fasciculata (166-25-005) — Fascicled Purple Gerardia, Southeastern Agalinis, Beach False Foxglove, Fascicled Gerardia

36 - Agalinis linifolia (166-25-001) — Flaxleaf Gerardia, Scaleleaf Agalinis, Flaxleaf False Foxglove, Flaxleaf Agalinis

37 - Agalinis maritima (166-25-002) — Seaside Gerardia, Southern Saltmarsh Agalinis, Saltmarsh False Foxglove

38 - Agalinis obtusifolia (166-25-009) — Bluntleaf Gerardia, Bluntleaf Agalinis, Bluntleaf False Foxglove, Tenlobe False Foxglove

39 - Agalinis purpurea (166-25-003) — Purple Gerardia, Common Agalinis, Purple False Foxglove

40 - Agalinis setacea (166-25-007) — Threadleaf Gerardia, Threadleaf Agalinis, Threadleaf False Foxglove, Sandhills Gerardia

41 - Agalinis tenuifolia (166-25-008) — Common Gerardia, Slenderleaf Agalinis, Slender False Foxglove, Slender Gerardia

42 - Agalinis virgata (166-25-004) — Wand Gerardia, Wand Agalinis, Pine-barren False Foxglove

43 - Agastache nepetoides (164-07-002) — Yellow Giant-hyssop

44 - Agastache scrophulariaefolia (164-07-001) — Purple Giant-hyssop

45 - Agave virginica (044-08-001) — Eastern Agave, Eastern False-aloe, Rattlesnake-master, American Aloe

46 - Agrimonia gryposepala (097-09-003) — Common Agrimony, Swamp Agrimony

47 - Agrimonia incisa (097-09-001) — Pineland Agrimony

48 - Agrimonia parviflora (097-09-002) — Southern Agrimony, Small-flowered Agrimony, Harvestlice

49 - Agrimonia pubescens var. microcarpa (097-09-005b) — Low Agrimony, Small-fruited Agrimony

50 - Agrimonia pubescens var. pubescens (097-09-005a) — Downy Agrimony

51 - Agrimonia rostellata (097-09-004) — Woodland Agrimony

52 - Agropyron repens (029-20-001) — Quackgrass, Dog-grass, Witchgrass

53 - Agrostemma githago (071-13-001) — Corncockle, Purple Cockle, Corn-campion

54 - Agrostis elliottiana (029-46-003) — Elliott's Bentgrass, Southern Bentgrass

55 - Agrostis hyemalis (029-46-006) — Ticklegrass, Small Bentgrass, Hairgrass, Winter Bentgrass

56 - Agrostis perennans (029-46-005) — Autumn Bentgrass, Upland Bentgrass, Upland Bent

57 - Agrostis perennans (029-46-005?) — Coastal Bog Bentgrass

58 - Agrostis stolonifera (029-46-001?) — Black Bentgrass, Redtop Bentgrass, Redtop

59 - Agrostis stolonifera (029-46-001) — Creeping Bentgrass

60 - Agrostis tenuis (029-46-002) — Rhode Island Bentgrass, Colonial Bentgrass, Browntop

61 - Ailanthus altissima (104-01-001) — Ailanthus, Tree-of-heaven, Stink-tree

62 - Aira caryophyllea (029-35-001) — Silver Hairgrass

63 - Aira elegans (029-35-002) — Elegant Hairgrass, Annual Silver Hairgrass

64 - Ajuga reptans (164-02-001) — Carpet Bugle, Bugle-weed

65 - Akebia quinata (078-01-001) — Five-leaf Akebia, Chocolate-vine

66 - Albizia julibrissin (098-01-001) — Mimosa, Silktree, Albizia

67 - Alchemilla microcarpa (097-08-001) — Parsley-piert, slender parsley piert

68 - Aletris aurea (041-20-001) — Golden Colicroot

69 - Aletris farinosa (041-20-003) — Northern White Colicroot, Mealy Colicroot, Stargrass

70 - Aletris obovata (041-20-002) — Southern White Colicroot

71 - Alisma subcordatum (027-01-001) — Southern Water-plantain, American Water-plantain

72 - Alliaria petiolata (088-13-001) — Garlic Mustard, Hedge Garlic

73 - Allium ampeloprasum (041-35-004) — Wild Leek, Yorktown Onion, Elephant Garlic

74 - Allium bivalve (041-35-008) — False Garlic, Grace Garlic

75 - Allium canadense var. canadense (041-35-002a) — Wild Onion, Meadow Garlic

76 - Allium canadense var. mobilense (041-35-002b) — Mobile Onion

77 - Allium cernuum (041-35-005) — Nodding Onion, Nodding Wild Onion

78 - Allium cuthbertii (041-35-003) — Cuthbert's Onion

79 - Allium cuthbertii (041-35-003?) — Keever’s Onion, Brushy Mountain Onion

80 - Allium tricoccum (041-35-007) — Red Ramps, Rampscallions, Wild Leek

81 - Allium vineale (041-35-001) — Field Garlic, Wild Onion, Onion-grass, Crow Garlic

82 - Alnus crispa (054-01-001) — Green Alder, Mountain Alder

83 - Alnus serrulata (054-01-002) — Tag Alder, Hazel Alder, Smooth Alder

84 - Alopecurus carolinianus (029-40-001) — Carolina Foxtail Grass

85 - Alternanthera philoxeroides (066-01-002) — Alligator-weed

86 - Althaea rosea (122-02-001) — Hollyhock

87 - Amaranthus hybridus (066-03-002) — Smooth Pigweed, Smooth Amaranth, Green Amaranth, Slim Amaranth

88 - Amaranthus palmeri (066-03-004) — Careless-weed, Palmer's Amaranth

89 - Amaranthus pumilus (066-03-009) — Seabeach Amaranth, Dwarf Amaranth

90 - Amaranthus spinosus (066-03-006) — Spiny Amaranth

91 - Amaranthus viridis (066-03-008) — Slender Amaranth, Tropical Green Amaranth

92 - Ambrosia artemisiifolia (179-02-003) — Annual Ragweed, Common Ragweed, Hogweed

93 - Ambrosia trifida (179-02-002) — Giant Ragweed, Great Ragweed

94 - Amelanchier arborea var. arborea (097-21-001a & 001c) — Downy Serviceberry, Sarvisberry

95 - Amelanchier arborea var. laevis (097-21-001b) — Smooth Serviceberry, Allegheny Serviceberry

96 - Amelanchier canadensis (097-21-004) — Eastern Serviceberry, Canadian Serviceberry

97 - Amelanchier obovalis (097-21-003) — Coastal Plain Serviceberry, Pocosin Shadbush, Coastal Serviceberry

98 - Amelanchier sanguinea (097-21-002) — Roundleaf Serviceberry, New England Serviceberry

99 - Amelanchier spicata (097-21-005) — Running Serviceberry, Dwarf Serviceberry, Thicket Shadbush

100 - Amianthium muscaetoxicum (041-21-001) — Fly-poison

101 - Ammannia coccinea (135-02-001) — Red Toothcup, Scarlet Toothcup, valley redstem

102 - Amorpha fruticosa (098-18-005) — False Indigo, Tall Indigo-bush, False Indigo-bush

103 - Amorpha georgiana (098-18-003?) — Savanna Indigo-bush

104 - Amorpha georgiana (098-18-003) — Georgia Indigo-bush

105 - Amorpha glabra (098-18-004) — Mountain Indigo-bush, Appalachian Indigo-bush, Mountain Indigo, Mountain False Indigo

106 - Amorpha herbacea (098-18-001) — Leadplant, Dwarf Indigo-bush, Clusterspike Indigo-bush

107 - Amorpha schwerinii (098-18-002) — Piedmont Indigo-bush

108 - Ampelopsis arborea (120-03-001) — Peppervine

109 - Ampelopsis brevipedunculata (120-03-002) — Porcelain-berry, Amur Peppervine

110 - Ampelopsis cordata (120-03-003) — American Ampelopsis, Heartleaf Peppervine, False-grape, Raccoon-grape

111 - Amphianthus pusillus (166-04-001) — Pool-sprite, Snorkelwort, Little Amphianthus

112 - Amphicarpa bracteata (098-49-001) — American Hog-peanut

113 - Amphicarpum purshii (029-67-001) — Pinebarrens Peanut-grass, Pinebarrens Goober-grass, New Jersey Goober-grass

114 - Amsonia ciliata (156-01-002) — Sandhill Bluestar, Fringed Bluestar

115 - Amsonia tabernaemontana var. tabernaemontana (156-01-001) — Eastern Bluestar, Blue Dogbane, Wideleaf Bluestar

116 - Anagallis arvensis (147-03-001) — Scarlet Pimpernel, Poor Man's Weatherglass

117 - Andropogon elliottii (029-87-006) — Elliott's Bluestem

118 - Andropogon gerardii (029-87-002) — Big Bluestem, Turkeyfoot

119 - Andropogon mohrii (029-87-003) — Mohr's Bluestem, Tawny Bluestem, Bog Bluestem

120 - Andropogon scoparius (029-87-001) — Common Little Bluestem

121 - Andropogon scoparius (029-87-001?) — Creeping Bluestem, Creeping Little Bluestem

122 - Andropogon scoparius (029-87-001?) — Seaside Little Bluestem

123 - Andropogon ternarius (029-87-005) — Splitbeard Bluestem, Silvery Bluestem

124 - Andropogon virginicus (029-87-007) — Broomsedge, Broomsedge Bluestem, Old-field Broomstraw, "Sedge Grass"

125 - Andropogon virginicus (029-87-007?) — Common Bushy Bluestem, Bushy Beardgrass, Bog Broomsedge, Clustered Bluestem

126 - Andropogon virginicus (029-87-007?) — Dryland White Bluestem, Chalky Bluestem

127 - Andropogon virginicus (029-87-007?) — Maritime Bushy Bluestem, Bushy Beardgrass, Maritime Bluestem

128 - Andropogon virginicus (029-87-007) — Deceptive Bluestem, Deceptive Broomsedge

129 - Andropogon virginicus (029-87-007?) — Savanna Bushy Bluestem, Hairy Bluestem

130 - Andropogon virginicus (029-87-007?) — Chalky Bluestem, Purple Bluestem, Coastal Bluestem, Big Chalky Bluestem

131 - Andropogon virginicus (029-87-007?) — Wetland White Bluestem

132 - Aneilema keisak (038-02-002) — Murdannia, Asian Spiderwort, Marsh Dewflower, Wart-removing Herb

133 - Aneilema nudiflorum (038-02-001) — Doveweed, Naked-stem Dewflower

134 - Anemone caroliniana (076-16-002) — Carolina Anemone, Prairie Anemone

135 - Anemone caroliniana (076-16-002?) — Eastern Prairie Anemone, Glade Windflower, Southern Thimbleweed, Ten-petal Anemone

136 - Anemone lancifolia (076-16-004) — Mountain Anemone, Lanceleaf Anemone

137 - Anemone quinquefolia (076-16-003) — Wood Anemone

138 - Anemone virginiana (076-16-001) — Thimbleweed, Tall Thimbleweed, Tall Anemone

139 - Angelica atropurpurea (140-32-003) — Purple Angelica

140 - Angelica triquinata (140-32-002) — Mountain Angelica, Appalachian Angelica, Filmy Angelica

141 - Angelica venenosa (140-32-001) — Hairy Angelica, Downy Angelica, Deadly Angelica, Woodland Angelica

142 - Anisostichus capreolata (167-01-001) — Crossvine

143 - Antennaria plantaginifolia var. ambigens (179-39-002b) — Big-head Pussytoes

144 - Antennaria plantaginifolia var. arnoglossa (179-39-002c) — Parlin's Pussytoes

145 - Antennaria plantaginifolia var. plantaginifolia (179-39-002a) — Plantainleaf Pussytoes, Plantain Pussytoes

146 - Antennaria solitaria (179-39-001) — Solitary Pussytoes, Southern Singlehead Pussytoes

147 - Anthemis arvensis (179-80-001) — Corn Chamomile, Field Chamomile

148 - Anthemis cotula (179-80-002) — Stinking Chamomile, Stinking Mayweed, Dog-fennel, Chigger-weed

149 - Anthoxanthum odoratum (029-60-002) — Sweet Vernal Grass

150 - Anthriscus scandicina (140-09-001) — Bur Chervil, Bur-parsley

151 - Apios americana (098-39-001) — American Groundnut, Common Groundnut

152 - Apium leptophyllum (140-18-001) — Marsh-parsley

153 - Aplectrum hyemale (049-18-001) — Puttyroot, Adam-and-Eve

154 - Apocynum androsaemifolium (156-03-003) — Spreading Dogbane

155 - Apocynum cannabinum (156-03-001) — Indian-hemp, Hemp Dogbane, Marion's Weed

156 - Apocynum medium (156-03-002) — Intermediate Dogbane

157 - Aquilegia canadensis (076-02-001) — Eastern Columbine, Canada Columbine

158 - Aquilegia vulgaris (076-02-002) — European Columbine, Garden Columbine

159 - Arabidopsis thaliana (088-15-001) — Mouse-ear Cress

160 - Arabis canadensis (088-25-005) — Canada Rockcress, Sicklepod

161 - Arabis glabra (088-25-002) — Tower Mustard, Towercress

162 - Arabis laevigata var. laevigata (088-25-004a) — Common Smooth Rockcress

163 - Arabis laevigata var. missouriensis (088-25-004c) — Missouri Rockcress

164 - Arabis lyrata (088-25-001) — Lyreleaf Rockcress, Dwarf Rockcress, Sandcress

165 - Arabis patens (088-25-003) — Spreading Rockcress

166 - Arachis hypogaea (098-24-001) — Peanut

167 - Aralia nudicaulis (139-03-002) — Wild Sarsaparilla

168 - Aralia racemosa (139-03-003) — Spikenard, Hungry-root

169 - Aralia spinosa (139-03-001) — Devil's Walkingstick, Hercules-club, Prickly Aralia, Prickly-ash

170 - Arctium lappa (179-26-001) — Greater Burdock

171 - Arctium minus (179-26-003) — Lesser Burdock, Common Burdock

172 - Arenaria caroliniana (071-11-001) — Carolina Sandwort, Longroot, Pine-barren Sandwort

173 - Arenaria godfreyi (071-11-006) — Godfrey's Sandwort

174 - Arenaria groenlandica var. glabra (071-11-005b) — Appalachian Sandwort

175 - Arenaria groenlandica var. groenlandica (071-11-005a) — Mountain Sandwort, Greenland Sandwort

176 - Arenaria lanuginosa (071-11-003) — Spreading Sandwort

177 - Arenaria serpyllifolia (071-11-002) — Large Thymeleaf Sandwort

178 - Arenaria serpyllifolia (071-11-002?) — Lesser Thymeleaf Sandwort, Slender Sandwort

179 - Arenaria uniflora (071-11-004) — Piedmont Sandwort, One-flower Sandwort

180 - Arethusa bulbosa (049-09-001) — Bog-rose, Dragon's-mouth, Arethusa

181 - Argemone albiflora (085-02-001) — White Prickly-poppy, Carolina Poppy

182 - Argemone mexicana (085-02-002) — Mexican Prickly-poppy, Mexican Poppy

183 - Arisaema dracontium (032-05-001) — Green Dragon

184 - Arisaema triphyllum (032-05-002) — Common Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Indian Turnip

185 - Arisaema triphyllum (032-05-002?) — Preacher John, Southern Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Prester-John

186 - Arisaema triphyllum (032-05-002?) — Small Jack-in-the-pulpit, Swamp Jack

187 - Arisaema triphyllum (032-05-002?) — Bog Jack-in-the-pulpit, Northern Jack-in-the-pulpit

188 - Arisaema triphyllum (032-05-002?) — Florida Jack-in-the-pulpit

189 - Arisaema triphyllum (032-05-002?) — Jack-in-the-Pulpit

190 - Aristida condensata (029-38-011) — Big Three-awn

191 - Aristida longespica (029-38-008) — Southeastern Slimspike Three-awn

192 - Aristida purpurascens (029-38-010) — Arrowfeather, Arrowfeather Three-awn

193 - Aristida spiciformis (029-38-002) — Bottlebrush Three-awn, Spike Three-awn

194 - Aristida stricta (029-38-005) — Carolina Wiregrass, Pineland Three-awn

195 - Aristida stricta (029-38-005?) — Southern Wiregrass

196 - Aristida tuberculosa (029-38-001) — Seaside Three-awn, Dune Three-awn, Seaside Needlegrass, Sand Three-awn

197 - Aristolochia macrophylla (062-01-001) — Dutchman's Pipe, Pipevine

198 - Aristolochia serpentaria (062-01-002) — Turpentine-root, Virginia Snakeroot, Serpent Birthwort

199 - Aristolochia tomentosa (062-01-003?) — Woolly Dutchman's Pipe, Woolly Pipevine

200 - Arnica acaulis (179-21-001) — Leopard's-bane, Southeastern Arnica

201 - Artemisia ludoviciana (179-83-002) — White Sage, Prairie Sage, White Sagewort, Western Mugwort

202 - Artemisia vulgaris (179-83-001) — Mugwort, Felon Herb

203 - Arthraxon hispidus var. cryptatherus (029-86-001) — Hairy Jointgrass, Small Carpgrass, Joint-head Grass, Basket Grass

204 - Aruncus dioicus (097-14-001) — Eastern Goatsbeard, Bride's Feathers

205 - Arundinaria gigantea (029-01-001) — River Cane, Giant Cane

206 - Arundinaria gigantea (029-01-001?) — Switch Cane, Small Cane, Mutton Grass

207 - Arundinaria gigantea (029-01-001??) — Hill Cane

208 - Arundo donax (029-04-001) — Giant Reed

209 - Asarum canadense (062-02-001) — Common Wild Ginger, Canada Wild Ginger

210 - Asarum canadense (062-02-001?) — Acuminate Wild Ginger

211 - Asarum canadense (062-02-001?) — Reflexed Wild Ginger

212 - Asclepias amplexicaulis (157-01-008) — Wavyleaf Milkweed, Clasping Milkweed, Sand Milkweed, Blunt-leaved Milkweed

213 - Asclepias cinerea (157-01-017) — Carolina Milkweed, Ashy Milkweed, Walter's Milkweed

214 - Asclepias exaltata (157-01-007) — Poke Milkweed, Tall Milkweed

215 - Asclepias humistrata (157-01-011) — Pinewoods Milkweed, Fleshy Milkweed, Sandhill Milkweed

216 - Asclepias incarnata ssp. pulchra (157-01-001b) — Eastern Swamp Milkweed

217 - Asclepias lanceolata (157-01-006) — Fewflower Milkweed, Red Milkweed

218 - Asclepias longifolia (157-01-018) — Longleaf Milkweed, Savanna Milkweed

219 - Asclepias michauxii (157-01-014) — Michaux's Milkweed

220 - Asclepias obovata (157-01-016) — Pineland Milkweed, Green Milkweed

221 - Asclepias pedicellata (157-01-020) — Stalked Milkweed, Savanna Milkweed

222 - Asclepias perennis (157-01-002) — Swamp Milkweed, Swampforest Milkweed, Swamp White Milkweed, Aquatic Milkweed

223 - Asclepias purpurascens (157-01-013) — Purple Milkweed

224 - Asclepias quadrifolia (157-01-009) — Fourleaf Milkweed

225 - Asclepias rubra (157-01-005) — Purple Savanna Milkweed, "Red Milkweed", Bog Milkweed

226 - Asclepias syriaca (157-01-010) — Common Milkweed

227 - Asclepias tomentosa (157-01-015) — Sandhill Milkweed, Velvetleaf Milkweed

228 - Asclepias tuberosa ssp. rolfsii (157-01-004b) — Sandhill Butterflyweed, Sandhill Butterfly Milkweed, Rolfs' milkweed

229 - Asclepias tuberosa ssp. tuberosa (157-01-004a) — Butterfly Milkweed, Eastern Butterflyweed, Pleurisy Root, Wind Root

230 - Asclepias variegata (157-01-012) — White Milkweed, Redring Milkweed, Variegated Milkweed

231 - Asclepias verticillata (157-01-003) — Whorled Milkweed, Narrowleaf Milkweed

232 - Asclepias viridiflora (157-01-019) — Glade Milkweed, Green Milkweed

233 - Asimina parviflora (081-01-001) — Small-flowered Pawpaw, Small-fruited Pawpaw, Dwarf Pawpaw

234 - Asimina parviflora (081-01-001 & 002) — Hybrid Pawpaw

235 - Asimina triloba (081-01-002) — Common Pawpaw, Indian-banana

236 - Asparagus officinalis (041-01-001) — Garden Asparagus, Sparrowgrass

237 - Asplenium heteroresiliens (013-01-006) — Marl Spleenwort, Carolina Spleenwort, Wagner's Spleenwort, Morzenti's Spleenwort

238 - Asplenium monanthes (013-01-007) — Single-sorus Spleenwort, One-sorus Spleenwort

239 - Asplenium montanum (013-01-009) — Mountain Spleenwort

240 - Asplenium pinnatifidum (013-01-002) — Lobed Spleenwort

241 - Asplenium platyneuron (013-01-003) — Ebony Spleenwort

242 - Asplenium resiliens (013-01-005) — Blackstem Spleenwort

243 - Asplenium rhizophyllum (013-01-001) — Walking Fern

244 - Asplenium trichomanes (013-01-004) — Maidenhair Spleenwort

245 - Aster acuminatus (179-47-011) — Whorled Nodding-aster, Whorled Wood-aster, Whorled Aster, Floral Wood Aster

246 - Aster carolinianus (179-47-026) — Climbing Aster

247 - Aster commixtus (179-47-004) — Piedmont Aster, Bouquet Aster

248 - Aster concolor (179-47-027) — Eastern Silvery Aster

249 - Aster cordifolius (179-47-007) — Heartleaf Aster, Common Blue Wood Aster

250 - Aster cordifolius (179-47-007?) — Smooth Heartleaf Aster, Lowrie's Blue Wood Aster, Lowrie's Aster

251 - Aster curtisii (179-47-024) — Curtis's Aster, Rigid Whitetop Aster

252 - Aster divaricatus var. chlorolepis (179-47-006b) — Blue Ridge White Heart-leaved Aster, Mountain Wood-aster

253 - Aster divaricatus var. divaricatus (179-47-006a) — White Wood-aster, Woodland Aster, Common White Heart-leaved Aster

254 - Aster dumosus (179-47-037) — Bushy Aster, Long-stalked Aster, Rice Button Aster

255 - Aster elliottii (179-47-021) — Elliott's Aster, Southern Swamp Aster

256 - Aster exilis (179-47-029) — Midwestern Saltmarsh Aster, Annual Water Aster, Yard Aster

257 - Aster gracilis (179-47-015) — Slender Aster

258 - Aster grandiflorus (179-47-018) — Big-headed Aster, Rough Aster, Large-headed Aster, Largeflower Aster

259 - Aster infirmus (179-47-040) — Appalachian Flat-topped White Aster, Cornel-leaf Aster, Cornel-leaf Whitetop Aster, Appalachian Whitetop Aster

260 - Aster laevis var. concinnus (179-47-025b) — Narrowleaf Smooth Blue Aster, Harmonious Aster

261 - Aster laevis var. laevis (179-47-025a) — Smooth Blue Aster

262 - Aster lateriflorus (179-47-035) — Calico Aster, Starved Aster, Goblet Aster

263 - Aster lateriflorus (179-47-035?) — Bottomland Aster

264 - Aster linariifolius (179-47-031) — Stiffleaf Aster, Flaxleaf Aster, Spruce Aster

265 - Aster macrophyllus (179-47-005) — Large-leaf Aster, Bigleaf Aster

266 - Aster novae-angliae (179-47-017) — New England Aster, Michaelmas-daisy

267 - Aster novi-belgii (179-47-023) — New York Aster

268 - Aster oblongifolius (179-47-016) — Eastern Aromatic Aster, Shale-barren Aster

269 - Aster paludosus (179-47-014) — Savannah Grass-leaved Aster, Southern Swamp Aster

270 - Aster patens (179-47-010) — Late Purple Aster, Common Clasping Aster, Late Blue Aster, Skydrop Aster

271 - Aster patens (179-47-010?) — Georgia Aster

272 - Aster patens (179-47-010?) — Appalachian Clasping Aster, Thinleaf Late Purple Aster

273 - Aster paternus (179-47-001) — Toothed Whitetop Aster

274 - Aster paternus (179-47-001?) — Toothed Whitetop Aster

275 - Aster pilosus (179-47-032) — Frost Aster, White Heath Aster

276 - Aster prenanthoides (179-47-022) — Zigzag Aster, Crooked-stem Aster

277 - Aster puniceus (179-47-020) — Purplestem Aster, Swamp Aster

278 - Aster puniceus (179-47-020?) — Shining Aster, Glossyleaf Aster

279 - Aster reticulatus (179-47-039) — Pine-barren Aster, Whitetop Aster

280 - Aster sagittifolius (179-47-008) — White Arrowleaf Aster, Arrowleaf Blue Wood Aster

281 - Aster simplex (179-47-033?) — Broadleaf Panicled Aster, White Panicle Aster, Broad-leaved White Panicled Aster

282 - Aster simplex (179-47-033) — Panicled Aster, White Panicle Aster, Tall White Aster

283 - Aster solidagineus (179-47-002) — Narrowleaf Whitetop Aster, Slender Whitetop Aster

284 - Aster spectabilis (179-47-012) — Low Showy Aster, Eastern Showy Aster

285 - Aster squarrosus (179-47-019) — Walter's Aster

286 - Aster subulatus (179-47-028) — Eastern Saltmarsh Aster, Annual Saltmarsh Aster

287 - Aster surculosus (179-47-013) — Creeping Aster, Michaux's Wood-Aster

288 - Aster tataricus (179-47-038) — Tatarian Aster

289 - Aster tenuifolius (179-47-030) — Perennial Saltmarsh Aster

290 - Aster tortifolius (179-47-003) — Twisted-leaf Whitetop Aster, Dixie Whitetop Aster

291 - Aster umbellatus var. brevisquamus (179-47-041b) — Pocosin Flat-top Aster, Southern Whitetop, Streamhead Flat-top Aster, Southern Flat-top Aster

292 - Aster umbellatus var. umbellatus (179-47-041a) — Northern Tall Flat-top White Aster, Northern Tall Whitetop Aster, Northern Tall Flat-top Aster

293 - Aster undulatus (179-47-009) — Wavyleaf Aster

294 - Aster vimineus (179-47-036) — Small White Aster

295 - Astilbe biternata (094-07-001) — Appalachian False Goatsbeard, Appalachian Astilbe

296 - Astragalus canadensis (098-35-002) — Canada Milkvetch

297 - Astragalus michauxii (098-35-003) — Sandhill Milkvetch, Michaux's Milkvetch

298 - Athyrium asplenioides (011-01-001) — Southern Lady Fern

299 - Athyrium pycnocarpon (011-01-003) — Glade Fern

300 - Athyrium thelypterioides (011-01-002) — Silvery Glade Fern, Silvery Spleenwort

301 - Atriplex arenaria (064-04-001) — Seabeach Orach

302 - Atriplex patula (064-04-002?) — Thinleaf Orach, Fat-hen, Triangle Orach

303 - Atriplex patula (064-04-002) — Spear Orach

304 - Aureolaria flava (166-24-005) — Smooth False Foxglove, Smooth Oak-leach, Smooth Yellow False Foxglove

305 - Aureolaria laevigata (166-24-004) — Appalachian Oak-leach, Smooth False Foxglove, Entireleaf Yellow False Foxglove

306 - Aureolaria pectinata (166-24-002) — Southern Oak-leach, Sticky False Foxglove, Combleaf Yellow False Foxglove

307 - Aureolaria pedicularia (166-24-001) — Fernleaf False Foxglove, Annual Oak-leach, Fernleaf Yellow False Foxglove

308 - Aureolaria virginica (166-24-003) — Downy False Foxglove, Downy Oak-leach, Virginia Oak-leach, Downy Yellow False Foxglove

309 - Avena sativa (029-33-001) — Domestic Oats

310 - Axonopus affinis (029-77-001) — Common Carpetgrass

311 - Axonopus furcatus (029-77-002) — Big Carpetgrass

312 - Azolla caroliniana (015-01-001) — Carolina Mosquito-fern, Eastern Mosquito-fern, Water Fern

313 - Baccharis angustifolia (179-43-001) — Saltwater False-willow, False Saltwater Willow

314 - Baccharis glomeruliflora (179-43-002) — Silverling, Sessile-flowered Groundsel-tree

315 - Baccharis halimifolia (179-43-003) — Silverling, Groundsel-tree, Consumption-weed, Sea-myrtle

316 - Bacopa caroliniana (166-05-003) — Blue Water-hyssop, Sweet Water-hyssop, Carolina Water-hyssop, Lemon Bacopa

317 - Bacopa cyclophylla (166-05-002) — Tropical Water-hyssop

318 - Balduina atropurpurea (179-68-002) — Purple-disk Honeycomb-head, Bog Honeycomb-head, Purple Balduina, Purple Honeycomb-head

319 - Balduina uniflora (179-68-001) — Savanna Honeycomb-head, Yellow Balduina, Oneflower Honeycomb-head

320 - Baptisia alba (098-09-009) — Narrow-pod White Wild Indigo, Spiked Wild Indigo

321 - Baptisia australis (098-09-002) — Tall Blue Wild Indigo, Streamside Blue Indigo, Tall Blue Baptisia

322 - Baptisia australis (098-09-002?) — Eastern Prairie Blue Wild Indigo, Glade Wild Indigo, Glade Blue Wild Indigo, Glade Blue Baptisia

323 - Baptisia bracteata (098-09-004) — Creamy Wild Indigo

324 - Baptisia cinerea (098-09-003) — Carolina Wild Indigo, Gray-hairy Wild Indigo

325 - Baptisia lanceolata (098-09-006) — Gopherweed, Lanceleaf Wild Indigo

326 - Baptisia pendula (098-09-010) — Thick-pod White Wild Indigo

327 - Baptisia perfoliata (098-09-001) — Gopherweed, Catbells

328 - Baptisia serenae (098-09-008) — a hybrid Wild Indigo

329 - Baptisia tinctoria (098-09-007) — Horsefly Weed, Yellow Wild Indigo, Yellow False-indigo, Rattleweed

330 - Barbarea verna (088-22-001) — Early Winter-cress, Creasy

331 - Barbarea vulgaris var. arcuata (088-22-002) — Yellow Rocket-cress, Common Winter-cress, Yellow Rocket, Creasy

332 - Bartonia paniculata (155-04-003) — Screwstem Bartonia

333 - Bartonia verna (155-04-001) — Spring Bartonia, White Bartonia, White Screwstem

334 - Bartonia virginica (155-04-002) — Virginia Bartonia, Yellow Screwstem, Yellow Bartonia, Common Bartonia

335 - Batis maritima (065-01-001) — Saltwort, Beachwort, Batis, Turtleweed

336 - Belamcanda chinensis (046-01-001) — Blackberry-lily, Leopard-lily

337 - Bellis perennis (179-46-001) — English Daisy, Lawndaisy

338 - Berberis canadensis (077-01-001) — American Barberry, Allegheny Barberry

339 - Berberis thunbergii (077-01-002) — Japanese Barberry

340 - Berchemia scandens (119-01-001) — Carolina Supplejack, American Rattan, Rattan-vine, Alabama Supplejack

341 - Berlandiera pumila (179-55-001) — Eastern Green-eyes

342 - Betula lenta (054-03-002) — Sweet Birch, Cherry Birch, Black Birch, "Mahogany"

343 - Betula lutea (054-03-001) — Yellow Birch

344 - Betula nigra (054-03-005) — River Birch, Red Birch

345 - Betula papyrifera var. cordifolia (054-03-003) — Mountain Paper Birch

346 - Betula populifolia (054-03-004) — Gray Birch, White Birch

347 - Bidens aristosa (179-70-009) — Ditch Daisy, Bearded Beggarticks, Midwestern Tickseed-sunflower, Tickseed Sunflower

348 - Bidens bipinnata (179-70-011) — Spanish Needles

349 - Bidens cernua (179-70-002) — Nodding Bur-marigold, Nodding Beggarticks

350 - Bidens discoidea (179-70-006) — Few-bracted Beggar-ticks, Small Beggarticks

351 - Bidens frondosa (179-70-005) — Devil's Beggarticks, Annual Beggarticks

352 - Bidens laevis (179-70-001) — Showy Bur-marigold, Smooth Beggarticks

353 - Bidens mitis (179-70-008) — Coastal Plain Tickseed-sunflower, Smallfruit Beggarticks

354 - Bidens pilosa (179-70-012) — Hairy Beggarticks, Shepherd's Needles, White Beggarticks

355 - Bidens pilosa (179-70-XX) — Hairy Beggarticks

356 - Bidens polylepis (179-70-010) — Ditch Daisy, Bearded Beggarticks, Midwestern Tickseed-sunflower, Tickseed Sunflower

357 - Bidens tripartita (179-70-003?) — Purplestem Beggarticks

358 - Bidens tripartita (179-70-003) — Strawstem Beggarticks

359 - Bidens vulgata (179-70-004) — Tall Beggarticks

360 - Blephilia ciliata (164-24-002) — Diabase Woodmint, Horsemint, Downy Woodmint

361 - Blephilia hirsuta (164-24-001) — Hairy Woodmint

362 - Boehmeria cylindrica (059-03-001) — False Nettle, Swamp-nettle

363 - Boehmeria nivea (059-03-002) — Ramie

364 - Boerhavia erecta (067-02-002) — Erect Spiderling, Smooth Hogweed

365 - Boltonia asteroides (179-45-002) — Eastern Doll's-daisy, White Doll's-daisy, False Aster, Boltonia

366 - Boltonia caroliniana (179-45-001) — Carolina Doll's-daisy, Boltonia

367 - Boltonia caroliniana (179-45-001?) — Southern Doll's-daisy, Boltonia, Smallhead Doll's-daisy

368 - Bonamia aquatica (158-03-002) — Water Dawnflower

369 - Bonamia humistrata (158-03-003) — Southern Dawnflower

370 - Bonamia patens var. angustifolia (158-03-004b) — Narrowleaf Dawnflower

371 - Bonamia patens var. patens (158-03-004a) — Sandhill Dawnflower, Sandhill Morning Glory, Coastal Plain Dawnflower, Common Dawnflower

372 - Bonamia pickeringii (158-03-001) — Pickering's Dawnflower

373 - Borrichia frutescens (179-64-001) — Silver Seaside Oxeye

374 - Botrychium biternatum (006-01-004) — Southern Grapefern

375 - Botrychium dissectum (006-01-003) — Cutleaf Grapefern, Dissected Grapefern

376 - Botrychium lunarioides (006-01-006) — Winter Grapefern

377 - Botrychium virginianum (006-01-001) — Rattlesnake Fern, Sang-find

378 - Bouteloua curtipendula (029-59-001) — Sideoats Grama

379 - Boykinia aconitifolia (094-13-001) — Brook-saxifrage, Eastern Boykinia, Allegheny Brookfoam, Aconite-saxifrage

380 - Brachyelytrum erectum (029-50-001) — Bearded Shorthusk, Common Shorthusk

381 - Brachyelytrum erectum (029-50-001?) — Northern Shorthusk

382 - Brasenia schreberi (075-02-001) — Water-shield, Purple Wen-dock

383 - Brassica erucastrum (088-11-003) — Wallflower-cabbage, Coincya, Star-mustard

384 - Brassica juncea (088-11-004) — Mustard Greens, Indian Mustard, Brown Mustard, Chinese Mustard

385 - Brassica napus (088-11-005?) — Turnip, Field Mustard, Field Rape, Chinese Cabbage

386 - Brassica napus (088-11-005) — Rapeseed, Canola, Rutabaga

387 - Briza minor (029-12-001) — Lesser Quaking-grass

388 - Bromus catharticus (029-14-007) — Rescue Grass

389 - Bromus commutatus (029-14-010?) — Smooth Brome, Bald Brome

390 - Bromus commutatus (029-14-010) — Hairy Chess, Meadow Brome

391 - Bromus inermis (029-14-004) — Smooth Brome, Hungarian Brome, Awnless Brome

392 - Bromus japonicus (029-14-011) — Japanese Chess, Japanese Brome

393 - Bromus mollis (029-14-009) — Soft Chess, Lopgrass, Soft Brome

394 - Bromus purgans (029-14-006) — Hairy Woodland Brome, Common Eastern Brome, Canada Brome

395 - Bromus purgans (029-14-006?) — Satin Brome, Virginia Brome, Nottoway River Brome

396 - Bromus purgans (029-14-006?) — Riverbank Brome, Auricled Brome, Hairy Woodbrome, Earlyleaf Brome

397 - Bromus secalinus (029-14-008) — Cheat, Common Chess, Rye-brome

398 - Bromus sterilis (029-14-002) — Poverty Brome, Barren Brome, Cheatgrass

399 - Bromus tectorum (029-14-001) — Downy Brome, Downy Chess, Downy Cheat, Cheatgrass

400 - Broussonetia papyrifera (057-01-001) — Paper Mulberry

401 - Brunnichia cirrhosa (063-07-001) — Buckwheat-vine, Eardrop-vine, Ladies'-eardrops, Redvine

402 - Buchnera americana (166-21-001) — American Bluehearts, Prairie Bluehearts, Plains Bluehearts, Buchnera

403 - Buchnera floridana (166-21-002) — Savanna Bluehearts, Florida Bluehearts, Buchnera

404 - Buckleya distichophylla (060-03-001) — Buckleya, Piratebush

405 - Buddleja davidii (154-05-002) — Orange-eye Butterflybush, Summer-lilac

406 - Buddleja lindleyana (154-05-001) — Lindley's Butterflybush

407 - Bulbostylis barbata (030-06-005) — Old World Hairsedge, Water-grass

408 - Bulbostylis capillaris (030-06-001) — Densetuft Hairsedge, Common Hairsedge

409 - Bulbostylis ciliatifolia (030-06-002) — Savannah Hairsedge, Capillary Hairsedge

410 - Bulbostylis ciliatifolia (030-06-002?) — Elliott's Hairsedge

411 - Bulbostylis stenophylla (030-06-004) — Sandy-field Hairsedge

412 - Bulbostylis warei (030-06-003) — Ware's Hairsedge

413 - Bumelia lycioides (149-01-001) — Buckthorn Bumelia, Buckthorn Bully, Carolina Buckthorn

414 - Bumelia tenax (149-01-002) — Tough Buckthorn, Tough Bumelia, Tough Bully

415 - Bupleurum rotundifolium (140-16-001) — Hound's-ear, Hare's-ear, Roundleaf Thoroughwax

416 - Burmannia biflora (048-01-001) — Violet Burmannia, Northern Bluethread, Blue Burmannia

417 - Burmannia capitata (048-01-002) — White Burmannia, Southern Bluethread

418 - Cabomba caroliniana (075-01-001) — Fanwort, Carolina Fanwort

419 - Cacalia atriplicifolia (179-18-002) — Pale Indian-plantain

420 - Cacalia lanceolata (179-18-001) — Savanna Indian-plantain

421 - Cacalia muhlenbergii (179-18-003) — Great Indian-plantain

422 - Cacalia suaveolens (179-18-004) — Sweet-scented Indian-plantain, Sweet Indian-plantain, false Indian plantain

423 - Cakile harperi (088-08-001) — Southeastern Sea Rocket, Harper's Searocket

424 - Calamagrostis cinnoides (029-48-001) — Nuttall's Reedgrass

425 - Callicarpa americana (162-04-001) — American Beautyberry, French-mulberry, Beautybush

426 - Callicarpa dichotoma (162-04-002) — Chinese Beautyberry, Purple Beautyberry

427 - Callitriche heterophylla (109-01-001) — Waterstar, Common Water-starwort, Two-headed Water-starwort

428 - Calopogon barbatus (049-10-001) — Bearded Grass-pink

429 - Calopogon pallidus (049-10-003) — Pale Grass-pink

430 - Calopogon pulchellus (049-10-002) — Common Grass-pink

431 - Caltha palustris (076-06-001) — Marsh-marigold, Cowslip

432 - Calycanthus floridus var. laevigatus (083-01-001b) — Sweetshrub, Carolina Allspice, Strawberry-shrub

433 - Calystegia sepium (158-06-002) — Appalachian Bindweed

434 - Calystegia sepium (158-06-002) — Northeastern Bindweed

435 - Calystegia sepium (158-06-002) — Coastal Plain Bindweed

436 - Calystegia sericata (158-06-003) — Blue Ridge Bindweed, Silky Bindweed, Downy False Bindweed

437 - Calystegia sericata (158-06-003?) — Catesby's Bindweed, Catesby's False Bindweed

438 - Calystegia spithamaea (158-06-004) — Shale Bindweed

439 - Calystegia spithamaea (158-06-004?) — Low Bindweed, Upright Bindweed

440 - Camassia scilloides (041-27-001) — Wild Hyacinth, Eastern Camas Lily, Quamash Lily

441 - Campanula americana (178-02-001) — Tall Bellflower

442 - Campanula aparinoides (178-02-003) — Marsh-bellflower, Bedstraw Bellflower

443 - Campanula divaricata (178-02-002) — Southern Harebell, Appalachian Bellflower

444 - Campanula rapunculoides (178-02-004) — European Bellflower, Rampion Bellflower, Rover Bellflower, Creeping Bellflower

445 - Campsis radicans (167-02-001) — Trumpetcreeper, Trumpet Vine, Cow-Itch Vine

446 - Canna flaccida (042-01-001) — Golden Canna, Yellow Canna, Indian Shot

447 - Capsella bursa-pastoris (088-06-001) — Common Shepherd's Purse

448 - Cardamine angustata var. angustata (088-23-002a) — Eastern Slender Toothwort

449 - Cardamine angustata var. multifida (088-23-002b) — Dissected Toothwort, Fineleaf Toothwort, Forkleaf Toothwort

450 - Cardamine bulbosa (088-23-004) — Bulbous Bittercress, Spring Cress

451 - Cardamine clematitis (088-23-007) — Mountain Bittercress, Clematis-leaved Bittercress

452 - Cardamine clematitis (088-23-007?) — Blue Ridge Bittercress

453 - Cardamine concatenata (088-23-003) — Cutleaf Toothwort

454 - Cardamine diphylla (088-23-001) — Broadleaf Toothwort, Crinkleroot, Pepperroot, Two-leaved Toothwort

455 - Cardamine douglassii (088-23-005) — Limestone Bittercress, Douglass's Bittercress, Purple Cress, Pink Spring-cress

456 - Cardamine flexuosa (088-23-009) — Woodland Bittercress, Hidden Bittercress

457 - Cardamine hirsuta (088-23-008) — Hairy Bittercress

458 - Cardamine micranthera (088-23-011) — Streambank Bittercress, Small-anthered Bittercress

459 - Cardamine parviflora var. arenicola (088-23-012) — Sand Bittercress, Small-flowered Bittercress

460 - Cardamine pensylvanica (088-23-010) — Pennsylvania Bittercress, Quaker Bittercress

461 - Cardamine rotundifolia (088-23-006) — Mountain Watercress, American Bittercress

462 - Cardiospermum halicacabum (117-01-001) — Balloonvine, Love-in-a-puff, Heartseed

463 - Carduus acanthoides (179-25-015) — Plumeless Thistle, Spiny Plumeless-thistle, Broad-winged Thistle

464 - Carduus altissimus (179-25-006) — Tall Thistle

465 - Carduus arvensis (179-25-013) — Canada Thistle, Field Thistle

466 - Carduus carolinianus (179-25-008) — Carolina Thistle, Spring Thistle, Soft Thistle, Prairie Thistle

467 - Carduus discolor (179-25-005) — Field Thistle

468 - Carduus lanceolatus (179-25-001) — Bull Thistle

469 - Carduus lecontei (179-25-002) — LeConte's Thistle

470 - Carduus muticus (179-25-011) — Swamp Thistle

471 - Carduus nutans (179-25-014) — Nodding Thistle, Musk Thistle

472 - Carduus nuttallii (179-25-009) — Coastal Tall Thistle, Nuttall's Thistle

473 - Carduus pumilus (179-25-012) — Pasture Thistle

474 - Carduus repandus (179-25-010) — Sandhill Thistle

475 - Carduus spinosissimus (179-25-003) — Common Yellow Thistle, Purple Thistle, Bristle Thistle, Horrid Thistle

476 - Carduus virginianus (179-25-007) — Virginia Thistle

477 - Carex abscondita (030-17-062) — Thicket Sedge

478 - Carex abscondita (030-17-062?) — Cumberland Sedge

479 - Carex albolutescens (030-17-033?) — Long's Sedge

480 - Carex albolutescens (030-17-033) — Greenish-white Sedge

481 - Carex albursina (030-17-067) — White Bear Sedge

482 - Carex amphibola (030-17-075) — Eastern Narrowleaf Sedge

483 - Carex annectens (030-17-011) — Yellow-fruited Sedge

484 - Carex artitecta (030-17-048) — White-tinged Sedge, Architectural Sedge

485 - Carex atlantica (030-17-024 & 025) — Prickly Bog Sedge

486 - Carex austro-caroliniana (030-17-058) — South Carolina Sedge, Tarheel Sedge

487 - Carex baileyi (030-17-114) — Bailey's Sedge

488 - Carex biltmoreana (030-17-056) — Biltmore Sedge, Granite Dome Sedge

489 - Carex blanda (030-17-068) — Eastern Woodland Sedge, Charming Sedge

490 - Carex bromoides (030-17-017?) — Blue Ridge Brome Sedge

491 - Carex bromoides (030-17-017) — Common Brome Sedge, Brome-like Sedge

492 - Carex bullata (030-17-116) — Button Sedge

493 - Carex bullata (030-17-116?) — Greene's Sedge

494 - Carex caroliniana (030-17-089) — Carolina Sedge

495 - Carex cephalophora (030-17-008) — Oval-leaf Sedge

496 - Carex cherokeensis (030-17-085) — Cherokee Sedge, Wolftail Sedge

497 - Carex collinsii (030-17-104) — Collins' Sedge

498 - Carex communis (030-17-045) — Fibrous-rooted Sedge

499 - Carex complanata (030-17-090) — Hirsute Sedge

500 - Carex crinita var. crinita (030-17-103a) — Long-fringed Sedge, Drooping Sedge

501 - Carex crinita var. gynandra (030-17-103b) — Mountain Fringed Sedge, Nodding Sedge

502 - Carex crinita var. mitchelliana (030-17-103c) — Mitchell's Sedge

503 - Carex debilis var. debilis (030-17-084a) — White-edge Sedge, Weak Sedge

504 - Carex debilis var. pubera (030-17-084b) — Allegheny Sedge

505 - Carex debilis var. rudgei (030-17-084c) — Flexuous White-edge Sedge, Rudge’s White-edge Sedge

506 - Carex decomposita (030-17-013) — Cypress-knee Sedge, Epiphytic Sedge

507 - Carex digitalis (030-17-061) — Slender Woodland Sedge

508 - Carex elliottii (030-17-115) — Elliott’s Sedge

509 - Carex flaccosperma (030-17-077?) — Lazy Sedge

510 - Carex flaccosperma (030-17-077) — Meadow Sedge, Blue Wood Sedge, thinfruit sedge

511 - Carex folliculata var. folliculata (030-17-105a) — Northern Long Sedge

512 - Carex frankii (030-17-110) — Frank's Sedge

513 - Carex glaucescens (030-17-098) — Blue Sedge, Southern Waxy Sedge

514 - Carex gracilescens (030-17-071) — Slender Sedge, Slender Loose-flowered Sedge

515 - Carex granularis (030-17-073) — Limestone Meadow Sedge, Corncob Sedge

516 - Carex gravida var. lunelliana (030-17-003) — Heavy Sedge, Pregnant Sedge

517 - Carex grayi (030-17-117) — Gray's Sedge

518 - Carex grisea (030-17-076) — Inflated Narrowleaf Sedge, Wood Gray Sedge

519 - Carex grisea (030-17-076?) — Prune-fruited Sedge

520 - Carex intumescens (030-17-118) — Bladder Sedge, Pregnant Sedge

521 - Carex jamesii (030-17-041) — James's Sedge

522 - Carex laevivaginata (030-17-016) — Smooth-sheath Sedge

523 - Carex laxiculmis (030-17-060) — Spreading Sedge

524 - Carex laxiflora (030-17-069) — Broad Loose-flowered Sedge

525 - Carex leptalea (030-17-039) — Harper’s Sedge, Bristly-stalk Sedge

526 - Carex lupuliformis (030-17-121) — False Hop Sedge

527 - Carex lupulina (030-17-120) — Hop Sedge

528 - Carex lurida (030-17-113) — Sallow Sedge

529 - Carex misera (030-17-080) — Wretched Sedge

530 - Carex muhlenbergii (030-17-009) — Muhlenberg’s Sedge

531 - Carex muhlenbergii (030-17-009?) — Muhlenberg’s Sedge

532 - Carex nigromarginata var. nigromarginata (030-17-043a) — Black-edged Sedge

533 - Carex oxylepis (030-17-082) — Sharp-scaled Sedge

534 - Carex pensylvanica var. distans (030-17-044b) — Appalachian Woodland Sedge

535 - Carex pensylvanica var. pensylvanica (030-17-044) — Pennsylvania Sedge, High Meadow Sedge

536 - Carex plantaginea (030-17-057) — Seersucker Sedge, Plantainleaf Sedge

537 - Carex platyphylla (030-17-059) — Broadleaf Sedge

538 - Carex prasina (030-17-078) — Necklace Sedge, Drooping Sedge

539 - Carex projecta (030-17-029) — Necklace Sedge

540 - Carex purpurifera (030-17-070) — Limestone Purple Sedge

541 - Carex purpurifera (030-17-070?) — Blue Ridge Purple Sedge, Manhart's Sedge

542 - Carex retroflexa (030-17-005) — Reflexed Sedge

543 - Carex retroflexa (030-17-005?) — Texas Sedge

544 - Carex rosea (030-17-006) — Rosy Sedge

545 - Carex rosea (030-17-006?) — Appalachian Sedge

546 - Carex rosea (030-17-006?) — Eastern Star Sedge

547 - Carex scabrata (030-17-095) — Eastern Rough Sedge

548 - Carex striatula (030-17-065) — Lined Sedge

549 - Carex stricta (030-17-101) — Tussock Sedge, Upright Sedge

550 - Carex styloflexa (030-17-066) — Bent Sedge

551 - Carex swanii (030-17-087) — Swan's Sedge

552 - Carex tenera (030-17-035) — Slender Sedge, Quill Sedge

553 - Carex torta (030-17-102) — Twisted Sedge, Streambed Sedge

554 - Carex tribuloides (030-17-030) — Blunt Broom Sedge

555 - Carex typhina (030-17-111) — Cattail Sedge

556 - Carex umbellata (030-17-042) — Parasol Sedge

557 - Carex umbellata (030-17-042?) — Shaved Sedge

558 - Carex umbellata (030-17-042?) — Parachute Sedge

559 - Carex verrucosa (030-17-097) — Warty Sedge

560 - Carex virescens (030-17-086) — Ribbed Sedge

561 - Carex vulpinoidea (030-17-010) — Fox Sedge

562 - Carex walteriana (030-17-094) — Walter’s Sedge, Pocosin Sedge

563 - Carex walteriana (030-17-094?) — Walter’s Sedge

564 - Carex willdenowii (030-17-040?) — Limestone Forest Sedge

565 - Carex willdenowii (030-17-040) — Willdenow's Sedge

566 - Carex willdenowii (030-17-040?) — Southern Willdenow's Sedge, Widow Sedge

567 - Carex woodii (030-17-055) — Wood's Sedge, Pretty Sedge

568 - Carphephorus bellidifolius (179-32-001) — Sandhill Chaffhead, Carphephorus, Sandywoods Chaffhead

569 - Carphephorus corymbosus (179-32-003?) — Florida Paintbrush, Coastal Plain Chaffhead, Flatwood Chaffhead

570 - Carphephorus tomentosus (179-32-002) — Sticky Chaffhead, Woolly Chaffhead, Carolina Chaffhead

571 - Carpinus caroliniana (054-05-001) — Musclewood, American Hornbeam, Blue-beech, Ironwood

572 - Carya aquatica (053-02-004) — Water Hickory, Bitter Pecan

573 - Carya carolinae-septentrionalis (053-02-005) — Carolina Shagbark Hickory, Southern Shagbark Hickory, Carolina Hickory

574 - Carya cordiformis (053-02-003) — Bitternut Hickory

575 - Carya glabra (053-02-010) — Pignut Hickory

576 - Carya illinoensis (053-02-002) — Pecan

577 - Carya laciniosa (053-02-007) — Big Shellbark Hickory, Kingnut Hickory

578 - Carya myristicaeformis (053-02-001) — Nutmeg Hickory

579 - Carya ovalis (053-02-011) — Red Hickory, Sweet Pignut Hickory

580 - Carya ovata (053-02-006) — Common Shagbark Hickory

581 - Carya pallida (053-02-008) — Sand Hickory, Pale Hickory

582 - Carya tomentosa (053-02-009) — Mockernut Hickory, White Hickory

583 - Cassandra calyculata (145-14-001) — Leatherleaf, Cassandra

584 - Cassia fasciculata (098-05-005) — Common Partridge-pea, Showy Partridge Pea

585 - Cassia hebecarpa (098-05-003) — Northern Wild Senna

586 - Cassia marilandica (098-05-004) — Maryland Wild Senna, Maryland Senna

587 - Cassia nictitans (098-05-006) — Sensitive Partridge-pea, Common Sensitive-plant

588 - Cassia obtusifolia (098-05-001) — Coffeeweed, Sicklepod

589 - Castanea dentata (055-02-001) — American Chestnut

590 - Castanea pumila var. pumila (055-02-002 & 003) — Common Chinquapin, Chinkapin, Allegheny Chinquapin

591 - Castilleja coccinea (166-28-001) — Eastern Indian Paintbrush, Scarlet Indian Paintbrush, Eastern Paintbrush

592 - Catalpa bignonioides (167-03-001) — Southern Catalpa, Fishbait Tree, Cigar Tree

593 - Catalpa speciosa (167-03-002) — Northern Catalpa, Indian Cigar Tree, Catawba Tree

594 - Caulophyllum thalictroides (077-05-001) — Common Blue Cohosh, Papooseroot, Green Vivian

595 - Caulophyllum thalictroides (077-05-001?) — Northern Blue Cohosh, Giant Blue Cohosh

596 - Cayaponia boykinii (177-05-001) — Five-lobed Cucumber, Melon-leaf Cucumber

597 - Ceanothus americanus (119-02-001) — Common New Jersey Tea, Redroot, Northeastern Ceanothus

598 - Ceanothus americanus (119-02-001?) — Southeastern New Jersey Tea, Southeastern Ceanothus

599 - Celastrus orbiculatus (113-01-002) — Oriental Bittersweet

600 - Celastrus scandens (113-01-001) — American Bittersweet

601 - Celtis laevigata (056-03-001) — Sugarberry, Southern Hackberry, Smooth Hackberry, Lowland Hackberry

602 - Celtis laevigata (056-03-001?) — Small's Hackberry

603 - Celtis occidentalis var. georgiana (056-03-002b) — Georgia Hackberry, Dwarf Hackberry

604 - Celtis occidentalis var. occidentalis (056-03-002a) — Northern Hackberry

605 - Cenchrus incertus (029-69-004) — Coastal Sandspur

606 - Cenchrus longispinus (029-69-005) — Northern Sandspur, Common Sandspur, Longbristle Sandbur

607 - Cenchrus tribuloides (029-69-002) — Dune Sandbur, Dune Sandspur

608 - Centaurea benedicta (179-24-004) — Blessed Thistle

609 - Centaurea cyanus (179-24-002) — Bachelor's Buttons, Cornflower

610 - Centaurea maculosa (179-24-003) — Spotted Knapweed, Bushy Knapweed

611 - Centella asiatica (140-02-001) — Centella, Erect Coinleaf, False Pennywort

612 - Centrosema virginianum (098-41-001) — Climbing Butterfly-pea, Spurred Butterfly-pea

613 - Centunculus minimus (147-04-001) — Chaffweed, False-pimpernel

614 - Cephalanthus occidentalis (173-02-001) — Buttonbush

615 - Cerastium brachypetalum (071-08-004) — Gray Mouse-ear Chickweed, Gray Chickweed

616 - Cerastium glomeratum (071-08-003) — Sticky Mouse-ear, Sticky Chickweed, Sticky Mouse-ear Chickweed

617 - Cerastium holosteoides var. vulgare (071-08-001) — Common Mouse-ear Chickweed

618 - Cerastium nutans var. nutans (071-08-005a) — Nodding Mouse-ear Chickweed, Nodding Chickweed

619 - Cerastium semidecandrum (071-08-002) — Little Mouse-ear Chickweed, Fivestamen Chickweed

620 - Ceratiola ericoides (144-01-001) — Florida Rosemary, Sandhill Rosemary, Sand Heath

621 - Cercis canadensis (098-04-001) — Eastern Redbud, Judas Tree

622 - Chaenorrhinum minus (166-18-001) — Dwarf Snapdragon

623 - Chaerophyllum procumbens var. procumbens (140-10-002a) — Common Spreading Chervil

624 - Chaerophyllum tainturieri (140-10-001) — Southern Chervil, Wild Chervil, Hairyfruit Chervil

625 - Chamaecyparis thyoides (018-01-001) — Atlantic White Cedar, Juniper

626 - Chamaelirium luteum (041-17-001) — Fairywand, Devil's Bit

627 - Chaptalia tomentosa (179-22-001) — Woolly Sunbonnets, Pineland Daisy, Night-nodding Bog-dandelion, Sunbonnets

628 - Cheilanthes alabamensis (010-03-001) — Alabama Lipfern, Smooth Lipfern

629 - Cheilanthes lanosa (010-03-002) — Hairy Lipfern

630 - Cheilanthes tomentosa (010-03-003) — Woolly Lipfern

631 - Chelidonium majus (085-04-001) — Greater-celandine, Rock-poppy, Swallow-wort

632 - Chelone cuthbertii (166-13-001) — Cuthbert’s Turtlehead

633 - Chelone glabra (166-13-004) — White Turtlehead

634 - Chelone lyonii (166-13-002) — Mountain Turtlehead, Pink Turtlehead, Appalachian Turtlehead

635 - Chelone obliqua (166-13-003) — Purple Turtlehead

636 - Chenopodium album (064-03-002) — Lambsquarters, Pigweed

637 - Chenopodium ambrosioides (064-03-001) — Mexican-tea, Epazote

638 - Chenopodium ambrosioides (064-03-001?) — Wormseed, Epazote

639 - Chimaphila maculata (145-01-001) — Pipsissewa, Striped Wintergreen, Rat's Bane

640 - Chimaphila umbellata (145-01-002) — Prince's-pine

641 - Chionanthus virginicus (153-03-001) — Fringetree, Grancy Graybeard, Old Man's Beard, Grandsir-graybeard

642 - Chloris petraea (029-55-003) — Dune Fingergrass, Pinewoods Fingergrass

643 - Chondrophora nudata (179-50-001) — Pineland Rayless-goldenrod

644 - Chrysanthemum leucanthemum (179-82-001) — Oxeye Daisy, Common Daisy

645 - Chrysanthemum parthenium (179-82-003) — Feverfew, Feather-leaf Tansy

646 - Chrysobalanus oblongifolius (097-23-001) — Gopher-apple, Ground-oak

647 - Chrysogonum virginianum var. australe (179-56-001b) — Carolina Green-and-gold

648 - Chrysogonum virginianum var. australe (179-56-001b?) — Gulf Coast Green-and-gold

649 - Chrysogonum virginianum var. virginianum (179-56-001a) — Northern Green-and-gold, Virginia Green-and-gold

650 - Chrysosplenium americanum (094-08-001) — Golden-saxifrage, Water-carpet, Water-mat

651 - Cichorium intybus (179-04-001) — Chicory, Blue-sailors, Succory

652 - Cicuta maculata (140-28-001) — Water-hemlock, Spotted Cowbane

653 - Cicuta mexicana (140-28-002) — Southern Water-hemlock

654 - Cimicifuga americana (076-09-002) — Mountain Black Cohosh, American Cohosh, Late Black Cohosh

655 - Cimicifuga racemosa (076-09-001) — Common Black Cohosh, Early Black Cohosh, Black Snakeroot, black bugbane

656 - Cinna arundinacea (029-49-001) — Common Woodreed, Stout Woodreed, Sweet Woodreed

657 - Circaea alpina (137-05-002) — Alpine Enchanter's Nightshade, Smaller Enchanter's Nightshade

658 - Circaea lutetiana ssp. canadensis (137-05-001) — Canada Enchanter's Nightshade

659 - Citrullus vulgaris (177-04-001) — Watermelon

660 - Cladium jamaicense (030-14-002) — Sawgrass

661 - Cladrastis lutea (098-08-001) — Kentucky Yellowwood, Gopherwood

662 - Claytonia caroliniana (070-01-002) — Carolina Spring-beauty

663 - Claytonia virginica (070-01-001) — Spring-beauty

664 - Cleistes divaricata (049-08-001) — Large Dragonhead Pogonia, Rosebud Orchid, Large Spreading Pogonia

665 - Cleistes divaricata (049-08-001?) — Appalachian Dragonhead Pogonia, Appalachian Small Spreading Pogonia, Smaller Rosebud Orchid, Upland Spreading Pogonia

666 - Cleistes divaricata (049-08-001?) — Small Dragonhead Pogonia, Coastal Plain Small Spreading Pogonia

667 - Clematis crispa (076-10-002) — Southern Leatherflower, Marsh Clematis, Swamp Leatherflower, Blue Jasmine

668 - Clematis dioscoreifolia (076-10-006) — Sweet Autumn Clematis, Yam-leaved Clematis, Sweet Autumn Virgin's Bower, Japanese Virgin's-bower

669 - Clematis glaucophylla (076-10-005) — White-leaved Leatherflower

670 - Clematis ligusticifolia (076-10-008) — Coastal Virgin's Bower, Satin-curls, Climbing Clematis

671 - Clematis ochroleuca (076-10-001) — Curlyheads

672 - Clematis reticulata (076-10-003) — Vase-vine, Netleaf Leatherflower

673 - Clematis verticillaris (076-10-009x) — Mountain Clematis, Purple Clematis

674 - Clematis viorna (076-10-004) — Northern Leatherflower, Vase-vine

675 - Clematis viorna (076-10-004?) — Beadle's Leatherflower

676 - Clematis virginiana (076-10-007) — Virgin's Bower

677 - Cleome houtteana (087-01-001) — Cleome, Spiderflower, Pinkqueen

678 - Clethra acuminata (143-01-001) — Mountain Sweet-pepperbush, Cinnamonbark, Cinnamon Clethra, Mountain White-alder

679 - Clethra alnifolia var. alnifolia (143-01-002a) — Coastal Sweet-pepperbush, Coastal White-alder

680 - Clethra alnifolia var. tomentosa (143-01-002b) — Downy Sweet-pepperbush, Downy White-alder

681 - Clintonia borealis (041-05-001) — Bluebead-lily, Clinton's Lily, Yellow Clintonia, Yellow Bead Lily

682 - Clintonia umbellulata (041-05-002) — Speckled Wood-lily, White Clintonia

683 - Clitoria mariana (098-42-001) — Butterfly-pea

684 - Cnidoscolus stimulosus (107-01-001) — Spurge-nettle, Tread-softly, Bull-nettle, Finger-rot

685 - Cocculus carolinus (079-01-001) — Carolina Moonseed, Coralbeads, Carolina Snailseed, Red Moonseed

686 - Collinsonia canadensis (164-33-001) — Northern Horsebalm, Citronella, Canada Stoneroot, Canada Horsebalm

687 - Collinsonia tuberosa (164-33-002) — Tuberous Horsebalm, Stoneroot, Deepwoods Horsebalm

688 - Collinsonia verticillata (164-33-003) — Whorled Horsebalm

689 - Comandra umbellata (060-01-001) — Eastern Bastard-toadflax, Eastern Comandra, Star-toadflax

690 - Commelina caroliniana (038-01-005) — Indian Dayflower

691 - Commelina communis (038-01-003) — Asiatic Dayflower, Common Dayflower

692 - Commelina diffusa (038-01-004) — Spreading Dayflower, Creeping Dayflower

693 - Commelina erecta (038-01-002) — Erect Dayflower, Slender Dayflower

694 - Commelina erecta (038-01-002) — Sand Dayflower, Pineland Dayflower, Slender Dayflower

695 - Commelina virginica (038-01-001) — Virginia Dayflower

696 - Comptonia peregrina (052-01-001) — Sweet-fern

697 - Conium maculatum (140-24-001) — Poison-hemlock

698 - Conopholis americana (169-02-001) — Squawroot, Bearcorn, Oakdrops

699 - Convallaria majalis var. majalis (041-11-001a) — European Lily-of-the-valley

700 - Convallaria majalis var. montana (041-11-001b) — American Lily-of-the-valley

701 - Convolvulus arvensis (158-05-001) — Field Bindweed, Creeping Jenny, Possession-vine, Cornbind

702 - Corallorhiza maculata (049-20-001) — Eastern Spotted Coralroot, Summer Coralroot

703 - Corallorhiza odontorhiza (049-20-002) — Autumn Coralroot

704 - Corallorhiza wisteriana (049-20-003) — Spring Coralroot, Wister's Coralroot

705 - Coreopsis angustifolia (179-69-003) — Savanna Coreopsis, Savanna Tickseed

706 - Coreopsis auriculata (179-69-008) — Eared Coreopsis, Lobed Coreopsis, Eared Tickseed, Lobed Tickseed

707 - Coreopsis basalis (179-69-015) — Texas Coreopsis, Golden-mane Tickseed

708 - Coreopsis falcata (179-69-001) — Pool Coreopsis, Carolina Tickseed, Sickle Tickseed

709 - Coreopsis gladiata (179-69-004) — Swamp Coreopsis, Swamp Tickseed, Seepage Coreopsis, Coastal Plain Tickseed

710 - Coreopsis grandiflora (179-69-006?) — Large-flowered Coreopsis, Largeflower Tickseed

711 - Coreopsis grandiflora (179-69-006) — Large-flowered Coreopsis, Largeflower Tickseed

712 - Coreopsis helianthoides (179-69-002) — Beadle's Coreopsis, Swamp Tickseed

713 - Coreopsis lanceolata (179-69-005) — Lanceleaf Coreopsis, Longstalk Coreopsis, Lanceleaf Tickseed

714 - Coreopsis latifolia (179-69-012) — Broadleaf Coreopsis, Broadleaf Tickseed

715 - Coreopsis major var. major (179-69-009a) — Whorled Coreopsis, Woodland Coreopsis

716 - Coreopsis major var. stellata (179-69-009b) — Whorled Coreopsis, Stiffleaf Coreopsis, Greater Tickseed, Whorled Tickseed

717 - Coreopsis major var. stellata (179-69-009b?) — Larkspur-leaf Tickseed, Larkspur Coreopsis

718 - Coreopsis pubescens (179-69-007) — Common Hairy Coreopsis, Star Tickseed

719 - Coreopsis tinctoria (179-69-013 & 014) — Plains Coreopsis, Calliopsis, Garden Coreopsis, Golden Tickseed

720 - Coreopsis tripteris (179-69-011) — Tall Coreopsis, Tall Tickseed, Threeleaf Tickseed

721 - Coreopsis verticillata (179-69-010) — Threadleaf Coreopsis, Cutleaf Tickseed, Whorled Tickseed

722 - Cornus alternifolia (142-01-002) — Alternate-leaf Dogwood, Pagoda Dogwood, Pagoda Cornel

723 - Cornus amomum (142-01-003) — Silky Dogwood, Bush Dogwood, Silky Cornel

724 - Cornus asperifolia (142-01-006) — Eastern Roughleaf Dogwood

725 - Cornus florida (142-01-001) — Flowering Dogwood

726 - Cornus racemosa (142-01-004) — Northern Swamp Dogwood, Gray Dogwood

727 - Cornus stricta (142-01-005) — Southern Swamp Dogwood

728 - Coronilla varia (098-22-001) — Crown-vetch

729 - Coronopus didymus (088-05-001) — Wart-cress, Lesser Swine-cress

730 - Cortaderia selloana (029-03-001) — Pampasgrass

731 - Corydalis flavula (086-03-002) — Yellow Fumitory, Yellow Harlequin, Short-spurred Corydalis, Yellow Fumewort

732 - Corydalis micrantha ssp. australis (086-03-003) — Southern Corydalis

733 - Corydalis sempervirens (086-03-001) — Pale Corydalis, Rock Harlequin, Pink Corydalis, Tall Corydalis

734 - Corylus americana (054-02-002) — American Hazelnut, American Filbert

735 - Corylus cornuta (054-02-001) — Beaked Hazelnut

736 - Crataegus aestivalis (097-20-010) — Mayhaw, Eastern Mayhaw, May Hawthorn

737 - Crataegus calpodendron (097-20-007) — Pear Hawthorn

738 - Crataegus coccinea (097-20-003) — Scarlet Hawthorn

739 - Crataegus crus-galli (097-20-009) — Cockspur Hawthorn

740 - Crataegus flabellata (097-20-004) — Eastern Hawthorn

741 - Crataegus flabellata (097-20-004?) — Entangled Hawthorn

742 - Crataegus flabellata (097-20-004) — Schuette's Hawthorn

743 - Crataegus flabellata (097-20-004?) — Buckley's Hawthorn

744 - Crataegus flabellata (097-20-004?) — Forest Hawthorn, Stolon-bearing Hawthorn

745 - Crataegus flabellata (097-20-004?) — Boynton's Hawthorn

746 - Crataegus flabellata (097-20-004?) — Pale-fruited Hawthorn, Birmingham Hawthorn, Pale Hawthorn

747 - Crataegus flabellata (097-20-004?) — Frosted Hawthorn

748 - Crataegus flabellata (097-20-004?) — Little Red Hawthorn

749 - Crataegus flabellata (097-20-004?) — Gattinger's Hawthorn

750 - Crataegus flabellata (097-20-004?) — Poplar Hawthorn

751 - Crataegus flava (097-20-002?) — Rough Hawthorn, Southern Haw

752 - Crataegus flava (097-20-002?) — Dwarf Hawthorn, Restful Hawthorn, Neat Hawthorn

753 - Crataegus flava (097-20-002?) — Alabama Hawthorn

754 - Crataegus flava (097-20-002?) — Allegheny Hawthorn

755 - Crataegus flava (097-20-002?) — Sunny Hawthorn

756 - Crataegus flava (097-20-002) — Yellow Hawthorn, Yellowleaf Hawthorn

757 - Crataegus flava (097-20-002?) — Sandhill Hawthorn

758 - Crataegus flava (097-20-002?) — Bristol Hawthorn

759 - Crataegus flava (097-20-002?) — Lake Ella Hawthorn

760 - Crataegus flava (097-20-002?) — Ravenel's Hawthorn

761 - Crataegus flava (097-20-002?) — Lance’s Hawthorn

762 - Crataegus flava (097-20-002?) — Sister Hawthorn

763 - Crataegus flava (097-20-002?) — Woolly Dwarf Hawthorn, Pexa Hawthorn

764 - Crataegus flava (097-20-002?) — Mississippi Hawthorn

765 - Crataegus macrosperma (097-20-004?) — Balsam Mountain Hawthorn

766 - Crataegus marshallii (097-20-013) — Parsley Hawthorn, Parsley Haw

767 - Crataegus phaenopyrum (097-20-012) — Washington Hawthorn, Virginia Hawthorn

768 - Crataegus punctata (097-20-006) — Dotted Hawthorn, White Hawthorn

769 - Crataegus punctata (097-20-006?) — Hillside Hawthorn

770 - Crataegus spathulata (097-20-011) — Littlehip Hawthorn, Spatulate Haw

771 - Crataegus succulenta (097-20-008) — Fleshy Hawthorn

772 - Crataegus succulenta (097-20-008?) — New River Hawthorn

773 - Crataegus uniflora (097-20-001) — Oneflower Hawthorn, Dwarf Haw

774 - Crataegus viridis (097-20-005) — Green Hawthorn, Greenhaw

775 - Crepis capillaris (179-11-003) — Smooth Hawksbeard

776 - Crepis japonica (179-11-001) — Asiatic Hawksbeard, Youngia, Japanese Crepis, Oriental False Hawksbeard

777 - Crepis pulchra (179-11-002) — Smallflower Hawksbeard

778 - Crotalaria angulata (098-11-002) — Low Rattlebox, Rabbitbells

779 - Crotalaria angulata (098-11-002?) — Low Rattlebox, Rabbitbells

780 - Crotalaria intermedia (098-11-007) — Slenderleaf Rattlebox

781 - Crotalaria mucronata (098-11-006) — Smooth Rattlebox

782 - Crotalaria purshii (098-11-001) — Coastal Plain Rattlebox, Pursh's Rattlebox

783 - Crotalaria sagittalis (098-11-003) — Arrowhead Rattlebox, Common Rattlebox

784 - Crotalaria spectabilis (098-11-004) — Showy Rattlebox

785 - Croton capitatus (107-02-005?) — Woolly Croton, Hogwort, Capitate Croton, Goatweed

786 - Croton glandulosus var. septentrionalis (107-02-001) — Doveweed, Tooth-leaved Croton, Sand Croton, Northern Croton

787 - Croton monanthogynus (107-02-004) — Prairie-tea Croton, One-seed Croton

788 - Croton punctatus (107-02-002) — Silverleaf Croton, Gulf Croton, Beach-tea

789 - Crotonopsis elliptica (107-03-002) — Outcrop Rushfoil, Willdenow's Croton, Glade Rushfoil, Broadleaf Rushfoil

790 - Crotonopsis linearis (107-03-001) — Sand Rushfoil, Michaux's Croton, Narrowleaf Rushfoil

791 - Cryptotaenia canadensis (140-21-001) — Honewort

792 - Ctenium aromaticum (029-51-001) — Toothache Grass, Orangegrass, Wild Ginger

793 - Cucumis melo (177-02-001) — Canteloupe, Muskmelon

794 - Cucurbita pepo (177-01-001) — Pumpkin, Zucchini, Ornamental Gourd, Vegetable Marrow

795 - Cunila origanoides (164-30-001) — Wild-oregano, American Dittany, Stone-mint

796 - Cuphea carthagensis (135-06-002) — Colombian Waxweed

797 - Cuphea viscosissima (135-06-001) — Clammy Cuphea, Blue Waxweed

798 - Cuscuta campestris (158-01-005) — Field Dodder, Prairie Dodder, Golden Dodder

799 - Cuscuta cephalanthii (158-01-006) — Buttonbush Dodder

800 - Cuscuta compacta (158-01-002) — Compact Dodder

801 - Cuscuta corylii (158-01-003) — Hazel Dodder

802 - Cuscuta gronovii (158-01-008) — Common Dodder, Swamp Dodder

803 - Cuscuta pentagona (158-01-004) — Five-angled Dodder

804 - Cuscuta rostrata (158-01-007) — Appalachian Dodder, Beaked Dodder

805 - Cymophyllus fraseri (030-16-001) — Fraser's Sedge, Lily-leaf Sedge

806 - Cynanchum laeve (157-02-001) — Bluevine, Sandvine, Honeyvine

807 - Cynanchum palustre (157-02-002) — Swallow-wort, Sand-vine, Gulf Coast Swallow-wort, Marsh Cynanchum

808 - Cynanchum scoparium (157-02-003) — Leafless Swallowwort, Cynanchum

809 - Cynoctonum mitreola (154-03-002) — Caribbean Miterwort, Lax Hornpod

810 - Cynoctonum sessilifolium (154-03-001) — Small-leaved Miterwort, Swamp Hornpod

811 - Cynodon dactylon (029-54-001) — Bermuda Grass, Scutch Grass

812 - Cynoglossum officinale (161-02-001) — Hound's-tongue, Garden Comfrey

813 - Cynoglossum virginianum (161-02-002) — Southern Wild Comfrey, Southern Hound’s-tongue

814 - Cyperus aristatus (030-01-011) — Granite Flatsedge

815 - Cyperus articulatus (030-01-015) — jointed flatsedge, Chintul

816 - Cyperus brevifolioides (030-01-042X) — Asiatic Greenhead Sedge, Pasture Flatsedge

817 - Cyperus brevifolius (030-01-001) — Perennial Greenhead Sedge, Greenhead Flatsedge

818 - Cyperus compressus (030-01-022) — Poorland Flatsedge

819 - Cyperus dipsaciformis (030-01-033) — Rough Flatsedge

820 - Cyperus engelmannii (030-01-013?) — Slender Sand Flatsedge, Engelmann's Flatsedge

821 - Cyperus erythrorhizos (030-01-016) — Redroot Flatsedge

822 - Cyperus esculentus (030-01-019) — Yellow Nutsedge, Yellow Nutgrass, Wild Chufa, Earth-almond

823 - Cyperus filiculmis (030-01-040) — Southeastern Flatsedge

824 - Cyperus filiculmis (030-01-040?) — Great Plains Flatsedge, Slender Nutsedge

825 - Cyperus flavescens (030-01-004) — Yellow Flatsedge

826 - Cyperus globulosus (030-01-036c) — Baldwin's Flatsedge

827 - Cyperus iria (030-01-020) — Rice-field Flatsedge

828 - Cyperus lancastriensis (030-01-031) — Many-flowered Flatsedge, Porter’s Flatsedge

829 - Cyperus odoratus (030-01-013) — Fragrant Flatsedge

830 - Cyperus ovularis (030-01-035) — Roundhead Flatsedge, Globe Flatsedge

831 - Cyperus plukenetii (030-01-034) — Starburst Flatsedge, Plukenet’s Flatsedge, Plukenet’s Sedge

832 - Cyperus retrorsus var. retrorsus (030-01-036a) — Pineland Flatsedge, Pine-barren Flatsedge

833 - Cyperus rotundus (030-01-018) — Purple Nutsedge, Nutgrass, Cocograss

834 - Cyperus sesquiflorus (030-01-003) — Whitehead Sedge, Fragrant Spikesedge

835 - Cyperus strigosus (030-01-029) — False Nutsedge, Straw Flatsedge, Straw-colored Flatsedge

836 - Cyperus tenuifolius (030-01-002) — Annual Greenhead Sedge, Low Spikesedge

837 - Cyperus virens (030-01-028) — Green Flatsedge

838 - Cypripedium acaule (049-01-001) — Pink Lady's Slipper, Mocassin Flower

839 - Cypripedium calceolus var. pubescens (049-01-002) — Large Yellow Lady's Slipper

840 - Cypripedium calceolus var. pubescens (049-01-002?) — Small Yellow Lady's Slipper

841 - Cypripedium reginae (049-01-003) — Showy Lady's Slipper, Queen Lady's Slipper

842 - Cyrilla racemiflora (111-01-001) — Titi, Swamp Cyrilla, Leatherwood

843 - Cystopteris bulbifera (011-03-002) — Bulblet Bladder Fern, Bulblet Fern

844 - Cystopteris protrusa (011-03-001) — Lowland Bladder Fern, Spreading Bladder Fern

845 - Cystopteris tennesseensis (011-03-003) — Tennessee Bladder Fern

846 - Cytisus scoparius (098-13-001) — Scotch Broom

847 - Dactylis glomerata (029-13-001) — Orchard Grass

848 - Dactyloctenium aegyptium (029-52-001) — Crowfoot Grass

849 - Dalibarda repens (097-06-001) — Robin-runaway, Star-violet, Dewdrop

850 - Danthonia compressa (029-32-002) — Mountain Oatgrass, Flattened Oatgrass, Allegheny Flyback

851 - Danthonia sericea var. epilis (029-32-001b) — Bog Oatgrass

852 - Danthonia sericea var. sericea (029-32-001a) — Silky Oatgrass, Downy Oatgrass, Downy Danthonia

853 - Danthonia spicata (029-32-003) — Poverty Oatgrass, Moonshine Grass, 'Curly Dan'

854 - Dasistoma macrophylla (166-26-001) — Mullein Foxglove

855 - Datura stramonium (165-08-001) — Jimsonweed, Thornapple, Stramonium

856 - Daubentonia punicea (098-30-001) — Rattlebush, Purple Sesban, Scarlet Wisteria-tree, Red Sesban

857 - Daucus carota (140-05-001) — Queen Anne's Lace, Wild Carrot, Bird's Nest

858 - Daucus pusillus (140-05-002) — American Queen Anne's Lace, American Carrot, American Wild Carrot, Seed-ticks

859 - Decodon verticillatus (135-04-001) — Water-oleander, Water-willow, Swamp Loosestrife, Peatweed

860 - Decumaria barbara (094-03-001) — Climbing Hydrangea, Woodvamp, Decumaria, Decumary

861 - Delphinium ajacis (076-03-001) — Rocket Larkspur, Garden Larkspur

862 - Delphinium carolinianum (076-03-003) — Prairie Larkspur, Carolina Larkspur, Blue Larkspur, Ozark Larkspur

863 - Delphinium exaltatum (076-03-004) — Tall Larkspur

864 - Delphinium tricorne (076-03-002) — Dwarf Larkspur

865 - Dennstaedtia punctilobula (010-02-001) — Hay-scented Fern, Pasture Fern, Boulder Fern

866 - Deschampsia caespitosa var. glauca (029-34-001) — Tufted Hairgrass

867 - Deschampsia flexuosa (029-34-002) — Appalachian Hairgrass, Crinkled Hairgrass, Common Hairgrass, Wavy Hairgrass

868 - Descurainia pinnata (088-16-002) — Southeastern Tansy-mustard

869 - Desmanthus illinoensis (098-03-001) — Illinois Bundleflower, Prairie Mimosa, Common Bundleflower

870 - Desmodium canescens (098-26-006) — Hoary Tick-trefoil

871 - Desmodium ciliare (098-26-013) — Hairy Small-leaf Tick-trefoil, Littleleaf Tick-trefoil

872 - Desmodium cuspidatum (098-26-007) — Long-bracted Tick-trefoil, Toothed Tick-trefoil, Largebract Tick-trefoil

873 - Desmodium fernaldii (098-26-021) — Fernald's Tick-trefoil

874 - Desmodium floridanum (098-26-020) — Florida Tick-trefoil

875 - Desmodium glabellum (098-26-022) — Tall Tick-trefoil, Dillen's Tick-trefoil

876 - Desmodium glutinosum (098-26-002) — Heartleaf Tick-trefoil, Clusterleaf Tick-trefoil, Pointedleaf Tick-Trefoil

877 - Desmodium laevigatum (098-26-017) — Smooth Tick-trefoil

878 - Desmodium lineatum (098-26-008) — Matted Tick-trefoil, Sand Tick-trefoil

879 - Desmodium marilandicum (098-26-014) — Smooth Small-leaf Tick-trefoil, Maryland Tick-trefoil

880 - Desmodium nudiflorum (098-26-001) — Naked Tick-trefoil, Naked-flowered Tick Trefoil, Woodland Tick-trefoil

881 - Desmodium nuttallii (098-26-019) — Nuttall's Tick-trefoil

882 - Desmodium obtusum (098-26-015) — Stiff Tick-trefoil

883 - Desmodium ochroleucum (098-26-005) — White Tick-trefoil, Creamflower Tick-trefoil, Cream Tick-trefoil

884 - Desmodium paniculatum (098-26-016) — Panicled Tick-trefoil

885 - Desmodium pauciflorum (098-26-003) — Fewflower Tick-trefoil

886 - Desmodium perplexum (098-26-023) — Perplexing Tick-trefoil, Dillen's Tick-trefoil

887 - Desmodium rotundifolium (098-26-004) — Roundleaf Tick-trefoil, Dollarleaf, Prostrate Tick-trefoil, Sessileleaf Tick-trefoil

888 - Desmodium sessilifolium (098-26-010) — Sessile-leaf Tick-trefoil

889 - Desmodium strictum (098-26-012) — Pinebarren Tick-trefoil, Pineland Tick-trefoil, Upland Slender Tick-trefoil

890 - Desmodium tenuifolium (098-26-011) — Slimleaf Tick-trefoil, Savanna Slender Tick-trefoil

891 - Desmodium tortuosum (098-26-009) — Florida Tick-trefoil, dixie tick-trefoil

892 - Desmodium viridiflorum (098-26-018) — Velvety Tick-trefoil, Velvety Tick-clover

893 - Dianthus armeria (071-12-002) — Deptford Pink

894 - Dicentra canadensis (086-02-002) — Squirrel Corn

895 - Dicentra cucullaria (086-02-003) — Dutchman's Britches

896 - Dicentra eximia (086-02-001) — Wild Bleeding Heart

897 - Dicerandra odoratissima (164-21-001) — Rose Dicerandra, Rose Balm, Harper’s Scrub-balm

898 - Dichondra carolinensis (158-02-001) — Carolina Ponyfoot

899 - Dichromena colorata (030-04-002) — Narrowleaf Whitetop Sedge, White-bracted Sedge, Starrush Whitetop Sedge

900 - Dichromena latifolia (030-04-001) — Broadleaf Whitetop Sedge, Giant Whitetop Sedge, White-bracted Sedge

901 - Dicliptera brachiata (171-04-001) — Branched Foldwing, Dicliptera

902 - Diervilla lonicera (174-01-001) — Northern Bush-honeysuckle

903 - Diervilla sessilifolia var. rivularis (174-01-002b) — Hairy Southern Bush-honeysuckle, Mountain Bush-honeysuckle

904 - Diervilla sessilifolia var. sessilifolia (174-01-002a) — Smooth Southern Bush-honeysuckle

905 - Digitaria filiformis var. filiformis (029-75-001a) — Slender Crabgrass

906 - Digitaria ischaemum var. ischaemum (029-75-002a) — Smooth Crabgrass

907 - Digitaria ischaemum var. violascens (029-75-002b) — violet crabgrass

908 - Digitaria sanguinalis (029-75-003) — Hairy Crabgrass, Northern Crabgrass

909 - Diodia teres (173-03-002) — Poor-joe, Rough Buttonweed

910 - Diodia virginiana (173-03-001) — Virginia Buttonweed, Large Buttonweed

911 - Dionaea muscipula (093-01-001) — Venus Flytrap, Meadow Clam, Tippitiwitchet

912 - Dioscorea batatas (043-01-001) — Cinnamon Vine, Chinese Yam

913 - Dioscorea villosa var. floridana (043-01-002c) — Florida Wild Yam

914 - Dioscorea villosa var. villosa (043-01-002ab) — Common Wild Yam, Streamhead Yam, Yellow Yam

915 - Diospyros virginiana (150-01-001) — American Persimmon, Possumwood, Simmon

916 - Diphylleia cymosa (077-06-001) — Umbrella-leaf, Pixie-parasol

917 - Dipsacus sylvestris (176-01-001) — Wild Teasel, Common Teasel

918 - Dirca palustris (133-01-001) — Eastern Leatherwood, Leatherbark, Wicopee, Rope-bark

919 - Disporum lanuginosum (041-08-001) — Yellow Mandarin, Yellow Fairybells

920 - Disporum maculatum (041-08-002) — Spotted Mandarin, Nodding Mandarin

921 - Dodecatheon meadia (147-01-001) — Eastern Shooting Star

922 - Draba aprica (088-01-003) — Flatrock Draba, Open-ground Whitlow-grass, Granite Whitlow-wort, Sun-loving Draba

923 - Draba brachycarpa (088-01-002) — Shortpod Draba, Short-fruited Draba

924 - Draba ramosissima (088-01-001) — Rocktwist, Branched Draba, Appalachian Draba

925 - Draba verna (088-01-006) — Whitlow-grass, Spring Draba

926 - Dracocephalum purpureum (164-13-002) — Savanna Obedient-plant, Eastern False Dragonhead

927 - Dracocephalum purpureum (164-13-002?) — Tidal Marsh Obedient-plant, Swamp Obedient-plant, Narrowleaf Obedient-plant, Slenderleaf False Dragonhead

928 - Dracocephalum virginianum (164-13-001?) — Southern Obedient-plant

929 - Dracocephalum virginianum (164-13-001) — Northern Obedient-plant, False Dragonhead

930 - Drosera capillaris (092-01-005) — Pink Sundew, Bog Sundew

931 - Drosera filiformis (092-01-001) — Northern Threadleaf Sundew

932 - Drosera intermedia (092-01-004) — Water Sundew, Spoonleaf Sundew

933 - Drosera leucantha (092-01-002) — Dwarf Sundew, Early Sundew

934 - Drosera rotundifolia (092-01-003) — Roundleaf Sundew

935 - Dryopteris campyloptera (011-04-004) — Mountain Woodfern

936 - Dryopteris celsa (011-04-007) — Log Fern

937 - Dryopteris cristata (011-04-005) — Crested Woodfern, Crested Shield-fern

938 - Dryopteris goldiana (011-04-008) — Goldie's Woodfern

939 - Dryopteris intermedia (011-04-002) — Evergreen Woodfern, Fancy Fern, Intermediate Woodfern

940 - Dryopteris ludoviciana (011-04-006) — Southern Woodfern, Southern Shield-fern

941 - Dryopteris marginalis (011-04-001) — Marginal Woodfern, Marginal Shield-fern

942 - Dryopteris spinulosa (011-04-003) — Spinulose Woodfern, Toothed Woodfern

943 - Duchesnea indica (097-02-001) — Indian Strawberry, Mock Strawberry

944 - Dulichium arundinaceum (030-02-001) — Threeway Sedge

945 - Dyschoriste humistrata (171-02-002) — Swamp Twinflower, Swamp Dyschoriste

946 - Dyschoriste oblongifolia (171-02-001) — Blue Twinflower, Pineland Dyschoriste, Oblong Twinflower

947 - Echinacea laevigata (179-62-002) — Smooth Coneflower, Smooth Purple Coneflower

948 - Echinacea pallida (179-62-003) — Pale Purple Coneflower

949 - Echinacea purpurea (179-62-001) — Eastern Purple Coneflower

950 - Echinochloa colonum (029-73-001) — Jungle-rice

951 - Echinochloa crusgalli (029-73-002?) — Rough Barnyard-grass

952 - Echinochloa crusgalli (029-73-002) — Barnyard-grass

953 - Echinochloa crusgalli (029-73-002?) — Rough Barnyard-grass

954 - Echinochloa walteri (029-73-003) — Swamp Barnyard-grass, Coast Cockspur-grass

955 - Echinocystis lobata (177-08-001) — Wild-cucumber, Wild Balsam-apple

956 - Echinodorus cordifolius (027-02-001) — Creeping Burhead, Creeping Water-plantain

957 - Echium vulgare (161-04-001) — Viper's-bugloss, Blueweed

958 - Eclipta alba (179-59-001) — Eclipta, Pie-plant, Yerba-de-tajo, false daisy

959 - Egeria densa (028-01-001) — Brazilian Waterweed, Brazilian Egeria, "Brazilian Elodea", "Anacharis"

960 - Eichhornia crassipes (039-01-001) — Water-hyacinth

961 - Elaeagnus pungens (134-01-001) — Thorny Olive, Autumn Siverberry, Silverthorn, Thorny Elaeagnus

962 - Elaeagnus umbellata (134-01-002) — Autumn-olive, Spring Silverberry, Oriental Silverleaf

963 - Eleocharis baldwinii (030-03-024) — Baldwin's Spikerush, Slender Spikerush, Roadgrass, Hair Grass

964 - Eleocharis caribaea (030-03-008) — Canada spikesedge, Bent spikerush

965 - Eleocharis equisetoides (030-03-001) — Horsetail Spikerush

966 - Eleocharis montevidensis (030-03-019) — Sand Spikerush

967 - Eleocharis obtusa (030-03-005) — Blunt Spikerush

968 - Eleocharis quadrangulata (030-03-003) — Squarestem Spikerush

969 - Eleocharis vivipara (030-03-020) — Viviparous Spikerush

970 - Elephantopus carolinianus (179-28-001) — Leafy Elephant's Foot, Carolina Elephant's Foot

971 - Elephantopus elatus (179-28-004) — Southern Elephant's Foot

972 - Elephantopus nudatus (179-28-003) — Coastal Plain Elephant's Foot, Smooth Elephant's Foot, Savanna Elephant's Foot, Pineland Elephant's Foot

973 - Elephantopus tomentosus (179-28-002) — Common Elephant's Foot, Upland Elephant's Foot, Woodland Elephant's Foot

974 - Eleusine indica (029-53-001) — Goosegrass, Yard Grass, Indian Goose-grass

975 - Elymus canadensis (029-25-001) — Great Plains Wild-rye, Nodding Wild-rye, Canada Wild-rye

976 - Elymus virginicus (029-25-002) — Virginia Wild-rye, Common Eastern Wild-rye, Terrell Grass

977 - Elymus virginicus (029-25-002?) — Southeastern Wild-rye

978 - Elytraria caroliniensis (171-01-001) — Carolina Elytraria

979 - Epidendrum conopseum (049-17-001) — Green-fly Orchid

980 - Epifagus virginiana (169-01-001) — Beechdrops

981 - Epigaea repens (145-15-001) — Trailing Arbutus, Mayflower

982 - Epilobium angustifolium (137-03-002) — Great Willowherb, Fireweed

983 - Epilobium ciliatum (137-03-004) — Fringed Willowherb, American Willowherb

984 - Epilobium coloratum (137-03-003) — Purpleleaf Willowherb, Bronze Willowherb, Eastern Willowherb

985 - Epilobium leptophyllum (137-03-001) — Narrowleaf Willowherb, Bog Willowherb, American Marsh Willowherb

986 - Equisetum arvense (002-01-001) — Field Horsetail, Bottlebrush Horsetail

987 - Equisetum hyemale var. affine (002-01-002) — Tall Scouring-rush, River Scouring-rush

988 - Eragrostis capillaris (029-11-006) — Lace Lovegrass, Lacegrass

989 - Eragrostis cilianensis (029-11-001) — Stinkgrass

990 - Eragrostis ciliaris (029-11-003) — gophertail lovegrass

991 - Eragrostis curvula (029-11-007) — Weeping Lovegrass

992 - Eragrostis elliottii (029-11-014) — Elliott's Lovegrass

993 - Eragrostis hirsuta (029-11-009) — Bigtop Lovegrass

994 - Eragrostis hypnoides (029-11-005) — Creeping Lovegrass, Teal Lovegrass

995 - Eragrostis pilosa (029-11-011) — India Lovegrass

996 - Eragrostis spectabilis (029-11-012) — Purple Lovegrass, Tumblegrass

997 - Erechtites hieracifolia (179-20-001) — Fireweed, American Burnweed, Pilewort

998 - Eremochloa ophiuroides (029-93x-001x) — Centipede Grass

999 - Erianthus alopecuroides (029-85-001) — Silver Plumegrass

1000 - Erianthus brevibarbis (029-85-004) — Short-beard Plumegrass

1001 - Erianthus brevibarbis (029-85-004?) — Brown Plumegrass, Bunched Plumegrass

1002 - Erianthus contortus (029-85-002) — Bent-awn Plumegrass

1003 - Erianthus giganteus (029-85-005) — Sugarcane Plumegrass, Giant Plumegrass

1004 - Erianthus strictus (029-85-003) — Narrow Plumegrass

1005 - Erica tetralix (145-17-001) — Crossleaf Heath

1006 - Erigenia bulbosa (140-) — Harbinger-of-Spring, Pepper-and-Salt, Erigenia

1007 - Erigeron annuus (179-44-004) — Annual Fleabane

1008 - Erigeron bonariensis (179-44-007) — South American Horseweed, Hairy Fleabane

1009 - Erigeron canadensis var. canadensis (179-44-008a) — Common Horseweed

1010 - Erigeron canadensis var. pusillus (179-44-008b) — Southern Horseweed

1011 - Erigeron philadelphicus (179-44-002) — Daisy Fleabane, Philadelphia Fleabane, Philadelphia-daisy, Common Fleabane

1012 - Erigeron pulchellus (179-44-001) — Robin's Plantain

1013 - Erigeron quercifolius (179-44-003) — Southern Fleabane, Oak-leaved Fleabane

1014 - Erigeron strigosus (179-44-005) — Daisy Fleabane, Common Rough Fleabane, Prairie Fleabane, Slender Daisy Fleabane

1015 - Erigeron vernus (179-44-006) — Whitetop Fleabane, Savanna Daisy Fleabane, Early Whitetop Fleabane

1016 - Eriocaulon compressum (036-01-003) — Flattened Pipewort, Soft-headed Pipewort, Hat Pin

1017 - Eriocaulon decangulare (036-01-002) — Ten-angle Pipewort, Hat Pin, Hard Pipewort

1018 - Eriocaulon ravenelii (036-01-001) — Ravenel's Pipewort

1019 - Eriogonum tomentosum (063-01-001) — Sandhill Wild-buckwheat, Southern Wild-buckwheat, Dog-tongue Buckwheat

1020 - Eriophorum virginicum (030-09-001) — Tawny Cottongrass, Tawny Cottonsedge, Cat's-paw

1021 - Erodium cicutarium (101-02-001) — Common Storksbill, Redstem Storksbill, Heronsbill, Redstem Filaree

1022 - Eryngium aquaticum var. aquaticum (140-04-006a) — Marsh Eryngo

1023 - Eryngium aquaticum var. ravenelii (140-04-006b) — Ravenel's Eryngo

1024 - Eryngium integrifolium (140-04-005) — Savanna Eryngo, Blueflower Eryngo

1025 - Eryngium maritimum (140-04-004) — Sea Holly, Seaside Eryngo

1026 - Eryngium prostratum (140-04-001) — Spreading Eryngo, Creeping Eryngo

1027 - Eryngium yuccifolium var. synchaetum (140-04-003b) — Southern Rattlesnake-master

1028 - Eryngium yuccifolium var. yuccifolium (140-04-003a) — Northern Rattlesnake-master, Button Snakeroot

1029 - Erysimum cheiranthoides (088-18-001) — Wormseed Mustard, Wormseed Wallflower

1030 - Erythrina herbacea (098-40-001) — Coral-bean, Cardinal-spear

1031 - Erythronium americanum (041-26-001?) — Dimpled Trout Lily, Dogtooth Violet

1032 - Erythronium americanum (041-26-001) — American Trout Lily, Dogtooth Violet, Adder's Tongue, Yellow Trout-lily

1033 - Erythronium americanum (041-26-001?) — Southern Appalachian Trout Lily

1034 - Eulophia ecristata (049-21-001) — Spiked Medusa, Crestless Plume Orchid, Smooth-lipped Eulophia, Non-crested Eulophia

1035 - Euonymus americanus (113-03-002) — Hearts-a-bustin', Strawberry-bush

1036 - Euonymus atropurpureus (113-03-001) — American Wahoo, Eastern Wahoo, Burning Bush

1037 - Euonymus obovatus (113-03-003) — Running Strawberry-bush, Trailing Strawberry-bush, Trailing Wahoo

1038 - Eupatorium album (179-34-007) — White Boneset, White-bracted Thoroughwort, White Thoroughwort, White Eupatorium

1039 - Eupatorium altissimum (179-34-009) — Tall Thoroughwort, Tall Boneset

1040 - Eupatorium aromaticum (179-34-022) — Small-leaved White Snakeroot, Aromatic Snakeroot, Wild-hoarhound, Small White Snakeroot

1041 - Eupatorium capillifolium var. capillifolium (179-34-005a) — Common Dog-fennel, Summer Cedar, Yankeeweed, Cypressweed

1042 - Eupatorium coelestinum (179-34-024) — Mistflower, Wild Ageratum, Hardy Ageratum

1043 - Eupatorium compositifolium (179-34-006) — Coastal Dog-fennel, Yankeeweed

1044 - Eupatorium cuneifolium (179-34-010) — Wedgeleaf Thoroughwort, Broadleaf Bushy Eupatorium, Wedgeleaf Eupatorium

1045 - Eupatorium cuneifolium (179-34-010?) — Narrowleaf Bushy Thoroughwort, Twisted Eupatorium, Narrowleaf Bushy Eupatorium

1046 - Eupatorium dubium (179-34-001) — Coastal Plain Joe-pye-weed, Three-nerved Joe-pye-weed

1047 - Eupatorium fistulosum (179-34-003) — Hollow-stem Joe-pye-weed

1048 - Eupatorium hyssopifolium (179-34-013) — Hyssopleaf Boneset, Hyssopleaf Thoroughwort, Hyssopleaf Eupatorium

1049 - Eupatorium hyssopifolium (179-34-013?) — Torrey's Thoroughwort, Torrey's Eupatorium

1050 - Eupatorium incarnatum (179-34-023) — Pink Thoroughwort, Pink Eupatorium

1051 - Eupatorium leucolepis (179-34-008?) — Bay Boneset

1052 - Eupatorium leucolepis (179-34-008) — Savanna Eupatorium, Justiceweed, White-bracted Thoroughwort

1053 - Eupatorium maculatum (179-34-002) — Spotted Joe-pye-weed

1054 - Eupatorium perfoliatum (179-34-018) — Boneset

1055 - Eupatorium pilosum (179-34-015) — Rough Boneset, Ragged Eupatorium

1056 - Eupatorium purpureum (179-34-004) — Purple-node Joe-pye-weed, Sweet Joe-pye-weed

1057 - Eupatorium purpureum (179-34-004?) — Carolina Joe-Pye-weed, Downy Sweet Joe-Pye-weed

1058 - Eupatorium recurvans (179-34-012) — Recurved Thoroughwort, Recurved Eupatorium

1059 - Eupatorium recurvans (179-34-012?) — Mohr's Eupatorium, Mohr's Thoroughwort

1060 - Eupatorium recurvans (179-34-012?) — Anomalous Eupatorium, Florida Thoroughwort

1061 - Eupatorium resinosum (179-34-019) — Resinous Boneset, Pinebarren Eupatorium, Resinous Thoroughwort, Pinebarren Thoroughwort

1062 - Eupatorium rotundifolium var. ovatum (179-34-016b) — Inland Roundleaf Eupatorium, Hairy Thoroughwort

1063 - Eupatorium rotundifolium var. ovatum (179-34-016b?) — Clasping Roundleaf Thoroughwort, Clasping Roundleaf Eupatorium

1064 - Eupatorium rotundifolium var. rotundifolium (179-34-016a) — Common Roundleaf Boneset, Common Roundleaf Thoroughwort, Common Roundleaf Eupatorium

1065 - Eupatorium rugosum (179-34-021) — Common White Snakeroot, Common Milk-poison

1066 - Eupatorium rugosum (179-34-021?) — Appalachian White Snakeroot, Appalachian Milk-poison, Appalachian Snakeroot

1067 - Eupatorium saltuense (179-34-014) — Pasture Thoroughwort, Pasture Eupatorium, Tall Boneset, Tall Thoroughwort

1068 - Eupatorium semiserratum (179-34-011) — Threeleaf Eupatorium, Smallflower Thoroughwort, Olive Eupatorium

1069 - Eupatorium serotinum (179-34-020) — Late-flowering Boneset, Late-flowering Thoroughwort, Late Eupatorium, Late Boneset

1070 - Eupatorium sessilifolium var. sessilifolium (179-34-017a) — Upland Boneset, Sessile-leaf Eupatorium

1071 - Eupatorium sessilifolium var. sessilifolium (179-34-017a?) — Britton's Upland Boneset, Britton's Eupatorium

1072 - Eupatorium sessilifolium var. vaseyi (179-34-017b) — Vasey's Thoroughwort, Vasey's Eupatorium

1073 - Eupatorium sessilifolium var. vaseyi (179-34-017b?) — Godfrey's Thoroughwort, Godfrey's Eupatorium

1074 - Euphorbia ammannioides (107-11-016) — Southern Seaside Spurge, Dixie Sandmat

1075 - Euphorbia commutatus (107-11-005) — Woodland Spurge, Tinted Spurge, Wood Spurge

1076 - Euphorbia corollata var. corollata (107-11-013a) — Eastern Flowering Spurge

1077 - Euphorbia corollata var. zinniiflora (107-11-013b) — False Flowering Spurge, Southeastern Flowering Spurge, Southern Flowering Spurge

1078 - Euphorbia curtisii (107-11-011) — White Sandhills Spurge, Curtis's Spurge

1079 - Euphorbia cyparissias (107-11-006) — Cypress Spurge, Graveyard Spurge

1080 - Euphorbia dentata (107-11-001) — Painted Leaf, Wild Poinsettia, Green Poinsettia, Toothed Spurge

1081 - Euphorbia gracilior (107-11-012) — Maroon Sandhills Spurge, Coastal Sand Spurge, Purple Sandhill-spurge

1082 - Euphorbia heterophylla var. graminifolia (107-11-002) — Wild Poinsettia, Painted Leaf, Fire-on-the-mountain

1083 - Euphorbia hirta (107-11-020) — Pillpod Sandmat, Hairy Spurge

1084 - Euphorbia ipecacuanhae (107-11-010) — Carolina Ipecac, Wild Ipecac, American Ipecac

1085 - Euphorbia lathyris (107-11-008) — Caper Spurge, Myrtle Spurge, Mole Plant

1086 - Euphorbia maculata (107-11-019) — Eyebane, Upright Spotted Spurge, Nodding Spurge

1087 - Euphorbia polygonifolia (107-11-017) — Dune Spurge, Northern Seaside Spurge, Northern Sandmat

1088 - Euphorbia purpurea (107-11-007) — Glade Spurge, Darlington Spurge, Purple Spurge

1089 - Euphorbia supina (107-11-014) — Spotted Spurge, Milk-purslane, Wartweed, Spotted Sandmat

1090 - Facelis retusa (179-38-001) — Trampweed, Fluffweed

1091 - Fagopyrum esculentum (063-05-001) — Buckwheat

1092 - Fagus grandifolia (055-01-001) — American Beech

1093 - Festuca elatior (029-18-007) — Tall Fescue, Alta Fescue

1094 - Festuca elatior (029-18-007?) — Meadow Fescue

1095 - Festuca myuros (029-18-001) — Rat-tail Fescue

1096 - Festuca obtusa (029-18-009) — Nodding Fescue

1097 - Festuca octoflora (029-18-002) — Southern Six-weeks Fescue

1098 - Festuca ovina (029-18-006) — Hard Fescue

1099 - Festuca paradoxa (029-18-008) — Cluster Fescue

1100 - Festuca rubra (029-18-005) — Red Fescue

1101 - Ficus carica (057-04-001) — Edible Fig, Garden Fig

1102 - Filipendula rubra (097-12-001) — Queen-of-the-Prairie

1103 - Fimbristylis spadicea (030-07-002?) — Carolina Fimbry

1104 - Fimbristylis spadicea (030-07-002) — Marsh Fimbry

1105 - Firmiana platanifolia (123-01-001) — Chinese Parasol-tree, Japanese Varnishtree, Phoenix Tree

1106 - Foeniculum vulgare (140-12-001) — Fennel

1107 - Forestiera acuminata (153-02-001) — Swamp Forestiera, Swamp-privet

1108 - Fothergilla gardenii (095-03-001) — Coastal Witch-alder, Pocosin Witch-alder, Dwarf Witch-alder, Fothergilla

1109 - Fothergilla gardenii (095-03-001?) — Kearney's Witch-alder

1110 - Fothergilla major (095-03-002) — Large Witch-alder, Mountain Witch-alder, Fothergilla

1111 - Fragaria ×ananassa (097-01-002) — Garden Strawberry, Cultivated Strawberry

1112 - Fragaria vesca (097-01-003) — Wood Stawberry, American Woodland Strawberry

1113 - Fragaria virginiana (097-01-001) — Wild Strawberry

1114 - Fraxinus americana var. americana (153-01-002a) — White Ash, American Ash

1115 - Fraxinus americana var. biltmoreana (153-01-002b) — Biltmore Ash, Biltmore White Ash

1116 - Fraxinus caroliniana (153-01-001) — Carolina Ash, Water Ash, Pop Ash

1117 - Fraxinus pennsylvanica + (153-01-004) — Green Ash, Red Ash

1118 - Fraxinus tomentosa (153-01-003) — Pumpkin Ash

1119 - Froelichia floridana (066-05-001) — Florida Cottonseed, Common Cottonweed

1120 - Froelichia gracilis (066-05-002) — Slender Cottonweed

1121 - Fumaria officinalis (086-04-001) — Fumitory, Earthsmoke

1122 - Gaillardia aestivalis (179-74-002) — Sandhill Gaillardia, Rayless Blanketflower, Lanceleaf Blanketflower, Prairie Gaillardia

1123 - Gaillardia pulchella (179-74-001) — Beach Blanket-flower, Gaillardia, Firewheel, Indian Blanket Flower

1124 - Gaillardia pulchella (179-74-001?) — Common Blanket-flower, Gaillardia, Firewheel, Indian Blanket Flower

1125 - Galactia elliottii (098-50-001) — Elliott's Milkpea

1126 - Galactia erecta (098-50-002) — Erect Milkpea

1127 - Galactia mollis (098-50-003) — Soft Milkpea, Soft Sandhill Milkpea

1128 - Galactia regularis (098-50-004) — Smooth Milkpea, Common Milkpea

1129 - Galactia regularis (098-50-004?) — Pine-barren Milkpea

1130 - Galactia regularis (098-50-004?) — Littleleaf Milkpea, Little Milkpea

1131 - Galactia volubilis (098-50-005 & 006) — Downy Milkpea, Hairy Milkpea, Twining Milkpea, Eastern Milkpea

1132 - Galax aphylla (146-03-001) — Galax, Beetleweed

1133 - Gale palustris (052-02-001) — Sweet-gale

1134 - Galinsoga ciliata (179-73-001) — Common Peruvian-daisy, Gallant Soldiers, Fringed Quickweed

1135 - Galium aparine (173-10-006) — Cleavers, Bedstraw

1136 - Galium asprellum (173-10-014) — Rough Bedstraw

1137 - Galium circaezans (173-10-004) — Forest Bedstraw, Licorice Bedstraw

1138 - Galium hispidulum (173-10-001) — Coastal Bedstraw

1139 - Galium lanceolatum (173-10-003) — Lanceleaf Wild Licorice, Lanceleaf Bedstraw, Wild-licorice

1140 - Galium latifolium (173-10-008) — Purple Bedstraw, Wideleaf Bedstraw

1141 - Galium mollugo (173-10-015) — False Baby's Breath, Smooth Bedstraw, Hedge Bedstraw, Wild Madder

1142 - Galium mollugo (173-10-015?) — white bedstraw

1143 - Galium obtusum var. filifolium (173-10-011b) — Carolina Bedstraw

1144 - Galium obtusum var. obtusum (173-10-011a) — Bluntleaf Bedstraw

1145 - Galium pedemontanum (173-10-010) — Piedmont Crosswort, Piedmont Bedstraw

1146 - Galium pilosum (173-10-005) — Hairy Bedstraw

1147 - Galium pilosum (173-10-005?) — Bald Bedstraw, Smoothstem Bedstraw

1148 - Galium tinctorium (173-10-012) — Stiff Marsh Bedstraw, Dye Bedstraw, Three-lobed Bedstraw

1149 - Galium triflorum (173-10-007) — Sweet-scented Bedstraw, Fragrant Bedstraw

1150 - Galium uniflorum (173-10-002) — One-flowered Bedstraw

1151 - Galium verum (173-10-009) — Yellow Bedstraw, Our Lady's Bedstraw

1152 - Gaultheria procumbens (145-16-001) — Wintergreen, Teaberry

1153 - Gaura angustifolia (137-04-005) — Southeastern Gaura, Southern Bee-blossom

1154 - Gaura biennis (137-04-004) — Biennial Gaura, Northeastern Gaura, Morning Honeysuckle, Biennial Beeblossom

1155 - Gaura filipes (137-04-001) — Threadstalk Gaura, Slenderstalk Beeblossom

1156 - Gaylussacia baccata (145-18-004) — Black Huckleberry, Crackleberry

1157 - Gaylussacia dumosa (145-18-002) — Southern Dwarf Huckleberry

1158 - Gaylussacia dumosa (145-18-002?) — Northern Dwarf Huckleberry, Bog Huckleberry

1159 - Gaylussacia dumosa (145-18-002?) — Blue Ridge Bog Huckleberry, Blue Ridge Huckleberry

1160 - Gaylussacia frondosa var. frondosa (145-18-003a) — Dangleberry

1161 - Gaylussacia frondosa var. tomentosa (145-18-003b) — Woolly Dangleberry, Hairy Dangleberry, Hairytwig Huckleberry

1162 - Gaylussacia ursina (145-18-005) — Bear Huckleberry, Buckberry, Mountain Huckleberry, Bearberry

1163 - Gelsemium rankinii (154-01-002) — Swamp Jessamine

1164 - Gelsemium sempervirens (154-01-001) — Carolina Jessamine, Yellow Jessamine

1165 - Gentiana alba (155-02-005) — Pale Gentian, Plain Gentian

1166 - Gentiana autumnalis (155-02-003) — Pinebarren Gentian, Autumn Gentian

1167 - Gentiana catesbaei (155-02-009) — Coastal Plain Gentian, Catesby's Gentian, Elliott's Gentian

1168 - Gentiana clausa (155-02-007) — Meadow Closed Gentian, Meadow Bottle Gentian

1169 - Gentiana clausa (155-02-007?) — Blue Ridge Gentian, Appalachian Gentian, Pine Barren Gentian

1170 - Gentiana clausa (155-02-007?) — Balsam Mountain Gentian

1171 - Gentiana crinita (155-02-001) — Eastern Fringed Gentian, Greater Fringed Gentian

1172 - Gentiana decora (155-02-006) — Appalachian Gentian, Showy Gentian

1173 - Gentiana quinquefolia (155-02-002) — Stiff Gentian, Appalachian Gentianella, Fivefinger Gentian, Eastern Agueweed

1174 - Gentiana saponaria (155-02-008) — Soapwort Gentian, Harvestbells

1175 - Gentiana villosa (155-02-004) — Striped Gentian

1176 - Geranium carolinianum (101-01-004) — Carolina Cranesbill

1177 - Geranium columbinum (101-01-002) — Longstalk Crane's-bill

1178 - Geranium dissectum (101-01-003) — Cutleaf Cranesbill

1179 - Geranium maculatum (101-01-001) — Wild Geranium

1180 - Geranium molle (101-01-006) — Dove's-foot Cranesbill

1181 - Geranium pusillum (101-01-005) — Small-flowered Cranesbill

1182 - Geum aleppicum (097-07-004) — Yellow Avens

1183 - Geum canadense (097-07-001) — White Avens

1184 - Geum geniculatum (097-07-006) — Bent Avens

1185 - Geum laciniatum (097-07-003) — Rough Avens

1186 - Geum radiatum (097-07-007) — Mountain Avens, Appalachian Avens, Spreading Avens, Cliff Avens

1187 - Geum vernum (097-07-005) — Spring Avens, Heartleaf Avens

1188 - Geum virginianum (097-07-002) — Pale Avens, Cream Avens

1189 - Gillenia stipulata (097-13-002) — Midwestern Indian-physic, American Ipecac

1190 - Gillenia trifoliata (097-13-001) — Bowman's Root, Mountain Indian Physic, Fawn's Breath

1191 - Glecoma hederacea (164-10-001) — Ground Ivy, Gill-over-the-ground, Creeping Charlie

1192 - Gleditsia aquatica (098-06-002) — Water Locust

1193 - Gleditsia triacanthos (098-06-001) — Honey Locust

1194 - Glottidium vesicarium (098-29-001) — Bladderpod, Bagpod

1195 - Glyceria septentrionalis (029-17-001) — Eastern Mannagrass, Floating Mannagrass

1196 - Glyceria striata (029-17-007) — Fowl Mannagrass

1197 - Gnaphalium helleri (179-40-002) — Heller's Rabbit-tobacco

1198 - Gnaphalium obtusifolium (179-40-001) — Fragrant Rabbit-tobacco, Eastern Rabbit-tobacco, Sweet Everlasting, Catfoot

1199 - Gnaphalium purpureum var. americanum (179-40-004d) — Elegant Cudweed, Shiny Cudweed, American Everlasting

1200 - Gnaphalium purpureum var. falcatum (179-40-004b) — Narrowleaf Cudweed, Caribbean Everlasting, Delicate Everlasting

1201 - Gnaphalium purpureum var. falcatum (179-40-004b) — Narrowleaf Cudweed, Narrowleaf Purple Everlasting

1202 - Gnaphalium purpureum var. purpureum (179-40-004a) — Silvery Cudweed, Silvery Everlasting

1203 - Gnaphalium purpureum var. purpureum (179-40-004a) — White-cloaked Cudweed, Snow-white Everlasting

1204 - Gnaphalium purpureum var. purpureum (179-40-004a) — Spoonleaf Purple Everlasting, Purple Cudweed

1205 - Gnaphalium purpureum var. spathulatum (179-40-004c) — Wandering Cudweed, Pennsylvania Everlasting

1206 - Goodyera pubescens (049-13-001) — Downy Rattlesnake-orchid, Downy Rattlesnake-plantain

1207 - Goodyera repens var. ophioides (049-13-002) — Lesser Rattlesnake-orchid, Lesser Rattlesnake-plantain

1208 - Gordonia lasianthus (124-02-001) — Loblolly Bay, Gordonia

1209 - Gratiola aurea (166-07-003) — Yellow Hedge-hyssop, Golden-pert, Golden Hedge-hyssop

1210 - Gratiola neglecta (166-07-005) — Mud-hyssop, Mud Hedge-hyssop, Clammy Hedge-hyssop

1211 - Gratiola pilosa (166-07-001) — Shaggy Hedge-hyssop, Pilose Hedge-hyssop

1212 - Gratiola ramosa (166-07-002) — Branched Hedge-hyssop

1213 - Gratiola virginiana (166-07-006) — Roundfruit Hedge-hyssop, Virginia Hedge-hyssop

1214 - Gratiola viscidula (166-07-004) — Viscid Hedge-hyssop, Sticky Hedge-hyssop, Short's Hedge-hyssop

1215 - Gymnocladus dioica (098-07-001) — Kentucky Coffeetree, Kentucky Mahogany

1216 - Gymnopogon ambiguus (029-57-002) — Eastern Skeletongrass, Eastern Beardgrass, Bearded Skeletongrass, Broadleaf Beardgrass

1217 - Habenaria blephariglottis var. blephariglottis (049-03-013a) — Small White Fringed Orchid

1218 - Habenaria blephariglottis var. blephariglottis (049-03-013a?) — Large White Fringed Orchid, Southern White Fringed Orchid

1219 - Habenaria blephariglottis var. integrilabia (049-03-013b?) — Monkey-face Orchid, White Fringeless Orchid

1220 - Habenaria ciliaris (049-03-014) — Yellow Fringed Orchid

1221 - Habenaria clavellata var. clavellata (049-03-011) — Small Green Wood Orchid, Club-spur Orchid, Woodland Orchid, Streamhead Orchid

1222 - Habenaria cristata (049-03-015) — Crested Fringed Orchid, Golden Fringed Orchid

1223 - Habenaria flava var. flava (049-03-010a) — Southern Rein Orchid, Southern Gypsy-spike

1224 - Habenaria flava var. herbiola (049-03-010b) — Tubercled Rein Orchid, Northern Gypsy-spike

1225 - Habenaria integra (049-03-008) — Yellow Fringeless Orchid, Golden Frog Orchid, Golden Fringeless Orchid, Golden Frog Arrow

1226 - Habenaria lacera (049-03-001) — Ragged Fringed Orchid, Green Fringed Orchid, Ragged Orchid

1227 - Habenaria nivea (049-03-009) — Snowy Orchid, Bog-spike

1228 - Habenaria orbiculata (049-03-007) — Large Round-leaved Orchid, Dessert-plate Orchid

1229 - Habenaria peramoena (049-03-004) — Purple Fringeless Orchid, Purple Spire Orchid, Pride-of-the-peak

1230 - Habenaria psycodes var. grandiflora (049-03-003b) — Large Purple Fringed Orchid, Plume-royal, Greater Purple Fringed Orchid

1231 - Habenaria psycodes var. psycodes (049-03-003a) — Small Purple Fringed Orchid, Butterfly Orchid, Lesser Purple Fringed Orchid

1232 - Habenaria quinqueseta (049-03-005) — Michaux's Orchid, Long-horned Habenaria

1233 - Habenaria repens (049-03-006) — Water-spider Orchid, Floating Orchid

1234 - Habenaria viridis var. bracteata (049-03-012) — Longbract Frog Orchid, Long-bracted Orchid

1235 - Hackelia virginiana (161-03-001) — Virginia Stickseed

1236 - Halesia carolina (152-01-001) — Common Silverbell

1237 - Halesia carolina (152-01-001?) — Mountain Silverbell

1238 - Halesia diptera (152-01-002) — Common Two-wing Silverbell

1239 - Halesia parviflora (152-01-003) — Little Silverbell

1240 - Hamamelis virginiana (095-02-001) — Northern Witch-hazel

1241 - Hamamelis virginiana (095-02-001?) — Small-leaved Witch-hazel

1242 - Haplopappus divaricatus (179-48-001) — Scratch-daisy, Goldenweed, Slender Scratch-daisy

1243 - Hedeoma pulegioides (164-25-001) — American Pennyroyal

1244 - Hedera helix (139-01-001) — English Ivy, Common Ivy

1245 - Hedera helix (139-01-001?) — Atlantic Ivy, Irish Ivy

1246 - Helenium amarum (179-75-006) — Bitterweed, Yellow Sneezeweed, Bitter Sneezeweed

1247 - Helenium autumnale (179-75-001) — Common Sneezeweed

1248 - Helenium brevifolium (179-75-002) — Littleleaf Sneezeweed, Shortleaf Sneezeweed

1249 - Helenium flexuosum (179-75-003) — Purplehead Sneezeweed, Southern Sneezeweed

1250 - Helenium pinnatifidum (179-75-004) — Savanna Sneezeweed, Southeastern Sneezeweed

1251 - Helenium vernale (179-75-005) — Savannah Sneezeweed, Spring Helenium

1252 - Helianthemum bicknellii (129-02-006) — Hoary Frostweed, Plains Frostweed, Plains Sunrose, Bicknell's Hoary Rockrose

1253 - Helianthemum canadense (129-02-003) — Canada Frostweed, Canada Sunrose, Canada Rockrose

1254 - Helianthemum carolinianum (129-02-001) — Carolina Sunrose, Carolina Frostweed, Carolina Rockrose

1255 - Helianthemum georgianum (129-02-005) — Georgia Sunrose, Georgia Frostweed

1256 - Helianthemum propinquum (129-02-004) — Low Frostweed, Creeping Sunrose

1257 - Helianthemum rosmarinifolium (129-02-007) — Rosemary Sunrose, Rosemary Frostweed

1258 - Helianthus angustifolius (179-65-002) — Narrowleaf Sunflower, Swamp Sunflower

1259 - Helianthus annuus (179-65-022) — Common Sunflower, Mirasol

1260 - Helianthus atrorubens (179-65-005) — Purple-disk Sunflower, Hairy Wood Sunflower, Appalachian Sunflower

1261 - Helianthus debilis var. cucumerifolius (179-65-024) — Cucumber-leaf Sunflower, Beach Sunflower

1262 - Helianthus decapetalus (179-65-013) — Thinleaf Sunflower, Forest Sunflower

1263 - Helianthus divaricatus (179-65-011) — Woodland Sunflower, Spreading Sunflower

1264 - Helianthus giganteus (179-65-021) — Tall Sunflower, Swamp Sunflower, Tuberous Sunflower, Giant Sunflower

1265 - Helianthus glaucophyllus (179-65-017) — Whiteleaf Sunflower

1266 - Helianthus heterophyllus (179-65-006) — Savanna Sunflower, Variable-leaf Sunflower

1267 - Helianthus hirsutus (179-65-012) — Hairy Sunflower, Rough Sunflower

1268 - Helianthus laetiflorus (179-65-009) — Showy Sunflower, cheerful sunflower

1269 - Helianthus laevigatus (179-65-016) — Smooth Sunflower, Shale-barren Sunflower

1270 - Helianthus longifolius (179-65-008) — Longleaf Sunflower

1271 - Helianthus maximiliani (179-65-014) — Maximilian Sunflower

1272 - Helianthus microcephalus (179-65-015) — Small Wood Sunflower, Small-headed Sunflower

1273 - Helianthus mollis (179-65-010) — Downy Sunflower, Ashy Sunflower, Gray Sunflower

1274 - Helianthus occidentalis (179-65-007) — Naked-stem Sunflower, Fewleaf Sunflower, Western Sunflower

1275 - Helianthus petiolaris (179-65-023) — Plains Sunflower, prairie sunflower

1276 - Helianthus radula (179-65-001) — Roundleaf Sunflower, Rayless Sunflower

1277 - Helianthus schweinitzii (179-65-003) — Schweinitz's Sunflower

1278 - Helianthus strumosus (179-65-019) — Roughleaf Sunflower, Paleleaf Woodland Sunflower, Paleleaf Sunflower

1279 - Helianthus tomentosus (179-65-018) — Hairy Sunflower, Resinous Sunflower, Gray Sunflower, Resindot Sunflower

1280 - Helianthus tuberosus (179-65-020) — Jerusalem Artichoke

1281 - Heliopsis helianthoides (179-58-001) — False Sunflower, Eastern Oxeye, Eastern Sunflower-everlasting, Smooth Oxeye

1282 - Heliotropium amplexicaule (161-01-004) — Clasping Heliotrope, Violet Heliotrope

1283 - Heliotropium curassavicum (161-01-001) — Seaside Heliotrope, Quailplant, Cola De Mico

1284 - Heliotropium indicum (161-01-003) — Indian Heliotrope, Turnsole

1285 - Helonias bullata (041-16-001) — Swamp Pink

1286 - Hemerocallis fulva (041-31-001) — Orange Daylily, Tawny Daylily, Roadside Daylily

1287 - Hemicarpha micrantha (030-11-001) — Smallflower Halfchaff

1288 - Hepatica acutiloba (076-15-001) — Sharp-lobed Hepatica, Sharp-lobed Liverleaf

1289 - Hepatica americana (076-15-002) — Round-lobed Hepatica, Round-lobed Liverleaf

1290 - Heracleum lanatum (140-36-001) — Cow-parsnip, American Hogweed, Masterwort

1291 - Hesperis matronalis (088-17-001) — Dame's Rocket

1292 - Heteranthera dubia (039-03-002) — Water Stargrass

1293 - Heteranthera reniformis (039-03-001) — Kidneyleaf Mud Plantain

1294 - Heterotheca adenolepis (179-51-002) — Carolina Silkgrass, Pineland Silkgrass, Grassleaf Goldenaster

1295 - Heterotheca gossypina (179-51-007) — Soft Goldenaster, Hairy Goldenaster

1296 - Heterotheca gossypina (179-51-007) — Woolly Goldenaster, Cottonleaf Goldenaster, Gossamer Goldenaster, Cottony Goldenaster

1297 - Heterotheca mariana (179-51-006) — Maryland Goldenaster

1298 - Heterotheca nervosa var. microcephala (179-51-003b) — Smallhead Silkgrass, Grassleaf Goldenaster

1299 - Heterotheca nervosa var. microcephala (179-51-003b?) — Narrowleaf Silkgrass, Grassleaf Goldenaster

1300 - Heterotheca nervosa var. nervosa (179-51-003a) — Common Silkgrass, Grassleaf Goldenaster

1301 - Heterotheca pinifolia (179-51-005) — Sandhill Goldenaster, Taylor County Goldenaster, Taylor County Silkgrass

1302 - Heterotheca subaxillaris (179-51-010) — Camphorweed

1303 - Heuchera americana (094-11-003) — American Alumroot

1304 - Heuchera americana (094-11-003?) — Carolina Alumroot

1305 - Heuchera americana (094-11-003?) — Purple Alumroot, Hispid Alumroot

1306 - Heuchera longiflora var. aceroides (094-11-005?) — Mapleleaf Alumroot, longflower alumroot

1307 - Heuchera parviflora (094-11-002) — Littleflower Alumroot, Cave Alumroot, Cumberland Grotto Alumroot, Small-flower Alumroot

1308 - Heuchera villosa (094-11-001) — Mapleleaf Alumroot, Hairy Alumroot, Rock Alumroot, Crag-jangle

1309 - Hexalectris spicata (049-19-001) — Crested Coralroot, Spiked Crested Coralroot, Brunetta

1310 - Hexastylis arifolia (062-03-001) — Little Brown Jug, Arrowhead Heartleaf, Arrowleaf Heartleaf, Pigs

1311 - Hexastylis arifolia (062-03-001?) — Appalachian Little Brown Jug

1312 - Hexastylis contracta (062-03-004) — Mountain Heartleaf

1313 - Hexastylis heterophylla (062-03-006) — Variable-leaf Heartleaf

1314 - Hexastylis lewisii (062-03-008) — Lewis's Heartleaf

1315 - Hexastylis minor (062-03-005) — Little Heartleaf, Small Heartleaf Ginger

1316 - Hexastylis minor (062-03-005?) — Sandhill Heartleaf, Streamhead Heartleaf

1317 - Hexastylis naniflora (062-03-002) — Dwarf-flower Heartleaf

1318 - Hexastylis shuttleworthii (062-03-007) — Large-flower Heartleaf, Wild Ginger

1319 - Hexastylis virginica (062-03-003) — Virginia Heartleaf

1320 - Hibiscus aculeatus (122-08-004) — Savanna Hibiscus, Comfort-root, Pineland Hibiscus

1321 - Hibiscus militaris (122-08-003) — Halberdleaf Rosemallow, Rose Hibiscus, Smooth Rosemallow, Showy Hibiscus

1322 - Hibiscus moscheutos ssp. moscheutos (122-08-002) — Swamp Rosemallow, Eastern Rosemallow, Wild Cotton

1323 - Hibiscus syriacus (122-08-001) — Rose-of-Sharon, Althea

1324 - Hibiscus trionum (122-08-005) — Flower-of-an-hour, Venice Mallow, Bladder Ketmia

1325 - Hieracium ×marianum (179-10-007) — Maryland Hawkweed

1326 - Hieracium aurantiacum (179-10-002) — Orange Hawkweed, Devil's Paintbrush, Orange King-devil

1327 - Hieracium florentinum (179-10-004) — Glaucous King-devil, Smooth Hawkweed, Tall Hawkweed

1328 - Hieracium gronovii (179-10-008) — Hairy Hawkweed, Beaked Hawkweed

1329 - Hieracium paniculatum (179-10-006) — Leafy Hawkweed, Panicled Hawkweed, Allegheny Hawkweed

1330 - Hieracium pilosella (179-10-001) — Mouse-ear Hawkweed

1331 - Hieracium pratense (179-10-003) — Field Hawkweed, Yellow King-devil, Meadow Hawkweed

1332 - Hieracium scabrum (179-10-009) — Rough Hawkweed

1333 - Hieracium venosum (179-10-005) — Rattlesnake Hawkweed, Rattlesnake Weed, Veiny Hawkweed

1334 - Holcus lanatus (029-29-001) — Velvet-grass, Soft Grass

1335 - Holosteum umbellatum (071-09-001) — Jagged Chickweed

1336 - Hordeum jubatum (029-23-004) — Foxtail Barley, Squirreltail Barley

1337 - Hordeum pusillum (029-23-001) — Little Barley

1338 - Hordeum vulgare (029-23-003) — Barley

1339 - Hottonia inflata (147-06-001) — Featherfoil, Water-violet

1340 - Houstonia caerulea (173-08-001) — Quaker Ladies, Common Bluet, Innocence, Azure Bluet

1341 - Houstonia longifolia (173-08-006?) — Eastern Longleaf Bluet

1342 - Houstonia longifolia (173-08-006?) — Granite Dome Bluet

1343 - Houstonia procumbens (173-08-004) — Creeping Bluet, Roundleaf Bluet, Trailing Bluet, Fairy-footprints

1344 - Houstonia purpurea (173-08-005) — Summer Bluet, Mountain Bluet, Woodland Bluet, Purple Bluet

1345 - Houstonia purpurea (173-08-005?) — Roan Mountain Bluet

1346 - Houstonia purpurea (173-08-005?) — Lanceleaf Bluet, Midwestern Summer Bluet, Glade Mountain Houstonia, Venus's Pride

1347 - Houstonia pusilla (173-08-003) — Tiny Bluet, Small Bluet

1348 - Houstonia serpyllifolia (173-08-002) — Thymeleaf Bluet, Appalachian Bluet, Prostrate Bluet, Marsh Bluet

1349 - Houstonia tenuifolia (173-08-007) — Narrowleaf Bluet, Diffuse-branched Bluet

1350 - Hudsonia ericoides (129-01-003) — Northern Golden-heather

1351 - Hudsonia montana (129-01-002) — Mountain Golden-heather

1352 - Hudsonia tomentosa (129-01-001) — Woolly Beach-heather

1353 - Humulus japonicus (058-01-002) — Japanese Hops

1354 - Hybanthus concolor (130-01-001) — Eastern Green-violet

1355 - Hydrangea arborescens ssp. arborescens (094-05-001a) — Smooth Hydrangea, Sevenbark, Northern Wild Hydrangea

1356 - Hydrangea arborescens ssp. discolor (094-05-001b) — Ashy Hydrangea, Southern Wild Hydrangea

1357 - Hydrangea arborescens ssp. radiata (094-05-001c) — Snowy Hydrangea, Silverleaf Hydrangea

1358 - Hydrastis canadensis (076-05-001) — Goldenseal

1359 - Hydrocotyle americana (140-01-005) — American Water-pennywort

1360 - Hydrocotyle bonariensis (140-01-002) — Dune Pennywort, Seaside Pennywort, Dune Water-pennywort, Largeleaf Pennywort

1361 - Hydrocotyle ranunculoides (140-01-004) — Swamp Water-pennywort, Floating Marsh-pennywort

1362 - Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides (140-01-006) — Lawn Marsh-pennywort, Lawn Water-pennywort

1363 - Hydrocotyle umbellata (140-01-001) — Marsh Water-pennywort, Manyflower Marsh-pennywort

1364 - Hydrocotyle verticillata var. triradiata (140-01-003b) — Whorled Marsh-pennywort, Water-pennywort

1365 - Hydrocotyle verticillata var. verticillata (140-01-003a) — Shield Marsh-pennywort, Whorled Marsh-pennywort

1366 - Hydrolea corymbosa (160-01-002?) — Tall Hydrolea, Skyflower

1367 - Hydrolea quadrivalvis (160-01-001) — Waterpod

1368 - Hydrophyllum canadense (160-04-001) — Mapleleaf Waterleaf, Broadleaf Waterleaf, Canada Waterleaf, Bluntleaf Waterleaf

1369 - Hydrophyllum macrophyllum (160-04-002) — Hairy Waterleaf, Largeleaf Waterleaf

1370 - Hydrophyllum virginianum (160-04-003) — Virginia Waterleaf, Eastern Waterfleaf

1371 - Hydrophyllum virginianum (160-04-003) — Appalachian Waterleaf

1372 - Hymenocallis crassifolia (044-03-001) — Carolina Spiderlily, Florida Spiderlily

1373 - Hymenocallis occidentalis (044-03-002) — Rocky-shoals Spiderlily, Catawba Spiderlily, Carolina Spiderlily, Cahaba Lily

1374 - Hymenopappus scabiosaeus (179-77-001) — Woolly-white, Southeastern Woollywhite, Old Plainsman

1375 - Hymenophyllum - "a branching ribbon-like gametophyte with marginal rhizoids and small, ovate, plate-like gemmae several cells wide" (009-02-?) — Gorge Filmy-fern, Taylor's Filmy-fern

1376 - Hymenophyllum tunbridgense (009-02-001) — Tunbridge Filmy-fern, Tunbridge Fern

1377 - Hypericum adpressum (126-01-021) — Creeping St. Johnswort, Bog St. Johnswort

1378 - Hypericum buckleyi (126-01-015) — Granite Dome St. Johnswort, Mountain St. Johnswort, Buckley's St. Johnswort, Dwarf St. Johnswort

1379 - Hypericum canadense (126-01-022) — Canada St. Johnswort

1380 - Hypericum cistifolium (126-01-017) — Roundpod St. Johnswort

1381 - Hypericum densiflorum (126-01-009) — Mountain Bushy St. Johnswort, Dense-flowered St. Johnswort

1382 - Hypericum denticulatum var. acutifolium (126-01-025bc) — Strict St. Johnswort, Sharpleaf St. Johnswort

1383 - Hypericum denticulatum var. acutifolium (126-01-025b??) — Radford's St. Johnswort, Brushy Mountain St. Johnswort

1384 - Hypericum denticulatum var. acutifolium (126-01-025b?) — Harper's St. Johnswort

1385 - Hypericum denticulatum var. denticulatum (126-01-025a) — Coppery St. Johnswort

1386 - Hypericum drummondii (126-01-019) — Drummond's St. Johnswort, Nits-and-lice

1387 - Hypericum fasciculatum (126-01-013) — Peelbark St. Johnswort

1388 - Hypericum galioides (126-01-010) — bedstraw St. Johnswort

1389 - Hypericum gentianoides (126-01-018) — Pineweed, Orange-grass, Orangeweed

1390 - Hypericum graveolens (126-01-030) — Mountain St. Johnswort

1391 - Hypericum hypericoides (126-01-002) — St. Andrew's Cross

1392 - Hypericum lloydii (126-01-012) — Lloyd's St. Johnswort, Sandhills St. Johnswort, Piedmont St. Johnswort

1393 - Hypericum mitchellianum (126-01-029) — Blue Ridge St. Johnswort

1394 - Hypericum mutilum (126-01-024) — Common Dwarf St. Johnswort

1395 - Hypericum nitidum (126-01-014) — Sandweed St. Johnswort

1396 - Hypericum nudiflorum (126-01-016) — Early St. Johnswort, Naked St. Johnswort, Streamside St. Johnswort

1397 - Hypericum perforatum (126-01-026) — European St. Johnswort, Common St. Johnswort, Klamath-weed

1398 - Hypericum prolificum (126-01-008) — Shrubby St. Johnswort

1399 - Hypericum punctatum (126-01-027) — Spotted St. Johnswort

1400 - Hypericum reductum (126-01-011) — Sandhill St. Johnswort, Atlantic St. Johnswort

1401 - Hypericum setosum (126-01-020) — Hairy St. Johnswort

1402 - Hypericum stans (126-01-004) — St. Peter's-wort, St. Andrew's Cross, St. Peter's Cross

1403 - Hypericum stragalum (126-01-003) — Straggling St. Johnswort, Low St. Johnswort, Creeping St. Andrew's Cross

1404 - Hypericum suffruticosum (126-01-001) — Pineland St. Johnswort

1405 - Hypericum tubulosum (126-01-006) — Southern Marsh St. Johnswort

1406 - Hypericum virginicum (126-01-005) — Virginia Marsh St. Johnswort, Common Marsh St. Johnswort

1407 - Hypericum walteri (126-01-007) — Walter’s Marsh St. Johnswort, Greater Marsh St. Johnswort

1408 - Hypochoeris elata (179-13-001) — Brazilian Cat's-ear

1409 - Hypochoeris glabra (179-13-003) — Smooth Cat's-ear

1410 - Hypochoeris radicata (179-13-002) — Hairy Cat's-ear, Spotted Cat's-ear, Cat's Ear Dandelion

1411 - Hypoxis hirsuta var. hirsuta (044-07-001a) — Yellow Stargrass, Hairy Yellow Stargrass, Common Stargrass, Upland Stargrass

1412 - Hypoxis hirsuta var. leptocarpa (044-07-001b) — Swamp Stargrass, Curtiss’s Stargrass

1413 - Hypoxis juncea (044-07-003) — Fringed Stargrass

1414 - Hypoxis micrantha (044-07-002) — Bristleseed Stargrass, Pineland Stargrass

1415 - Hyptis alata (164-04-001) — Musky Mint, Cluster Bushmint

1416 - Hystrix patula (029-24-001) — Common Bottlebrush Grass, Eastern Bottlebrush-grass

1417 - Ilex ambigua var. ambigua (112-01-006a) — Carolina Holly

1418 - Ilex ambigua var. montana (112-01-006b) — Mountain Holly, Mountain Winterberry

1419 - Ilex amelanchier (112-01-005) — Sarvis Holly

1420 - Ilex cassine var. cassine (112-01-002a) — Dahoon, Cassena, Dahoon Holly

1421 - Ilex cassine var. myrtifolia (112-01-002b) — Myrtle Holly, Myrtle-leaved Holly

1422 - Ilex coriacea (112-01-010) — Sweet Gallberry, Big Gallberry, Large Gallberry

1423 - Ilex decidua var. decidua (112-01-004a) — Possumhaw, Possumhaw Holly

1424 - Ilex decidua var. longipes (112-01-004b) — Georgia Holly, Chapman's Holly

1425 - Ilex decidua var. longipes (112-01-004b?) — Cuthbert Holly

1426 - Ilex glabra (112-01-009) — Inkberry, Bitter Gallberry, Little Gallberry

1427 - Ilex laevigata (112-01-008) — Smooth Winterberry

1428 - Ilex opaca (112-01-001) — American Holly, Christmas Holly

1429 - Ilex verticillata (112-01-007) — Downy Winterberry, "Black Alder"

1430 - Ilex vomitoria (112-01-003) — Yaupon Holly, Yaupon

1431 - Impatiens capensis (118-01-002) — Spotted Jewelweed, Spotted Touch-me-not, Orange Jewelweed, Orange Touch-me-not

1432 - Impatiens pallida (118-01-001) — Pale Jewelweed, Pale Touch-me-not, Yellow Jewelweed, Yellow Touch-me-not

1433 - Indigofera caroliniana (098-33-001) — Carolina Indigo, Wild Indigo

1434 - Inula helenium (179-42-001) — Elecampane, elecampane inula

1435 - Ipheion uniflorum (041-34-001) — Spring Starflower, Spring Star, Star of Bethlehem

1436 - Ipomoea batatas (158-07-006) — Sweet Potato

1437 - Ipomoea coccinea (158-07-002) — Small Red Morning Glory, Scarlet Creeper

1438 - Ipomoea hederacea var. hederacea (158-07-004) — Ivyleaf Morning Glory

1439 - Ipomoea lacunosa (158-07-008) — Small White Morning Glory, Small-flowered Morning Glory, Whitestar

1440 - Ipomoea macrorhiza (158-07-010) — Indian Midden Morning Glory, Largeroot Morning Glory, Manroot, Pink Moonvine

1441 - Ipomoea pandurata (158-07-011) — Manroot, Wild Potato Vine, Man-of-the-earth, Wild Sweet Potato

1442 - Ipomoea purpurea (158-07-003) — Common Morning Glory

1443 - Ipomoea quamoclit (158-07-001) — Cypress-vine

1444 - Ipomoea sagittata (158-07-009) — Saltmarsh Morning Glory

1445 - Ipomoea stolonifera (158-07-005) — Fiddleleaf Morning Glory, Beach Morning Glory

1446 - Ipomoea trichocarpa (158-07-007) — Coastal Morning Glory, Tie-vine, Cotton Morning Glory

1447 - Ipomopsis rubra (159-03-001) — Standing-cypress, Spanish-larkspur

1448 - Iris cristata (046-05-008) — Dwarf Crested Iris

1449 - Iris germanica (046-05-006) — German Iris, Fleur-de-Lys

1450 - Iris hexagona (046-05-003) — Dixie Iris, Anglepod Blue Flag

1451 - Iris prismatica (046-05-001) — Slender Blue Flag, Slender Blue Iris

1452 - Iris pseudacorus (046-05-005) — Yellow Flag, Water Flag, Yellow Iris

1453 - Iris tridentata (046-05-004) — Bay Blue-flag Iris, Flag, Savannah Iris

1454 - Iris verna var. smalliana (046-05-007b) — Upland Dwarf Iris, Upland Dwarf Violet Iris

1455 - Iris verna var. verna (046-05-007a) — Coastal Plain Dwarf Iris, Sandhill Iris, Coastal Plain Violet Iris

1456 - Iris virginica (046-05-002) — Southern Blue Flag

1457 - Iris virginica (046-05-002?) — Shreve's iris, Shreve's Blue Flag iris

1458 - Isoetes engelmannii (005-01-002) — Appalachian Quillwort

1459 - Isoetes engelmannii (005-01-002) — Engelmann's Quillwort, Appalachian Quillwort

1460 - Isoetes engelmannii (005-01-002) — Wintergreen Quillwort, Winter Quillwort, evergreen quillwort

1461 - Isoetes engelmannii (005-01-002?) — Mountain Quillwort, Carolina Quillwort, Strong Quillwort

1462 - Isoetes melanopoda (005-01-001?) — Black-spored Quillwort

1463 - Isoetes melanopoda (005-01-001?) — Piedmont Quillwort

1464 - Isoetes melanopoda (005-01-001) — Eastern Blackfoot Quillwort

1465 - Isoetes melanopoda (005-01-001?) — Virginia Quillwort

1466 - Isoetes riparia (005-01-003) — Riverbank Quillwort, Shore Quillwort

1467 - Isopyrum biternatum (076-07-001) — False Rue-anemone, Isopyrum

1468 - Isotria medeoloides (049-06-002) — Small Whorled Pogonia, Little Five-leaves

1469 - Isotria verticillata (049-06-001) — Large Whorled Pogonia, Large Five-leaves

1470 - Itea virginica (094-01-001) — Virginia Sweetspire, Virginia-willow

1471 - Iva annua (179-01-003) — Sumpweed, Rough Marsh-elder, Annual Marsh-elder

1472 - Iva frutescens (179-01-001) — Southern Maritime Marsh-elder, Southern Bigleaf Marsh-elder

1473 - Iva frutescens (179-01-001?) — Northern Maritime Marsh-elder

1474 - Iva imbricata (179-01-002) — Seashore Elder, Dune Marsh-elder, Seacoast Marsh-elder

1475 - Jacquemontia tamnifolia (158-04-001) — Common Jacquemontia, Hairy Clustervine, Tie Vine, Smallflower Morning Glory

1476 - Jeffersonia diphylla (077-04-001) — Twinleaf

1477 - Juglans cinerea (053-01-002) — Butternut, White Walnut

1478 - Juglans nigra (053-01-001) — Black Walnut

1479 - Juncus acuminatus (040-01-029) — Tapertip Rush, Sharp-fruited Rush

1480 - Juncus canadensis (040-01-018) — Canadian Rush

1481 - Juncus coriaceus (040-01-003) — Leathery Rush

1482 - Juncus dichotomus (040-01-008 & 011) — Forked Rush

1483 - Juncus effusus (040-01-001) — Soft Rush, Common Rush

1484 - Juncus georgianus (040-01-010) — Georgia Rush, Flatrock Rush

1485 - Juncus gymnocarpus (040-01-002) — Seep Rush, Beaked Rush, Pennsylvania Rush

1486 - Juncus marginatus (040-01-013) — Grassleaf Rush

1487 - Juncus megacephalus (040-01-025) — Large-headed Rush, Bighead Rush

1488 - Juncus repens (040-01-012) — Creeping Rush

1489 - Juncus roemerianus (040-01-004) — Black Needle Rush

1490 - Juncus secundus (040-01-009) — Lopsided Rush, Secund Rush

1491 - Juncus subcaudatus (040-01-020) — Somewhat-tailed Rush, Woodland Rush, Short-tailed Rush

1492 - Juncus tenuis (040-01-006) — Path Rush, Poverty Rush, Slender Rush

1493 - Juncus trigonocarpus (040-01-017) — Redpod Rush

1494 - Juniperus communis var. depressa (018-03-001) — Ground Juniper, Mountain Juniper, Common Juniper

1495 - Juniperus silicicola (018-03-003) — Southern Red Cedar, Coastal Red Cedar

1496 - Juniperus virginiana (018-03-002) — Eastern Red Cedar

1497 - Justicia americana (171-05-001) — American Water-willow

1498 - Justicia ovata (171-05-002) — Coastal Plain Water-willow, Looseflower Water-willow

1499 - Kallstroemia maxima (102-02-001) — Greater Caltrop

1500 - Kalmia angustifolia var. caroliniana (145-08-002) — Southern Sheepkill, Carolina Wicky, Carolina Sheep Laurel, Carolina Bog Myrtle

1501 - Kalmia cuneata (145-08-003) — White Wicky

1502 - Kalmia hirsuta (145-08-004) — Hairy Wicky, Kalmiella

1503 - Kalmia latifolia (145-08-001) — Mountain Laurel, Ivy, Calico-bush, Mountain Ivy

1504 - Koelreuteria paniculata (117-02-001) — Golden Rain-tree

1505 - Kosteletskya virginica (122-07-001) — Southern Seashore Mallow, Seashore Marshmallow, Virginia Saltmarsh Mallow, Fen-rose

1506 - Krigia biflora (179-15-001) — Orange Dwarf-dandelion, Two-flower Dwarf-dandelion, Two-flower Cynthia, Twin-flowered Cynthia

1507 - Krigia dandelion (179-15-003) — Colonial Dwarf-dandelion, Potato Dwarf-dandelion

1508 - Krigia montana (179-15-002) — Mountain Dwarf-dandelion, Mountain Cynthia

1509 - Krigia oppositifolia (179-15-005) — Opposite-leaf Dwarf-dandelion

1510 - Krigia virginica (179-15-004) — Virginia Dwarf-dandelion

1511 - Kuhnia eupatorioides (179-33-001) — Eastern False-boneset, Eastern False-eupatorium, Eastern Kuhnia

1512 - Lachnanthes caroliniana (045-01-001) — Carolina Redroot

1513 - Lachnocaulon anceps (036-03-003) — Common Bogbuttons, Savanna Bogbuttons, Whitehead Bogbutton

1514 - Lachnocaulon beyrichianum (036-03-001) — Southern Bogbuttons

1515 - Lachnocaulon minus (036-03-002) — Brown Bogbutton

1516 - Lactuca biennis (179-07-006) — Tall Blue Lettuce, Blue Wood Lettuce

1517 - Lactuca canadensis (179-07-003) — American Wild Lettuce, Canada Lettuce

1518 - Lactuca floridana (179-07-007) — Woodland Lettuce

1519 - Lactuca graminifolia (179-07-005) — Coastal Plain Lettuce, Slender Wild Lettuce, Grassleaf Lettuce

1520 - Lactuca hirsuta (179-07-004) — Red Wood Lettuce, Downy Lettuce, Hairy Lettuce

1521 - Lactuca saligna (179-07-002) — Willowleaf Lettuce

1522 - Lactuca scariola (179-07-001) — Prickly Lettuce

1523 - Lamium amplexicaule (164-19-001) — Henbit, Henbit Deadnettle

1524 - Lamium maculatum (164-19-XX) — Spotted Deadnettle

1525 - Lamium purpureum (164-19-002) — Purple Deadnettle, Red Deadnettle, Purple Archangel

1526 - Lantana camara (162-05-002) — Common Lantana, Hedgeflower

1527 - Lantana horrida (162-05-003) — Texas Lantana, Hierba De Cristo, West Indies Shrub-verbena

1528 - Lantana ovatifolia (162-05-001) — Florida Lantana, East Florida Lantana

1529 - Laportea canadensis (059-01-001) — Canada Wood-nettle

1530 - Lapsana communis (179-05-001) — Nipplewort

1531 - Lathyrus hirsutus (098-38-001) — Caley Pea, Singletary Pea

1532 - Lathyrus latifolius (098-38-003) — Everlasting Pea, Perennial Sweet Pea

1533 - Lathyrus venosus (098-38-004) — Wood Pea, Forest Pea, Bush Vetch, Veiny Pea

1534 - Lechea racemulosa (129-03-004) — Racemose Pinweed, Appalachian Pinweed, Oblong-fruit Pinweed

1535 - Lechea tenuifolia (129-03-003) — Narrowleaf Pinweed

1536 - Lechea villosa (129-03-001) — Hairy Pinweed

1537 - Leersia lenticularis (029-62-001) — Catchfly Cutgrass, Oatmeal Grass

1538 - Leersia oryzoides (029-62-004) — Rice Cutgrass

1539 - Leersia virginica (029-62-003) — White Cutgrass, Whitegrass, Virginia Cutgrass

1540 - Leiophyllum buxifolium var. buxifolium (145-07-001) — Sand-myrtle, Mountain Myrtle

1541 - Lemna perpusilla (033-02-002) — Tiny Duckweed, Small Duckweed, Minute Duckweed

1542 - Leonurus cardiaca (164-16-001) — Motherwort, Lion's-tail

1543 - Lepidium campestre (088-04-002) — Cow Cress, Field Pepperwort, Field Cress, Field Pepperweed

1544 - Lepidium virginicum (088-04-003) — Poor Man's Pepper, Peppergrass

1545 - Leptochloa filiformis (029-56-001) — Red Sprangletop

1546 - Lespedeza angustifolia (098-27-014) — Narrow-leaved Lespedeza, Narrowleaf Bush-clover

1547 - Lespedeza bicolor (098-27-005) — Bicolor Lespedeza, Bicolor, Shrubby Lespedeza

1548 - Lespedeza capitata (098-27-013) — Round-headed Lespedeza, Roundhead Bush-clover, Silvery Bush-clover

1549 - Lespedeza cuneata (098-27-011) — Sericea Lespedeza, Chinese Lespedeza, Sericea

1550 - Lespedeza hirta (098-27-012) — Hairy Bush-clover, Hairy Lespedeza, Silvery Lespedeza

1551 - Lespedeza intermedia (098-27-009) — Wand Lespedeza, Wandlike Bush-clover, Violet Bush-clover

1552 - Lespedeza nuttallii (098-27-010) — lespedeza hybrid

1553 - Lespedeza procumbens (098-27-003) — Downy Trailing Lespedeza, Trailing Bush-clover

1554 - Lespedeza repens (098-27-004) — Smooth Trailing Lespedeza, Creeping Lespedeza, Creeping Bush-clover

1555 - Lespedeza stipulacea (098-27-001) — Korean-clover, Korean Lespedeza

1556 - Lespedeza striata (098-27-002) — Japanese-clover, Common Lespedeza, Annual Lespedeza

1557 - Lespedeza stuevei (098-27-007) — Velvety Lespedeza, Stueve's Bush-clover, Tall Lespedeza

1558 - Lespedeza violacea (098-27-008) — Violet Lespedeza, Shrubby Bush-clover

1559 - Lespedeza virginica (098-27-006) — Virginia Lespedeza, Slender Lespedeza, Virginia Bush-clover, Slender Bush-clover

1560 - Leucojum aestivum (044-02-001) — Summer Snowflake

1561 - Leucothoe axillaris var. axillaris (145-12-002a) — Coastal Doghobble

1562 - Leucothoe axillaris var. editorum (145-12-002b) — Mountain Doghobble, Highland Doghobble, Switch-ivy

1563 - Leucothoe populifolia (145-12-001) — Tall Fetterbush, Florida Leucothoe, Florida Hobblebush, Agarista

1564 - Leucothoe racemosa (145-12-004) — Coastal Fetterbush, Swamp Sweetbells, Swamp Leucothoe, Swamp Fetterbush

1565 - Leucothoe recurva (145-12-003) — Mountain Sweetbells, Mountain Fetterbush, Deciduous Fetterbush

1566 - Liatris aspera (179-30-011) — Rough Blazing-star

1567 - Liatris earlei (179-30-010) — Southern Blazing-star, Earle's Blazing-star, Appalachian Blazing-star

1568 - Liatris elegans (179-30-013) — Common Elegant Blazing-star

1569 - Liatris elegans (179-30-013?) — Kral's Elegant Blazing-star

1570 - Liatris gracilis (179-30-004) — Slender Blazing-star

1571 - Liatris graminifolia (179-30-003) — Grassleaf Blazing-star, Shaggy Blazing-star

1572 - Liatris graminifolia (179-30-003?) — Wand Blazing-star

1573 - Liatris helleri (179-30-006) — Smooth Blazing-star, Heller's Blazing-star

1574 - Liatris microcephala (179-30-002) — Narrowleaf Blazing-star, Smallhead Blazing-star

1575 - Liatris regimontis (179-30-007) — Sandhill Blazing-star

1576 - Liatris scariosa (179-30-012) — Northern Blazing-star

1577 - Liatris secunda (179-30-008) — Sandhill Blazing-star, One-sided Blazing-star, Lax Blazing-star

1578 - Liatris spicata var. resinosa (179-30-001b) — Dense Blazing-star, Bog Blazing-star

1579 - Liatris spicata var. spicata (179-30-001a) — Dense Blazing-star, Mountain Blazing-star, Florist's Gayfeather, Dense Gayfeather

1580 - Liatris squarrosa (179-30-014) — Scaly Blazing-star, Squarrose Gayfeather, Longbracted Blazing-star

1581 - Liatris tenuifolia (179-30-009) — Shortleaf Blazing-star, Shortleaf Gayfeather, Slender Blazing-star

1582 - Ligusticum canadense (140-25-001) — American Lovage

1583 - Ligustrum amurense (153-05-001) — Amur Privet

1584 - Ligustrum japonicum (153-05-002) — Japanese Privet

1585 - Ligustrum ovalifolium (153-05-003) — California Privet

1586 - Ligustrum sinense (153-05-004) — Chinese Privet, "privy hedge"

1587 - Lilaeopsis carolinensis (140-29-002) — Carolina Lilaeopsis, Carolina Grasswort, Carolina Strapwort

1588 - Lilaeopsis chinensis (140-29-001) — Marsh Lilaeopsis, Eastern Grasswort, Tidal Strapwort, Fiddler-crab Turf

1589 - Lilium canadense (041-32-004) — Canada Lily

1590 - Lilium catesbaei var. catesbaei (041-32-002) — Pine Lily, Catesby's Lily, Leopard Lily

1591 - Lilium grayi (041-32-003) — Gray's Lily, Roan Lily

1592 - Lilium michauxii (041-32-006) — Carolina Lily, Michaux’s Lily

1593 - Lilium michauxii (041-32-006?) — Sandhills Lily, Sandhills Bog Lily, Fire Lily

1594 - Lilium philadelphicum (041-32-001) — Eastern Wood Lily, Appalachian Wood Lily

1595 - Lilium superbum (041-32-005) — Turk's-cap Lily, Lily-royal, Superb Lily

1596 - Limnobium spongia (028-04-001) — American Frogsbit, Spongeplant

1597 - Limonium carolinianum + (148-01-001 & 002) — Carolina Sea-lavender, Seaside Thrift, Inkroot, Marsh Rosemary

1598 - Linaria canadensis (166-16-001) — Oldfield Toadflax, Common Toadflax, Canada Toadflax

1599 - Linaria canadensis (166-16-001?) — Texas Toadflax

1600 - Linaria vulgaris (166-16-002) — Butter-and-eggs, Yellow Toadflax, Wild-snapdragon

1601 - Lindera benzoin (084-04-001) — Northern Spicebush, Wild Allspice

1602 - Lindera melissaefolium (084-04-002) — Southern Spicebush, Pondberry

1603 - Lindernia dubia (166-09-002) — Yellowseed False Pimpernel

1604 - Lindernia monticola (166-09-004) — Flatrock Pimpernel, Riverbank Pimpernel, False Pimpernel, Piedmont Pimpernel

1605 - Lindernia saxicola (166-09-003) — Riverbank Pimpernel

1606 - Linum striatum (099-01-003) — Ridgestem Yellow Flax, Ridged Yellow Flax

1607 - Linum usitatissimum (099-01-001) — Common Flax, Cultivated Flax, Linaza

1608 - Linum virginianum var. floridanum (099-01-004c) — Florida Yellow Flax, Savanna Flax

1609 - Linum virginianum var. floridanum (099-01-004c?) — Bicknell's Yellow Flax, Sandplain Flax

1610 - Linum virginianum var. floridanum (099-01-004c?) — Yellow-fruited Yellow Flax, Florida yellow flax

1611 - Linum virginianum var. medium (099-01-004b) — Texas Yellow Flax, Stiff Yellow Flax, Spreading Flax, Texas Flax

1612 - Linum virginianum var. virginianum (099-01-004a) — Virginia Yellow Flax, Woodland Flax

1613 - Liparis lilifolia (049-15-001) — Lily-leaf Twayblade, Large Twayblade, Purple Twayblade, Brown Wide-lip Orchid

1614 - Liparis loeselii (049-15-002) — Fen Orchid, Bog Twayblade, Loesel's Twayblade, Yellow Wide-lip Orchid

1615 - Lippia lanceolata (162-02-001) — Marsh Frogfruit, Northern Frogfruit, Lanceleaf Frogfruit

1616 - Lippia nodiflora (162-02-002) — Creeping Frogfruit, Capeweed, Turkey-tangle, Sawtooth Frogfruit

1617 - Liquidambar styraciflua (095-01-001) — Sweetgum

1618 - Liriodendron tulipifera (080-01-001) — Tulip-tree, Yellow Poplar, Whitewood

1619 - Liriodendron tulipifera (080-01-001?) — Coastal Plain Tulip-tree, Southern Yellow Poplar

1620 - Listera australis (049-04-003) — Southern Twayblade

1621 - Listera smallii (049-04-001) — Kidneyleaf Twayblade, Appalachian Twayblade, Small's Twayblade

1622 - Lithospermum arvense (161-05-001) — Corn-gromwell

1623 - Lithospermum canescens (161-05-003) — Hoary Puccoon, Indian-paint

1624 - Lithospermum caroliniense (161-05-002) — Coastal Plain Puccoon, Hairy Puccoon, Sandhill Puccoon

1625 - Lithospermum tuberosum (161-05-004) — Southern Stoneseed

1626 - Litsea aestivalis (084-03-001) — Pondspice

1627 - Lobelia amoena (178-06-004) — Southern Lobelia

1628 - Lobelia boykinii (178-06-010) — Boykin's Lobelia

1629 - Lobelia canbyi (178-06-009) — Canby’s Lobelia

1630 - Lobelia cardinalis (178-06-001) — Cardinal Flower

1631 - Lobelia elongata (178-06-003) — Purple Lobelia, Streamside Lobelia, Longleaf Lobelia

1632 - Lobelia elongata (178-06-003?) — Georgia Lobelia, southern lobelia

1633 - Lobelia glandulosa (178-06-005) — Savanna Lobelia, Glade Lobelia

1634 - Lobelia inflata (178-06-008) — Indian-tobacco, Pukeweed

1635 - Lobelia nuttallii (178-06-011) — Nuttall's Lobelia

1636 - Lobelia puberula (178-06-006) — Downy Lobelia, Hairy Lobelia

1637 - Lobelia siphilitica (178-06-002) — Great Blue Lobelia

1638 - Lobelia spicata (178-06-007) — Pale Spiked Lobelia, Palespike Lobelia

1639 - Lolium multiflorum (029-19-002) — Italian Ryegrass, Annual Ryegrass

1640 - Lolium perenne (029-19-003) — English Ryegrass, Perennial Ryegrass

1641 - Lolium temulentum (029-19-001) — Darnel Ryegrass, Darnel

1642 - Lonicera ×bella (174-02-001) — Bell's Honeysuckle, Pretty Honeysuckle, Showy Honeysuckle

1643 - Lonicera canadensis (174-02-002) — American Fly-honeysuckle

1644 - Lonicera dioica (174-02-006) — Smooth Honeysuckle, Mountain Coral Honeysuckle, Limber Honeysuckle

1645 - Lonicera flava (174-02-007) — Yellow Honeysuckle

1646 - Lonicera fragrantissima (174-02-003) — Sweet-breath-of-spring, Winter Honeysuckle

1647 - Lonicera japonica (174-02-004) — Japanese Honeysuckle

1648 - Lonicera sempervirens (174-02-005) — Coral Honeysuckle, Trumpet Honeysuckle, Scarlet Honeysuckle, Woodbine

1649 - Lophiola americana (045-02-001) — Goldencrest

1650 - Lotus corniculatus (098-17-002) — Birdsfoot-trefoil, Eggs-and-Bacon

1651 - Lotus helleri (098-17-001) — Carolina Prairie-trefoil

1652 - Ludwigia alternifolia (137-01-009) — Alternate-leaf Seedbox, Bushy Seedbox

1653 - Ludwigia arcuata (137-01-019) — Pondshore Seedbox, piedmont primrose-willow, Needleleaf Ludwigia

1654 - Ludwigia bonariensis (137-01-002) — South American Seedbox

1655 - Ludwigia brevipes (137-01-020) — Long Beach Seedbox, Coastal Plain Water-purslane

1656 - Ludwigia decurrens (137-01-001) — Wingstem Water-primrose, Wingleaf Primrose-willow

1657 - Ludwigia hirtella (137-01-008) — Rafinesque's Seedbox, Spindleroot, Hairy Seedbox

1658 - Ludwigia leptocarpa (137-01-003) — Water-willow, Primrose Willow, Anglestem Primrose-willow

1659 - Ludwigia linearis (137-01-011) — Narrowleaf Seedbox, Slender Seedbox

1660 - Ludwigia maritima (137-01-007) — Harper's Seedbox, Seaside Seedbox

1661 - Ludwigia palustris (137-01-023) — Common Water-purslane, Marsh Purslane, Marsh Seedbox

1662 - Ludwigia pilosa (137-01-013) — Hairy Seedbox

1663 - Ludwigia repens (137-01-021) — Creeping Seedbox

1664 - Ludwigia spathulata (137-01-022) — Southern Water-purslane

1665 - Ludwigia sphaerocarpa (137-01-017) — Globe-fruited Seedbox

1666 - Ludwigia suffruticosa (137-01-014) — Shrubby Seedbox

1667 - Ludwigia uruguayensis (137-01-004?) — Showy Water-primrose, Large-flower Water-primrose

1668 - Ludwigia uruguayensis (137-01-004?) — Common Water-primrose

1669 - Ludwigia virgata (137-01-006) — Savanna Seedbox, Slender Seedbox

1670 - Lupinus diffusus (098-12-002) — Blue Sandhill Lupine, Sky-blue Lupine

1671 - Lupinus perennis (098-12-001) — Northern Sundial Lupine

1672 - Lupinus perennis (098-12-001?) — Southern Sundial Lupine

1673 - Lupinus villosus (098-12-003) — Lady Lupine, Pink Sandhill Lupine

1674 - Luzula acuminata var. acuminata (040-02-001a) — Hairy Woodrush

1675 - Luzula acuminata var. carolinae (040-02-001b) — Carolina Woodrush, Southern Hairy Woodrush

1676 - Luzula bulbosa (040-02-003) — Bulbous Woodrush

1677 - Luzula echinata (040-02-004) — Hedgehog Woodrush, Spreading Woodrush

1678 - Luzula multiflora (040-02-002) — Common Woodrush

1679 - Lychnis alba (071-14-002) — White Campion, Evening Campion, White Cockle, Evening Lychnis

1680 - Lychnis coronaria (071-14-001) — Rose Campion, Mullein-pink

1681 - Lycium carolinianum (165-01-001) — Christmas-berry, Carolina Matrimony-vine

1682 - Lycium chinense (165-01-003x) — Chinese Matrimony-vine, Wolfberry, Goji Berry, Chinese Boxthorn

1683 - Lycium halimifolium (165-01-002) — Common Matrimony-vine, Wolfberry, Goji Berry

1684 - Lycopodium alopecuroides (003-01-006) — Foxtail Clubmoss, Foxtail Bog-clubmoss

1685 - Lycopodium alopecuroides (003-01-006?) — Featherstem Clubmoss, Prostrate Bog-clubmoss

1686 - Lycopodium appressum (003-01-005) — Southern Bog-clubmoss

1687 - Lycopodium carolinianum (003-01-004) — Carolina Bog-clubmoss, Slender Clubmoss

1688 - Lycopodium carolinianum (003-01-004?) — Florida Bog Clubmoss

1689 - Lycopodium clavatum (003-01-007) — Staghorn Clubmoss, Running Clubmoss, Ground-pine

1690 - Lycopodium flabelliforme (003-01-010) — Southern Ground-cedar, Common Running-cedar, Fan Ground-pine, Running Ground-pine

1691 - Lycopodium lucidulum (003-01-001) — Shining Clubmoss, Shining Firmoss

1692 - Lycopodium obscurum var. dendroideum (003-01-008b) — Hickey's Tree-clubmoss, Pennsylvania Ground-pine

1693 - Lycopodium obscurum var. dendroideum (003-01-008b) — Prickly Tree-clubmoss, Round-branch Clubmoss, Tree Ground-pine

1694 - Lycopodium obscurum var. obscurum (003-01-008a) — Flat-branched Tree-clubmoss, Common Ground-pine

1695 - Lycopodium porophilum (003-01-003) — Rock Clubmoss, Rock Firmoss

1696 - Lycopodium selago (003-01-002) — Appalachian Firmoss, Appalachian Fir-clubmoss

1697 - Lycopodium tristachyum (003-01-009) — Blue Ground-cedar, Blue Running-cedar

1698 - Lycopus americanus (164-31-005) — American Bugleweed, Water Horehound

1699 - Lycopus cokeri (164-31-003) — Coker's Bugleweed, Carolina Bugleweed

1700 - Lycopus rubellus var. rubellus (164-31-006a) — Stalked Bugleweed, Taperleaf Bugleweed

1701 - Lycopus uniflorus (164-31-002) — Northern Bugleweed

1702 - Lycopus virginicus (164-31-001) — Virginia Bugleweed, Virginia water horehound

1703 - Lycoris radiata (044-06-001) — Red Spider Lily, Hurricane Lily, Surprise Lily, Naked Ladies

1704 - Lygodium japonicum (008-01-002) — Japanese Climbing Fern

1705 - Lygodium palmatum (008-01-001) — American Climbing Fern

1706 - Lyonia ferruginea (145-11-002) — Rusty Lyonia, Staggerbush, Dragonwood, Crookedwood

1707 - Lyonia ferruginea (145-11-002?) — Staggerbush, Poor-grub

1708 - Lyonia ligustrina (145-11-001) — Northern Maleberry, He-huckleberry

1709 - Lyonia ligustrina (145-11-001?) — Southern Maleberry, He-huckleberry

1710 - Lyonia lucida (145-11-003) — Shining Fetterbush, Lyonia, Hemleaf

1711 - Lyonia mariana (145-11-004) — Staggerbush, Large-flowered Fetterbush

1712 - Lysimachia asperulaefolia (147-02-009) — Pocosin Loosestrife, "Roughleaf Loosestrife"

1713 - Lysimachia ciliata (147-02-001) — Fringed Loosestrife

1714 - Lysimachia fraseri (147-02-005) — Fraser's Loosestrife

1715 - Lysimachia lanceolata var. hybrida (147-02-003b) — Lowland Loosestrife

1716 - Lysimachia lanceolata var. lanceolata (147-02-003a) — Lanceleaf Loosestrife

1717 - Lysimachia loomisii (147-02-008) — Carolina Loosestrife, Loomis's Loosestrife

1718 - Lysimachia nummularia (147-02-004) — Moneywort, Creeping Jenny, Creeping Charlie

1719 - Lysimachia quadrifolia (147-02-006) — Whorled Loosestrife

1720 - Lysimachia terrestris (147-02-007) — Swamp Candles, Bog-candles, Bog Loosestrife

1721 - Lysimachia tonsa (147-02-002) — Southern Loosestrife, Appalachian Loosestrife

1722 - Lythrum lanceolatum (135-05-003) — Southern Winged Loosestrife

1723 - Lythrum salicaria (135-05-002) — Purple Loosestrife

1724 - Macbridea caroliniana (164-14-001) — Carolina Birds-in-a-nest, Carolina Macbridea, Carolina Bogmint

1725 - Maclura pomifera (057-03-001) — Osage-orange, Hedge-apple, Bow-wood

1726 - Magnolia acuminata (080-02-007) — Cucumber Magnolia, Cucumber-tree

1727 - Magnolia acuminata (080-02-007?) — Piedmont Cucumber Magnolia, Yellow Cucumber-tree, Showy Cucumber Magnolia

1728 - Magnolia fraseri (080-02-004) — Fraser Magnolia, Mountain Magnolia, Earleaf Umbrella-tree, Umbrella Tree

1729 - Magnolia grandiflora (080-02-002) — Southern Magnolia, Bull Bay

1730 - Magnolia macrophylla (080-02-003) — Bigleaf Magnolia, Large-leaved Magnolia, Umbrella Tree

1731 - Magnolia pyramidata (080-02-005) — Pyramid Magnolia

1732 - Magnolia tripetala (080-02-006) — Umbrella Magnolia, Umbrella-tree

1733 - Magnolia virginiana (080-02-001) — Sweetbay, Sweetbay Magnolia, Swampbay

1734 - Mahonia bealei (077-02-001) — Leatherleaf Mahonia, Chinese Mahonia, Holly-grape

1735 - Maianthemum canadense (041-07-001) — Canada Mayflower, "False Lily-of-the-valley", "Wild Lily-of-the-valley"

1736 - Malaxis spicata (049-14-001) — Florida Adder's-mouth

1737 - Malaxis unifolia (049-14-002) — Green Adder's-mouth

1738 - Malaxis unifolia (049-14-002?) — Appalachian Adder's-mouth

1739 - Malus angustifolia (097-18-002) — Southern Crabapple, Wild Crabapple

1740 - Malus coronaria (097-18-003) — Sweet Crabapple, Wild Crabapple

1741 - Malus pumila (097-18-001) — Common Apple

1742 - Malva moschata (122-01-003) — Marsh Mallow, Musk Mallow, Rose Mallow

1743 - Malva neglecta (122-01-002) — Common Mallow, Cheeses

1744 - Malva sylvestris (122-01-001) — High Mallow, Common Mallow, Cheeses

1745 - Manisuris cylindrica (029-82-002) — Carolina Jointgrass

1746 - Manisuris rugosa (029-82-001) — Wrinkled Jointgrass

1747 - Marshallia graminifolia (179-72-001) — Grassleaf Barbara's-buttons

1748 - Marshallia grandiflora (179-72-004) — Blue Ridge Barbara's-buttons, Large-flowered Barbara's-buttons, Monongahela Barbara's-buttons, Appalachian Barbara's-buttons

1749 - Marshallia grandiflora (179-72-004?) — Oak Barrens Barbara's-buttons

1750 - Marshallia obovata var. obovata (179-72-003a) — Piedmont Barbara's-buttons, Spoon-leaved Barbara's-buttons, Spoon-shaped Barbara's-buttons

1751 - Marshallia obovata var. scaposa (179-72-003b) — Sandhill Marshallia, Savanna Barbara's-buttons, Spoon-shaped Barbara's-buttons

1752 - Marshallia trinervia (179-72-002) — Colonial Barbara's-buttons, Broadleaf Barbara's-buttons

1753 - Matelea carolinensis (157-03-005) — Carolina Spinypod, Climbing Milkweed, Climbing Milkvine, Maroon Carolina Milkvine

1754 - Matelea decipiens (157-03-004) — Deceptive Spinypod

1755 - Matelea flavidula (157-03-006) — Yellow Spinypod, Yellow Carolina Milkvine

1756 - Matelea gonocarpa (157-03-001 & 002) — Eastern Anglepod

1757 - Matelea obliqua (157-03-003) — Northern Spinypod, Limerock Milkvine, Climbing Milkvine

1758 - Matricaria matricarioides (179-81-001) — Pineapple-weed, Rayless Chamomile

1759 - Mayaca aubletii (034-01-001) — Aublet's Bogmoss

1760 - Mayaca fluviatilis (034-01-002) — Stream Bogmoss

1761 - Mazus japonicus (166-08-001) — Japanese Mazus

1762 - Mazus miguelii (166-08-002) — Creeping Mazus, Miquel's Mazus

1763 - Mecardonia acuminata (166-06-001) — Mecardonia, Common Axilflower

1764 - Medeola virginiana (041-04-001) — Indian Cucumber-root

1765 - Medicago arabica (098-16-005) — Spotted Medick, Spotted Bur-clover

1766 - Medicago lupulina (098-16-003) — Black Medick, Yellow Trefoil

1767 - Medicago polymorpha (098-16-006) — Toothed Medick, Smooth Bur-clover

1768 - Medicago sativa (098-16-001) — Alfalfa, Lucerne, Blue Alfalfa

1769 - Meehania cordata (164-08-001) — Meehania, Meehan's Mint

1770 - Melampyrum lineare (166-30-001) — Cow-wheat

1771 - Melanthera hastata (179-67-001) — Snowy Black-anthers, Snow Squarestem

1772 - Melanthium hybridum (041-23-002) — Crisped Bunchflower, Broadleaf Bunchflower, Slender Bunchflower

1773 - Melanthium virginicum (041-23-001) — Virginia Bunchflower, Bog Bunchflower

1774 - Melia azedarach (105-01-001) — Chinaberry, Pride-of-India

1775 - Melica mutica (029-16-001) — Two-flower Melicgrass

1776 - Melilotus alba (098-15-003) — White Sweetclover, White Melilot

1777 - Melilotus indica (098-15-001) — Small Melilot, Sourclover, Indian Sweetclover, Alfalfilla

1778 - Melilotus officinalis (098-15-002) — Yellow Sweetclover, Yellow Melilot, Ribbed Melilot

1779 - Melissa officinalis (164-26-001) — Lemon Balm

1780 - Melochia corchorifolia (123-02-001) — Chocolate-weed

1781 - Melothria pendula (177-06-001) — Creeping Cucumber

1782 - Menispermum canadense (079-02-001) — Moonseed, Yellow Parilla

1783 - Mentha arvensis (164-32-001) — Canada Mint, Field Mint, Wild Mint

1784 - Mentha cardiaca (164-32-002) — Small-leaved Mint

1785 - Mentha piperita (164-32-007) — Peppermint

1786 - Mentha rotundifolia (164-32-004) — Round-leaved Mint, Apple Mint

1787 - Mentha spicata (164-32-006) — Spearmint

1788 - Menziesia pilosa (145-06-001) — Minniebush

1789 - Mertensia virginica (161-10-001) — Virginia Bluebells, Virginia Cowslip

1790 - Micranthemum umbrosum (166-10-001) — Shade Mudflower

1791 - Microstegium vimineum (029-84-001) — Japanese Stiltgrass, Japanese-grass, Nepalese Browntop, Nepal Grass

1792 - Mikania scandens (179-35-001) — Climbing Hempweed

1793 - Mimulus alatus (166-11-003) — Winged Monkeyflower, Sharpwing Monkeyflower

1794 - Mimulus ringens (166-11-002) — Allegheny Monkeyflower, Square-stemmed Monkeyflower

1795 - Mirabilis jalapa (067-01-001) — Garden Four-o'clock, Marvel-of-Peru, Morning-rose

1796 - Mirabilis nyctaginea (067-01-002) — Heart-leaved Umbrella-wort, Heartleaf Four-o’clock

1797 - Miscanthus sinensis (029-83-001) — Chinese Silvergrass, Eulalia

1798 - Mitchella repens (173-06-001) — Partridgeberry, Twinflower

1799 - Mitella diphylla (094-10-001) — Two-leaved Miterwort, Bishop's Cap

1800 - Modiola caroliniana (122-03-001) — Carolina Bristlemallow, Bristly-mallow, Carolina Mallow

1801 - Moldavica parviflora (164-11-001) — American Dragonhead

1802 - Mollugo verticillata (069-04-001) — Carpetweed, Indian-chickweed, Green Carpetweed

1803 - Monarda citriodora (164-23-005) — Lemon Bergamot, Lemon Mint

1804 - Monarda clinopodia (164-23-002) — Basil Bergamot, Basil Beebalm, White Bergamot, Basil Balm

1805 - Monarda didyma (164-23-001) — Scarlet Beebalm, Oswego Tea

1806 - Monarda didyma (164-23-001?) — Purple Beebalm, Purple Bergamot

1807 - Monarda fistulosa (164-23-003) — Wild Bergamot

1808 - Monarda punctata (164-23-004) — Eastern Horsemint, Spotted Beebalm

1809 - Monotropa hypopithys (145-03-002?) — Eastern Pinesap

1810 - Monotropa hypopithys (145-03-002) — Appalachian Red Pinesap, Hairy Pinesap

1811 - Monotropa uniflora (145-03-001) — Indian Pipes, Ghost-flower, Common Ghost Pipes

1812 - Monotropa uniflora (145-03-001?) — Southern Ghost Pipes, Scrub Ghost-flower

1813 - Monotropsis odorata var. odorata (145-04-001) — Appalachian Pygmy Pipes, Sweet Pinesap

1814 - Morus alba (057-02-001) — White Mulberry, Silkworm Mulberry, Russian Mulberry

1815 - Morus rubra (057-02-002) — Red Mulberry

1816 - Mosla dianthera (164-35?) — Miniature Beefsteak-plant, Mosla

1817 - Muhlenbergia capillaris (029-45-002) — Pink Muhlygrass, Upland Muhly, Hair-awn Muhly, Hairgrass

1818 - Muhlenbergia capillaris (029-45-002?) — Dune Hairgrass, Sweetgrass

1819 - Muhlenbergia expansa (029-45-001) — Savannah Hairgrass, Cut-over Muhly

1820 - Muhlenbergia mexicana (029-45-007) — Hairy Wirestem Muhly, Mexican Muhly

1821 - Muhlenbergia schreberi (029-45-003) — Nimblewill

1822 - Muhlenbergia sylvatica (029-45-008) — Woodland Muhly

1823 - Muhlenbergia tenuiflora (029-45-005) — Slender Muhly

1824 - Muscari botryoides (041-30-002) — Compact Grape-hyacinth

1825 - Muscari racemosum (041-30-001) — Starch Grape-hyacinth, Blue Bottles

1826 - Myosotis arvensis (161-07-005) — Field Forget-me-not, Field Scorpion-grass

1827 - Myosotis discolor (161-07-007) — Yellow-and-blue Scorpion-grass, Changing Forget-me-not

1828 - Myosotis laxa (161-07-002) — Smaller Forget-me-not, Marsh Forget-me-not, Tufted Forget-me-not

1829 - Myosotis macrosperma (161-07-004) — Bigseed Forget-me-not, Scorpion-grass, Largeseed Forget-me-not

1830 - Myosotis micrantha (161-07-008) — Blue Scorpion-grass

1831 - Myosotis scorpioides (161-07-001) — Water Scorpion-grass, True Forget-me-not

1832 - Myosotis verna (161-07-003) — Spring Forget-me-not, Early Forget-me-not, Early Scorpion-grass

1833 - Myosurus minimus (076-12-001) — Mousetail

1834 - Myrica cerifera var. cerifera (052-03-001a) — Common Wax-myrtle, Southern Bayberry

1835 - Myrica cerifera var. pumila (052-03-001b) — Dwarf Wax-myrtle, Dwarf Bayberry

1836 - Myrica heterophylla (052-03-003) — Pocossin Bayberry, Evergreen Bayberry, Swamp Candleberry, Southern Bayberry

1837 - Myrica pensylvanica (052-03-002) — Northern Bayberry

1838 - Myriophyllum brasiliense (138-02-001) — Parrot-feather

1839 - Myriophyllum heterophyllum (138-02-004) — Southern Water-milfoil, Variable-leaf Water-milfoil

1840 - Myriophyllum laxum (138-02-002) — Loose Water-milfoil, Sandhills Milfoil, Lax Water-milfoil, Piedmont Water-milfoil

1841 - Najas gracillima (025-01-002) — Slender Naiad, Slender Waternymph, Bushy Naiad

1842 - Najas guadalupensis (025-01-001) — Southern Naiad, Southern Waternymph, Common Naiad

1843 - Najas minor (025-01-003) — Spinyleaf Naiad, Brittle Waternymph

1844 - Nama jamaicensis (160-02-001) — Jamaica Weed, Fiddleleaf, Fiddleleaf Nama

1845 - Nandina domestica (077-03-001) — Nandina, Heavenly-bamboo, Sacred-bamboo

1846 - Narcissus incomparabilis (044-01-004) — Nonesuch Daffodil

1847 - Narcissus jonquilla (044-01-001) — Jonquil, Apodanthus Daffodil

1848 - Narcissus poeticus (044-01-002) — Poet's Narcissus, Pheasant's-eye Daffodil

1849 - Narcissus pseudo-narcissus (044-01-005) — Common Daffodil, Trumpet Narcissus

1850 - Narcissus tazetta × poeticus (044-01-003) — Two-flower Narcissus, Twin-sisters, Primrose-peerless

1851 - Nasturtium officinale (088-20-001) — Watercress

1852 - Nasturtium officinale (088-20-001?) — Narrow-fruited Watercress, One-row Yellowcress

1853 - Nelumbo lutea (074-01-001) — Yonkapin, American Lotus-lily, Yellow Nelumbo, Pond-nuts

1854 - Nelumbo nucifera (074-01-002) — Sacred-lotus, Oriental Lotus-lily, Pink Lotus

1855 - Nemophila microcalyx (160-03-001) — Baby Blue Eyes, Small-flower Baby-blue-eyes, White Nemophila, Eastern Baby-blue-eyes

1856 - Nepeta cataria (164-09-001) — Catnip, Catmint

1857 - Nestronia umbellula (060-02-001) — Nestronia, Conjurer's-nut, Leechbush, Indian-olive

1858 - Nicandra physalodes (165-02-001) — Apple-of-Peru, Shoo-fly-plant

1859 - Nolina georgiana (041-13-001) — Georgia Beargrass, Sandhill Lily

1860 - Nuphar luteum ssp. macrophyllum (073-01-001a) — Spatterdock, Broadleaf Pondlily, Cow-lily, Yellow Pond Lily

1861 - Nuphar luteum ssp. sagittifolium (073-01-001b) — Narrowleaf Pondlily, Cow-lily, Spatterdock, Bonnets

1862 - Nymphaea mexicana (073-02-002) — Yellow Water-lily, Banana Water-lily

1863 - Nymphaea odorata (073-02-001) — Fragrant White Water-lily, American Water-lily, Sweet Water-lily, White Water-lily

1864 - Nymphoides aquatica (155-06-002) — Big Floating Heart, Banana Floating Heart

1865 - Nymphoides cordata (155-06-001) — Little Floating Heart

1866 - Nyssa aquatica (141-01-002) — Water Tupelo, Cotton Gum, Tupelo Gum

1867 - Nyssa ogeche (141-01-003) — Ogeechee Tupelo, Ogeechee Lime, Ogeechee Plum

1868 - Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora (141-01-001b) — Swamp Tupelo, Swamp Blackgum, Swamp Gum, Water Gum

1869 - Nyssa sylvatica var. sylvatica (141-01-001a) — Blackgum, Black Tupelo, Sour Gum

1870 - Obolaria virginica (155-05-001) — Pennywort, Virginia Pennywort

1871 - Oenothera biennis (137-02-001) — Common Evening-primrose

1872 - Oenothera biennis (137-02-001?) — Nodding Evening-primrose

1873 - Oenothera drummondii (137-02-003) — Beach Evening Primrose, Drummond's Evening Primrose

1874 - Oenothera fruticosa (137-02-009) — Narrowleaf Sundrops

1875 - Oenothera fruticosa (137-02-009?) — Riverbank Evening Primrose, Riverbank Sundrops

1876 - Oenothera fruticosa (137-02-009?) — Coastal Sundrops

1877 - Oenothera humifusa (137-02-004) — Dunes Evening Primrose, Seabeach Evening Primrose, Spreading Evening Primrose

1878 - Oenothera laciniata var. laciniata (137-02-006a) — Cutleaf Evening Primrose

1879 - Oenothera linifolia (137-02-011x) — Threadleaf Sundrops, Flaxleaf Sundrops

1880 - Oenothera perennis (137-02-008) — Little Sundrops, Small Sundrops

1881 - Oenothera speciosa (137-02-007) — Showy Evening Primrose, White Evening Primrose, Pink-ladies, Pink Evening Primrose

1882 - Oenothera tetragona (137-02-010) — Northern Sundrops, Appalachian Sundrops

1883 - Oenothera tetragona (137-02-010?) — Blue Ridge Sundrops

1884 - Oldenlandia boscii (173-07-002) — Bosc's Bluet

1885 - Oldenlandia corymbosa (173-07-003) — Diamond-flower, Flattop Mille-graines

1886 - Oldenlandia uniflora (173-07-001) — Oldenlandia, Clustered Bluet

1887 - Onoclea sensibilis (011-07-001) — Sensitive Fern, Bead Fern

1888 - Onosmodium virginianum (161-06-001) — Virginia Marbleseed, Virginia False Gromwell, Pineland Marbleseed

1889 - Ophioglossum crotalophoroides (006-02-001) — Bulbous Adder's-tongue, Dwarf Adder's Tongue

1890 - Ophioglossum nudicaule (006-02-002) — Slender Adder's-tongue

1891 - Ophioglossum petiolatum (006-02-003) — Longstem Adder's-tongue, Stalked Adder's-tongue Fern, Longstem Adder's-tongue

1892 - Ophioglossum vulgatum var. pycnostichum (006-02-004) — Southern Adder's-tongue

1893 - Oplismenus setarius (029-72-001) — Shortleaf Basketgrass, Woods-grass, Bristle Basketgrass

1894 - Opuntia compressa (132-01-001) — Eastern Prickly-pear

1895 - Opuntia compressa (132-01-001?) — Common Eastern Prickly-pear

1896 - Opuntia compressa (132-01-001?) — Eastern Prickly-pear

1897 - Opuntia compressa (132-01-001?) — Southern Prickly-pear

1898 - Opuntia drummondii (132-01-002) — Dune Prickly-pear, Dune Devil-joint, Devils-joint Cactus, Little Prickly-pear

1899 - Opuntia vulgaris (132-01-003) — South American Prickly-pear, Common Prickly-pear, Drooping Prickly-pear

1900 - Orchis spectabilis (049-02-001) — Showy Orchis

1901 - Origanum vulgare (164-X) — Wild Marjoram, Oregano

1902 - Ornithogalum nutans (041-28-002) — Drooping Star-of-Bethlehem

1903 - Ornithogalum umbellatum (041-28-001) — Garden Star-of-Bethlehem, Snowflake, Nap-at-noon

1904 - Orobanche minor (169-03-002) — Lesser Broomrape, Small Broomrape, Hellroot

1905 - Orobanche uniflora (169-03-001) — One-flowered Cancer-root, One-flowered Broomrape, Ghostpipe

1906 - Orontium aquaticum (032-02-001) — Golden Club, Never-wet, Bog Torches

1907 - Oryza sativa (029-63-001) — Rice, Asian Rice

1908 - Osmanthus americana (153-04-001) — Devilwood, Wild Olive

1909 - Osmorhiza claytonii (140-08-001) — Bland Sweet Cicely, Hairy Sweet Cicely

1910 - Osmorhiza longistylis (140-08-002) — Aniseroot, Smooth Sweet Cicely, Longstyle Sweet-cicely

1911 - Osmunda cinnamomea (007-01-001) — Cinnamon Fern

1912 - Osmunda claytoniana (007-01-002) — Interrupted Fern

1913 - Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis (007-01-003) — American Royal Fern

1914 - Ostrya virginiana (054-04-001) — American Hop-hornbeam, Ironwood, Eastern Hop-hornbeam, Leverwood

1915 - Oxalis acetosella (100-01-001) — Mountain Wood-sorrel, American Wood-sorrel, Wood Shamrock, White Wood-sorrel

1916 - Oxalis corniculata (100-01-004) — Creeping Lady's-sorrel

1917 - Oxalis dillenii (100-01-005/006ab) — Southern Yellow Wood-sorrel, Slender Yellow Wood-sorrel

1918 - Oxalis florida var. recurva (100-01-006) — Flowering Yellow Wood-sorrel

1919 - Oxalis grandis (100-01-008) — Large Wood-sorrel, Great Yellow Wood-sorrel

1920 - Oxalis rubra (100-01-002) — Windowbox Wood-sorrel

1921 - Oxalis stricta (100-01-007) — Common Yellow Wood-sorrel

1922 - Oxalis violacea (100-01-003) — Violet Wood-sorrel

1923 - Oxydendrum arboreum (145-13-001) — Sourwood, Sorrel-tree

1924 - Oxypolis filiformis (140-34-003) — Water Dropwort, Water Cowbane

1925 - Oxypolis rigidior (140-34-001) — Cowbane, Pig-potato, Stiff Cowbane

1926 - Oxypolis ternata (140-34-002) — Savanna Cowbane

1927 - Pachysandra procumbens (108-01-001) — Allegheny-spurge, Mountain Pachysandra

1928 - Pachysandra terminalis (108-01-002) — Pachysandra, Japanese-spurge

1929 - Paederia foetida (173-11x-001x) — Skunkvine

1930 - Panax quinquefolium (139-02-002) — American Ginseng, Sang

1931 - Panax trifolium (139-02-001) — Dwarf Ginseng

1932 - Panicum aciculare (029-81-028) — Needleleaf Witchgrass, Needleleaf Rosette Grass

1933 - Panicum agrostoides var. agrostoides (029-81-004a) — Redtop Panicgrass

1934 - Panicum agrostoides var. condensum (029-81-004b) — Dense Panicgrass

1935 - Panicum amarulum (029-81-007) — Southern Seabeach Grass, Bitter Panicgrass

1936 - Panicum amarum (029-81-005) — Seaside Panicum, Bitter Seabeach Grass, Bitter Panicgrass, Bitter Seaside Panic-grass

1937 - Panicum anceps var. anceps (029-81-001a) — Beaked Panicum, Beaked Panicgrass

1938 - Panicum anceps var. rhizomatum (029-81-001b) — Small Beaked Panicum, Small Beaked Panicgrass

1939 - Panicum angustifolium (029-81-030) — Narrowleaf Witchgrass

1940 - Panicum boscii (029-81-062) — Bosc's Witchgrass

1941 - Panicum capillare (029-81-010) — Old-witch Panicgrass, Tickle Grass, Tumbleweed

1942 - Panicum ciliatum (029-81-026) — Dwarf Witchgrass

1943 - Panicum clandestinum (029-81-061) — Deer-tongue Witchgrass

1944 - Panicum columbianum (029-81-042) — American Witchgrass

1945 - Panicum commutatum (029-81-059) — Variable Witchgrass

1946 - Panicum depauperatum (029-81-023) — Starved Witchgrass

1947 - Panicum dichotomiflorum (029-81-008) — Fall Panicum, Fall Panicgrass, Spreading Panicgrass

1948 - Panicum dichotomum (029-81-045) — Forked Witchgrass

1949 - Panicum dichotomum (029-81-045?) — Ringed Witchgrass

1950 - Panicum dichotomum (029-81-045?) — Blue Witchgrass

1951 - Panicum dichotomum (029-81-045?) — Mattamuskeet Witchgrass

1952 - Panicum dichotomum (029-81-045?) — Bog Witchgrass

1953 - Panicum dichotomum (029-81-045?) — Peaty Witchgrass

1954 - Panicum dichotomum (029-81-045?) — Spotted-sheath Witchgrass

1955 - Panicum dichotomum (029-81-045?) — Small-fruited Witchgrass

1956 - Panicum dichotomum (029-81-045?) — Shining Witchgrass

1957 - Panicum dichotomum (029-81-045?) — Roanoke Witchgrass

1958 - Panicum erectifolium (029-81-054) — Erectleaf Witchgrass, Erectleaf Panicgrass

1959 - Panicum flexile (029-81-009) — Wiry Panicgrass

1960 - Panicum fusiforme (029-81-033) — Spindle-fruited Witchgrass

1961 - Panicum gymnocarpon (029-81-015) — Swamp Phanopyrum, Savanna Phanopyrum, Savanna Panicgrass

1962 - Panicum lanuginosum (029-81-039) — Woolly Witchgrass, Woolly Rosette Grass, Tapered Rosette Grass

1963 - Panicum lanuginosum (029-81-039?) — Lindheimer's Witchgrass

1964 - Panicum lanuginosum (029-81-039?) — Slender-stemmed Witchgrass, Western Woolly Witchgrass

1965 - Panicum latifolium (029-81-060) — Broadleaf Rosette Grass, Broadleaf Witchgrass

1966 - Panicum laxiflorum (029-81-025) — Open-flower Witchgrass, Open-flower Rosette Grass

1967 - Panicum longiligulatum (029-81-048) — Long-ligule Witchgrass, Coastal Plain Witchgrass

1968 - Panicum neuranthum (029-81-029) — Nerved Witchgrass

1969 - Panicum oligosanthes (029-81-038) — Few-flowered Witchgrass, Heller's Witchgrass

1970 - Panicum paludivagum (029-81-017) — Alligator Grass, Paspalidium, Kissimmee Grass

1971 - Panicum philadelphicum (029-81-013) — Woodland Panicgrass

1972 - Panicum polyanthes (029-81-056) — Many-flowered Witchgrass, Small-fruited Witchgrass, Roundseed Witchgrass

1973 - Panicum ravenelii (029-81-037) — Ravenel's Witchgrass

1974 - Panicum scabriusculum (029-81-058) — Tall Swamp Witchgrass

1975 - Panicum scoparium (029-81-057) — Velvet Witchgrass

1976 - Panicum sphaerocarpon (029-81-055) — Round-fruited Witchgrass, Roundseed Witchgrass

1977 - Panicum stipitatum (029-81-003) — Tall Flat Panicgrass, Stalked Panicgrass

1978 - Panicum strigosum (029-81-027?) — Hairless Witchgrass

1979 - Panicum strigosum (029-81-027) — Rough-hairy Witchgrass

1980 - Panicum tenerum (029-81-021) — Southeastern Panicgrass

1981 - Panicum villosissimum (029-81-040) — White-haired Witchgrass

1982 - Panicum virgatum (029-81-006) — Switchgrass, Prairie Switchgrass

1983 - Panicum virgatum (029-81-006?) — Blunt Switchgrass, Savanna Panicgrass, Blunt Panicgrass

1984 - Papaver dubium (085-05-004) — Long-headed Poppy, Blind Eyes

1985 - Papaver rhoeas (085-05-002) — Corn Poppy, Field Poppy, Red Poppy, Flanders Poppy

1986 - Papaver somniferum (085-05-001) — Opium Poppy, Breadseed Poppy

1987 - Parapholis incurva (029-27-001) — Curved Sickle-grass, Hard Grass, Thin-tail

1988 - Parnassia asarifolia (094-06-001) — Kidneyleaf Grass-of-Parnassus, Appalachian Grass-of-Parnassus, Brook Parnassia, Appalachian Parnassia

1989 - Parnassia caroliniana (094-06-002) — Carolina Grass-of-Parnassus, Savanna Parnassia, Eyebright

1990 - Parnassia grandifolia (094-06-003) — Bigleaf Grass-of-Parnassus, Limeseep Parnassia

1991 - Paronychia argyrocoma (071-02-001) — Silverling, Silver Whitlow-wort, Silvery Nailwort

1992 - Paronychia canadensis (071-02-005) — Forked Chickweed, Canada Whitlow-wort, Smooth Forked Nailwort

1993 - Paronychia fastigiata (071-02-004?) — Mountain Nailwort, Shale-barren Whitlow-wort

1994 - Parthenium integrifolium var. auriculatum (179-57-001b) — Glade Wild Quinine

1995 - Parthenium integrifolium var. integrifolium (179-57-001a) — Common Wild Quinine

1996 - Parthenium integrifolium var. integrifolium (179-57-001a?) — Sandhill Wild Quinine, Mabry's Wild Quinine, Carolina Wild Quinine

1997 - Parthenocissus quinquefolia (120-01-001) — Virginia Creeper

1998 - Paspalum bifidum (029-74-010) — Pitchfork Paspalum, Pitchfork Crowngrass

1999 - Paspalum dilatatum (029-74-006) — Dallis-grass

2000 - Paspalum floridanum (029-74-015) — Florida Paspalum, Big Paspalum

2001 - Paspalum fluitans (029-74-001) — Water Paspalum, Horsetail Crowngrass

2002 - Paspalum laeve (029-74-013) — Field Crowngrass, Field Paspalum

2003 - Paspalum laeve (029-74-013?) — Field Crowngrass, Field Paspalum

2004 - Paspalum notatum var. saurae (029-74-005) — Bahia-grass

2005 - Paspalum praecox var. praecox (029-74-014) — Early Crowngrass

2006 - Paspalum setaceum (029-74-012) — Fringeleaf Paspalum, thin paspalum

2007 - Paspalum setaceum (029-74-012) — thin paspalum

2008 - Paspalum urvillei (029-74-007) — Vasey Grass

2009 - Paspalum vaginatum (029-74-004) — Sand Knotgrass, Seashore Crowngrass

2010 - Passiflora incarnata (131-01-001) — Purple Passionflower, Maypop

2011 - Passiflora lutea (131-01-003) — Yellow Passionflower, Little Passionflower

2012 - Pastinaca sativa (140-35-001) — Parsnip

2013 - Paulownia tomentosa (166-01-001) — Princess Tree, Empress Tree, Royal Paulownia

2014 - Paxistima canbyi (113-02-001) — Canby's Mountain Lover, Ratstripper, Cliff-green

2015 - Pedicularis canadensis (166-29-001) — Wood-betony, Eastern Lousewort, Fernleaf, Canadian Lousewort

2016 - Pedicularis lanceolata (166-29-002) — Swamp Lousewort, Swamp Wood-betony

2017 - Pellaea atropurpurea (010-04-001) — Purple Cliffbrake

2018 - Pellaea wrightiana (010-04-002) — Wright's Cliffbrake

2019 - Peltandra sagittaefolia (032-04-002) — White Arrow-arum, White Arum, Spoonflower

2020 - Peltandra virginica (032-04-001) — Green Arrow-arum, Tuckahoe

2021 - Pennisetum glaucum (029-70-001) — Pearl Millet

2022 - Penstemon australis (166-14-004) — Downy Beardtongue, Sandhill Beardtongue, Southern Beardtongue, Southeastern Beardtongue

2023 - Penstemon canescens (166-14-002) — Appalachian Beardtongue, Gray's Beardtongue, Eastern Gray Beardtongue

2024 - Penstemon digitalis (166-14-005) — Foxglove Beardtongue, Tall White Beardtongue, Smooth Beardtongue

2025 - Penstemon laevigatus (166-14-006) — Smooth Beardtongue, Eastern Beardtongue, Eastern Smooth Beardtongue

2026 - Penstemon pallidus (166-14-003) — Pale Beardtongue, Eastern White Beardtongue

2027 - Penstemon smallii (166-14-001) — Small's Beardtongue, Blue Ridge Beardtongue

2028 - Penthorum sedoides (091-02-001) — Ditch-stonecrop, American Penthorum, Marsh-stonecrop

2029 - Peplis diandra (135-03-001) — Water-purslane

2030 - Perilla frutescens (164-34-001) — Beefsteak-plant, Perilla

2031 - Periploca graeca (157-XX) — Silkvine

2032 - Persea borbonia (084-01-001) — Upland Redbay, Tisswood

2033 - Persea borbonia (084-01-001?) — Swamp Redbay, Swamp Bay

2034 - Petalostemon pinnatum (098-20-001) — Summer Farewell, Eastern Prairie-clover

2035 - Petunia ×atkinsiana (165-10-001) — Garden Petunia

2036 - Phacelia bipinnatifida (160-05-001) — Fernleaf Phacelia, Purple Phacelia, Forest Phacelia

2037 - Phacelia dubia (160-05-002) — Appalachian Phacelia, Smallflower Phacelia, Small-flowered Scorpion Weed

2038 - Phacelia dubia (160-05-002?) — Georgia Phacelia

2039 - Phacelia fimbriata (160-05-006) — Fringed Phacelia, Blue Ridge Phacelia

2040 - Phacelia maculata (160-05-003) — Spotted Phacelia, Flatrock Phacelia

2041 - Phacelia purshii (160-05-005) — Miami-mist

2042 - Phacelia ranunculacea (160-05-004) — Coville's Phacelia, Eastern Buttercup Phacelia

2043 - Phalaris arundinacea (029-61-001) — Reed Canarygrass, Ribbongrass

2044 - Phalaris canariensis (029-61-002) — Canarygrass, Birdseed Grass

2045 - Phaseolus polystachios (098-44-002) — Wild Bean, Wild Kidney Bean, Thicket Bean

2046 - Phaseolus sinuatus (098-44-001) — Sandhill Bean, Trailing Wild Bean

2047 - Philadelphus hirsutus (094-04-002) — Hairy Mock-orange, Cumberland Mock-orange

2048 - Philadelphus inodorus (094-04-001) — Appalachian Mock-orange, Scentless Mock-orange

2049 - Phleum pratense (029-43-001) — Timothy

2050 - Phlox amoena (159-01-005) — Hairy Phlox, Chalice Phlox

2051 - Phlox amoena (159-01-005?) — Lighthipe's Phlox

2052 - Phlox amplifolia (159-01-012) — Broadleaf Phlox, Largeleaf Phlox

2053 - Phlox carolina (159-01-009) — Carolina Phlox, Thick-leaf Phlox, Giant Phlox

2054 - Phlox divaricata (159-01-004) — Eastern Blue Phlox, Timber Phlox, Blue Woodland Phlox, Wild Blue Phlox

2055 - Phlox drummondii (159-01-001) — Annual Phlox, Drummond Phlox

2056 - Phlox glaberrima ssp. glaberrima (159-01-010) — Smooth Phlox

2057 - Phlox maculata ssp. pyramidalis (159-01-011) — Leafy Meadow Phlox, Wild Sweet William

2058 - Phlox nivalis + (159-01-002) — Pineland Phlox, Trailing Phlox

2059 - Phlox ovata (159-01-008) — Mountain Phlox, Appalachian Phlox, Allegheny Phlox

2060 - Phlox paniculata (159-01-013) — Garden Phlox, Summer Phlox, Fall Phlox, Tall Phlox

2061 - Phlox pilosa (159-01-006) — Downy Phlox

2062 - Phlox stolonifera (159-01-007) — Creeping Phlox

2063 - Phlox subulata (159-01-003) — Moss Phlox, Mountain-pink, "Thrift"

2064 - Phoradendron serotinum (061-01-001) — American Mistletoe, Christmas Mistletoe

2065 - Phragmites communis (029-05-001) — Common Reed, Old World Reed

2066 - Phryma leptostachya (163-01-001) — American Lopseed

2067 - Phyllanthus amarus (107-10-002) — Mascarene Island Leaf-flower

2068 - Phyllanthus caroliniensis (107-10-001) — Carolina Leaf-flower

2069 - Phyllostachys aurea (029-02-001) — Golden Bamboo, Fishpole Bamboo

2070 - Physalis angulata (165-03-004) — Smooth Ground-cherry, Cutleaf Ground-cherry

2071 - Physalis heterophylla (165-03-002) — Clammy Ground-cherry

2072 - Physalis lanceolata (165-03-002x) — Sandhills Ground-cherry, Sword Ground-cherry

2073 - Physalis pubescens var. grisea (165-03-005b) — Gray Ground-cherry, Strawberry-tomato, Dwarf Cape-gooseberry

2074 - Physalis pubescens var. pubescens (165-03-005a) — Downy Ground-cherry, Husk-tomato

2075 - Physalis virginiana var. subglabrata (165-03-003b) — Longleaf Ground-cherry

2076 - Physalis virginiana var. virginiana (165-03-003a) — Virginia Ground-cherry

2077 - Physalis viscosa ssp. maritima (165-03-001) — Dune Ground-cherry, Sand Ground-cherry, Walter's Ground-cherry

2078 - Physocarpus opulifolius (097-16-001) — Flowering Ninebark, Eastern Ninebark

2079 - Phytolacca americana (068-01-001) — Common Pokeweed, Poke

2080 - Phytolacca americana (068-01-001?) — Maritime Pokeweed

2081 - Picea rubens (016-02-001) — Red Spruce, He Balsam

2082 - Picris hieracioides (179-09-001) — Hawkweed Oxtongue, Bitterweed, Cat's-ear

2083 - Pieris floribunda (145-10-001) — Evergreen Mountain Fetterbush, Mountain Andromeda

2084 - Pilea microphylla (059-05-003) — Rockweed, Artilleryweed

2085 - Pilea pumila (059-05-001) — Greenfruit Clearweed, Richweed, Coolwort, Canadian Clearweed

2086 - Pinckneya pubens (173-01-001) — Pinkneya, Fevertree

2087 - Pinguicula caerulea (170-01-003) — Blue Butterwort

2088 - Pinguicula lutea (170-01-002) — Yellow Butterwort

2089 - Pinguicula pumila (170-01-001) — Small Butterwort

2090 - Pinus echinata (016-01-008) — Shortleaf Pine, Yellow Pine, Rosemary Pine

2091 - Pinus elliottii (016-01-003) — Slash Pine

2092 - Pinus glabra (016-01-009) — Spruce Pine, Walter's Pine

2093 - Pinus palustris (016-01-002) — Longleaf Pine, Southern Pine

2094 - Pinus pungens (016-01-007) — Table Mountain Pine, Bur Pine, Hickory Pine, Prickly Pine

2095 - Pinus rigida (016-01-006) — Pitch Pine

2096 - Pinus serotina (016-01-005) — Pond Pine, Pocosin Pine, Marsh Pine

2097 - Pinus strobus (016-01-001) — Eastern White Pine

2098 - Pinus taeda (016-01-004) — Loblolly Pine, Old Field Pine

2099 - Pinus virginiana (016-01-010) — Virginia Pine, Scrub Pine, Jersey Pine, Possum Pine

2100 - Piriqueta caroliniana (125-01-001) — Carolina Piriqueta, Pitted Stripeseed

2101 - Planera aquatica (056-02-001) — Planer-tree, Water-elm

2102 - Plantago aristata (172-01-005) — Bracted Plantain, Large-bracted Plantain, Buckhorn Plantain

2103 - Plantago cordata (172-01-001) — Heartleaf Plantain, King-root

2104 - Plantago heterophylla (172-01-009) — Many-seeded Plantain, Small Plantain, Slender Plantain

2105 - Plantago hookeriana var. nuda (172-01-006) — Wright's Plantain

2106 - Plantago lanceolata (172-01-004) — English Plantain, Buckhorn Plantain, Rib-grass, Narrowleaf Plantain

2107 - Plantago major (172-01-002) — Common Plantain, White-man's-foot

2108 - Plantago psillium (172-01-011) — Sand Plantain, Leafy-stemmed Plantain, Psyllium, Flaxseed Plantain

2109 - Plantago rugelii (172-01-003) — American Plantain, Broad-leaved Plantain, Blackseed Plantain, Rugel’s Plantain

2110 - Plantago sparsiflora (172-01-010) — Pineland Plantain

2111 - Plantago virginica (172-01-008) — Virginia Plantain, Southern Plantain, Paleseed Plantain, Hoary Plantain

2112 - Platanus occidentalis (096-01-001) — American Sycamore, Planetree

2113 - Pleea tenuifolia (041-19-001) — Rush-featherling, Pleea

2114 - Pluchea camphorata (179-36-003) — Common Camphorweed, Camphor Pluchea, Marsh Fleabane

2115 - Pluchea foetida (179-36-002) — Stinking Camphorweed, Stinking Fleabane, Marsh Fleabane

2116 - Pluchea purpurascens (179-36-004) — Southern Saltmarsh Fleabane, Shrubby Camphorweed

2117 - Pluchea rosea (179-36-001) — Rosy Camphorweed, Rose Fleabane, Savanna Fleabane, Marsh Fleabane

2118 - Poa annua (029-15-002) — Annual Bluegrass, Six-weeks Grass, Speargass

2119 - Poa autumnalis (029-15-006) — Autumn Bluegrass

2120 - Poa compressa (029-15-003) — Canada Bluegrass, Flat-stemmed Bluegrass

2121 - Poa cuspidata (029-15-011) — early bluegrass

2122 - Poa pratensis (029-15-013) — Kentucky Bluegrass, Junegrass, Speargrass

2123 - Poa sylvestris (029-15-012) — Forest Bluegrass, Woodland Bluegrass

2124 - Poa trivialis (029-15-009) — Rough Bluegrass

2125 - Podophyllum peltatum (077-07-001) — May-apple, American Mandrake

2126 - Podostemum ceratophyllum (090-01-001) — Riverweed, Threadfoot, Riffleweed

2127 - Pogonia ophioglossoides (049-07-001) — Rose Pogonia, Snakemouth Orchid, Beardflower, Addermouth

2128 - Polemonium reptans (159-02-001) — Spreading Jacob's-ladder, Creeping Jacob's-ladder, Greek Valerian

2129 - Polygala cruciata (106-01-010) — Drumheads, Crossleaf Milkwort

2130 - Polygala curtissii (106-01-007) — Curtiss's Milkwort, Appalachian Milkwort

2131 - Polygala cymosa (106-01-017) — Tall Pinebarren Milkwort

2132 - Polygala grandiflora (106-01-003) — Showy Milkwort

2133 - Polygala hookeri (106-01-012) — Hooker's Milkwort

2134 - Polygala incarnata (106-01-013) — Pink Milkwort, Procession-flower

2135 - Polygala lutea (106-01-014) — Orange Milkwort, Red-hot-poker, Candyroot, Yellow Bachelor's-buttons

2136 - Polygala mariana (106-01-006) — Maryland Milkwort

2137 - Polygala nana (106-01-015) — Dwarf Milkwort, Candyroot

2138 - Polygala paucifolia (106-01-001) — Gaywings, Fringed Polygala, Flowering Wintergreen, Bird-on-the-wing

2139 - Polygala polygama (106-01-002) — Racemed Milkwort, Bitter Milkwort

2140 - Polygala ramosa (106-01-016) — Short Pinebarren Milkwort, Low Pinebarren Milkwort, Dwarf Milkwort, Savanna Milkwort

2141 - Polygala sanguinea (106-01-005) — Field Milkwort, Blood Milkwort

2142 - Polygala senega (106-01-004) — Seneca Snakeroot

2143 - Polygala verticillata var. ambigua (106-01-009b) — Loose Milkwort, Alternate Milkwort, Whorled Milkwort

2144 - Polygala verticillata var. verticillata (106-01-009a) — Whorled Milkwort

2145 - Polygonatum biflorum (041-10-002) — Smooth Solomon's Seal

2146 - Polygonatum pubescens (041-10-001) — Downy Solomon’s Seal, Hairy Solomon's Seal

2147 - Polygonella americana (063-06-001) — Southern Jointweed, Showy Jointweed

2148 - Polygonella gracilis (063-06-004) — Wireweed, Tall Jointweed

2149 - Polygonella polygama (063-06-002) — Common October-flower

2150 - Polygonella polygama (063-06-002?) — Carolina October-flower

2151 - Polygonum arifolium (063-04-019) — Halberd-leaf Tearthumb

2152 - Polygonum aviculare (063-04-003) — Prostrate Knotweed

2153 - Polygonum cespitosum var. longisetum (063-04-013) — Longbristle Smartweed, Bristly Lady's-thumb, Creeping Smartweed, Tufted Knotweed

2154 - Polygonum cilinode (063-04-020) — Fringed Climbing Buckwheat, Fringed Black Bindweed, Fringed Bindweed

2155 - Polygonum coccineum (063-04-006) — Water Smartweed, Scarlet Smartweed

2156 - Polygonum convolvulus (063-04-021) — Climbing Buckwheat, Nimblewill, Black Bindweed

2157 - Polygonum cuspidatum (063-04-023) — Japanese Knotweed, Japanese Bamboo, Japanese Buckwheat

2158 - Polygonum densiflorum (063-04-007) — Dense-flower Smartweed

2159 - Polygonum erectum (063-04-002) — Erect Knotweed

2160 - Polygonum hirsutum (063-04-011) — Hairy Smartweed

2161 - Polygonum hydropiper (063-04-012) — Marshpepper Smartweed, Waterpepper

2162 - Polygonum hydropiperoides var. hydropiperoides (063-04-016a) — Mild Waterpepper, Swamp Smartweed

2163 - Polygonum lapathifolium (063-04-009) — Dockleaf Smartweed, Willow-weed, Pale Smartweed

2164 - Polygonum orientale (063-04-010) — Kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate, Prince's Feather, Prince's-plume, Princess-feather

2165 - Polygonum pensylvanicum (063-04-008) — Pennsylvania Smartweed, Pinkweed, Common Smartweed

2166 - Polygonum persicaria (063-04-014) — Spotted Lady's-thumb, Heart's-ease

2167 - Polygonum punctatum (063-04-015) — Dotted Smartweed

2168 - Polygonum sachalinense (063-04-024) — Giant Knotweed, Sachaline

2169 - Polygonum sagittatum (063-04-018) — Arrowleaf Tearthumb, Arrowvine, Scratch-grass

2170 - Polygonum scandens var. scandens (063-04-022a) — Common Climbing Buckwheat

2171 - Polygonum setaceum (063-04-017) — Swamp Smartweed, Bog Smartweed

2172 - Polygonum tenue (063-04-005) — Glade Knotweed, Slender Knotweed

2173 - Polymnia canadensis (179-52-002) — White-flowered Leafcup, Small-flowered Leafcup

2174 - Polymnia uvedalia (179-52-001) — Bearsfoot, Hairy Leafcup, Yellow Leafcup

2175 - Polypodium polypodioides (014-01-002) — Resurrection Fern, Scaly Polypody

2176 - Polypodium virginianum (014-01-001) — Common Rockcap Fern, Rock Polypody

2177 - Polypodium virginianum (014-01-001?) — Appalachian Rockcap Fern, Appalachian Polypody

2178 - Polypogon monspeliensis (029-41-001) — Annual Rabbitfoot Grass, Beardgrass, Annual Beardgrass

2179 - Polypremum procumbens (154-04-001) — Juniperleaf, Polypremum, Rustweed

2180 - Polystichum acrostichoides (011-05-001) — Christmas Fern

2181 - Poncirus trifoliata (103-03-001) — Trifoliate Orange, Hardy Orange

2182 - Pontederia cordata (039-02-001) — Heartleaf Pickerelweed, Wampee

2183 - Pontederia cordata (039-02-001?) — Lanceleaf Pickerelweed

2184 - Ponthieva racemosa (049-11-001) — Shadow Witch, Ponthieu's Orchid, Shadow-witch Orchid

2185 - Populus alba (051-02-003) — White Poplar, Silver Poplar

2186 - Populus candicans (051-02-004) — Balm-of-Gilead

2187 - Populus deltoides (051-02-002) — Eastern Cottonwood

2188 - Populus grandidentata (051-02-001) — Bigtooth Aspen, Large-toothed Aspen

2189 - Populus heterophylla (051-02-005) — Swamp Cottonwood

2190 - Portulaca oleracea (070-03-005) — Common Purslane, Garden Purslane, Pussley, Pursley

2191 - Portulaca pilosa (070-03-003) — Hairy Purslane, Kiss-me-quick, Pink Purslane

2192 - Portulaca smallii (070-03-002) — Small's Portulaca, Small's Purslane

2193 - Potamogeton crispus (022-01-003) — Curly Pondweed, Curled Pondweed, Curly-leaf Pondweed

2194 - Potamogeton diversifolius (022-01-002) — Common Snailseed Pondweed, Waterthread Pondweed

2195 - Potamogeton pulcher (022-01-010) — Spotted Pondweed, Heartleaf Pondweed

2196 - Potentilla argentea (097-04-003) — Silvery Cinquefoil, Silvery Five-fingers, Hoary Five-fingers

2197 - Potentilla canadensis (097-04-001) — Dwarf Cinquefoil, Running Five-fingers

2198 - Potentilla norvegica (097-04-007) — Strawberry-weed, Rough Cinquefoil, Norwegian Cinquefoil

2199 - Potentilla recta (097-04-006) — Rough-fruited Cinquefoil, Sulphur Cinquefoil, Sulphur Five-fingers

2200 - Potentilla simplex (097-04-002) — Old Field Cinquefoil, Old-field Five-fingers, Common Cinquefoil

2201 - Potentilla tridentata (097-04-008) — Wineleaf Cinqefoil, Mountain Cinqefoil, Three-toothed Cinqefoil, Mountain White Potentilla

2202 - Prenanthes alba ssp. alba (179-06-002a) — White Rattlesnake-root, Northern Rattlesnake-root, White Lettuce

2203 - Prenanthes altissima (179-06-005) — Tall Rattlesnake-root, Tall White Lettuce

2204 - Prenanthes autumnalis (179-06-001) — Slender Rattlesnake-root, One-sided Rattlesnake-root

2205 - Prenanthes roanensis (179-06-004) — Roan Mountain Rattlesnake-root, Appalachian Rattlesnake-root

2206 - Prenanthes roanensis (179-06-004?) — Cylindrical Rattlesnake-root, Appalachian Rattlesnake-root

2207 - Prenanthes serpentaria (179-06-006) — Lion's-foot Rattlesnake-root, Gall-of-the-Earth

2208 - Prenanthes trifoliolata (179-06-002b & 003) — Gall-of-the-earth, Three-leaved Rattlesnake-root

2209 - Proserpinaca palustris (138-01-001) — Marsh Mermaid-weed, Common Mermaid-weed

2210 - Proserpinaca pectinata (138-01-003) — Feathery Mermaid-weed

2211 - Prunella vulgaris (164-12-001) — Eurasian Self-heal, Eurasian Heal-all

2212 - Prunella vulgaris (164-12-001?) — American Heal-all, American Self-heal, Lance Selfheal

2213 - Prunus americana var. americana (097-22-003a) — American Wild Plum, Wild Plum

2214 - Prunus angustifolia (097-22-002) — Chickasaw Plum, Sandhill Plum, Florida Sand Plum, Sand Plum

2215 - Prunus avium (097-22-007) — Mazzard Cherry, Sweet Cherry, Bing Cherry

2216 - Prunus caroliniana (097-22-012) — Carolina Cherry Laurel, Carolina Laurel Cherry

2217 - Prunus cerasus (097-22-006) — Sour Cherry, Pie Cherry

2218 - Prunus mahaleb (097-22-009) — Mahaleb Cherry, Perfumed Cherry, St. Lucie Cherry, Rock Cherry

2219 - Prunus pensylvanica (097-22-008) — Fire Cherry, Pin Cherry

2220 - Prunus persica (097-22-001) — Peach

2221 - Prunus pumila var. susquehanae (097-22-005) — Susquehanna Cherry, Appalachian Sand Cherry, Appalachian Dwarf-cherry

2222 - Prunus serotina var. alabamensis (097-22-011b) — Alabama Black Cherry

2223 - Prunus serotina var. serotina (097-22-011a) — Black Cherry, Eastern Wild Black Cherry, Bird Cherry

2224 - Prunus umbellata (097-22-004) — Hog Plum, Flatwoods Plum

2225 - Prunus virginiana (097-22-010) — Choke Cherry, Common Chokecherry

2226 - Psoralea canescens (098-19-005) — Buckroot, Eastern Prairie-turnip, Hoary Scurfpea, Pineland-turnip

2227 - Psoralea lupinellus (098-19-001) — Lupine Scurfpea, Sandhill Scurfpea, Lupine Leatherroot

2228 - Psoralea onobrychis (098-19-003) — Lanceleaf Scurfpea, Sainfoin, French-grass

2229 - Psoralea psoralioides var. eglandulosa (098-19-004b) — Western Sampson's-snakeroot

2230 - Psoralea psoralioides var. psoralioides (098-19-004a) — Eastern Sampson's-snakeroot

2231 - Ptelea trifoliata (103-02-001) — Wafer-ash, Hoptree

2232 - Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum (010-05-001) — Eastern Bracken, Brake

2233 - Pteridium aquilinum var. pseudocaudatum (010-05-001) — Southern Bracken

2234 - Pteris multifida (010-06-001) — Spider Brake, Wall Fern, Huguenot Fern

2235 - Pteris vittata (010-06-002) — Ladder Brake, Chinese Brake Fern

2236 - Pterocaulon pycnostachyum (179-41-001) — Black Snakeroot, Dense-spike Blackroot, Pineland Wingstem

2237 - Ptilimnium capillaceum (140-30-004) — Eastern Bishopweed, Atlantic Bishopweed, Mock Bishopweed, Atlantic Mock Bishop's Weed

2238 - Ptilimnium costatum (140-30-003) — Big Bishopweed, Ribbed Bishopweed

2239 - Ptilimnium fluviatile (140-30-001 & 002) — Harperella, piedmont mock bishopweed

2240 - Pueraria lobata (098-48-001) — Kudzu, Foot-a-Day

2241 - Pycnanthemum flexuosum (164-28-003) — Savanna Mountain-mint, Savanna Mint

2242 - Pycnanthemum incanum (164-28-008) — Hoary Mountain-mint, White Mountain-mint

2243 - Pycnanthemum incanum (164-28-008?) — Woodland Mountain-mint, Southern Mountain-mint

2244 - Pycnanthemum incanum (164-28-008?) — Beadle's Mountain-mint

2245 - Pycnanthemum incanum (164-28-008?) — Loomis's Mountain-mint

2246 - Pycnanthemum montanum (164-28-007) — Appalachian Mountain-mint, Thinleaf Mountain-mint

2247 - Pycnanthemum muticum (164-28-005) — Short-toothed Mountain-mint, Downy Mountain-mint, Clustered Mountain-mint

2248 - Pycnanthemum setosum (164-28-004) — Awned Mountain-mint

2249 - Pycnanthemum tenuifolium (164-28-001) — Narrowleaf Mountain-mint, Slender Mountain-mint, Savanna Mountain-mint

2250 - Pycnanthemum verticillatum (164-28-006) — Whorled Mountain-mint

2251 - Pycnanthemum verticillatum (164-28-006?) — Torrey's Mountain-mint

2252 - Pycnanthemum verticillatum (164-28-006?) — basil mountain-mint

2253 - Pycnanthemum virginianum (164-28-002) — Virginia Mountain-mint

2254 - Pyrola rotundifolia var. americana (145-02-001) — Rounded Shinleaf, Roundleaf Pyrola, American Wintergreen

2255 - Pyrrhopappus carolinianus var. carolinianus (179-16-001) — Carolina False-dandelion, Carolina Desert-chicory

2256 - Pyrularia pubera (060-04-001) — Buffalo-nut, Oil-nut

2257 - Pyrus communis (097-17-001) — Common Pear

2258 - Pyxidanthera barbulata var. barbulata (146-02-001a) — Flowering Pyxie-moss, Big Pyxie, Savanna Pyxiemoss

2259 - Pyxidanthera barbulata var. brevifolia (146-02-001b) — Sandhills Pyxie-moss, Wells' Pyxie-moss, Little Pyxie

2260 - Quercus alba (055-03-001) — White Oak

2261 - Quercus austrina (055-03-004) — Bluff Oak, Bastard Oak

2262 - Quercus bicolor (055-03-006) — Swamp White Oak

2263 - Quercus chapmanii (055-03-014) — Chapman Oak

2264 - Quercus coccinea (055-03-021) — Scarlet Oak

2265 - Quercus durandii (055-03-011) — Durand Oak

2266 - Quercus falcata var. falcata (055-03-022a) — Southern Red Oak, Spanish Oak

2267 - Quercus falcata var. pagodaefolia (055-03-022b) — Cherrybark Oak, Swamp Spanish Oak

2268 - Quercus georgiana (055-03-018) — Georgia Oak

2269 - Quercus ilicifolia (055-03-023) — Bear Oak, Scrub Oak

2270 - Quercus imbricaria (055-03-027) — Shingle Oak

2271 - Quercus incana (055-03-028) — Bluejack Oak

2272 - Quercus laevis (055-03-019) — Turkey Oak

2273 - Quercus laurifolia (055-03-031) — Laurel Oak, Swamp Laurel Oak, Diamond Leaf Oak

2274 - Quercus laurifolia (055-03-031?) — Darlington Oak, Sand Laurel Oak

2275 - Quercus lyrata (055-03-005) — Overcup Oak

2276 - Quercus margaretta (055-03-003) — Sand Post Oak, Scrub Post Oak, Margaret's Oak

2277 - Quercus marilandica (055-03-024) — Blackjack Oak

2278 - Quercus michauxii (055-03-007) — Swamp Chestnut Oak, Basket Oak

2279 - Quercus muehlenbergii (055-03-009) — Chinquapin Oak, Yellow Chestnut Oak, Yellow Oak

2280 - Quercus myrtifolia (055-03-026) — Myrtle Oak

2281 - Quercus nigra (055-03-025) — Water Oak, Paddle Oak

2282 - Quercus oglethorpensis (055-03-012) — Oglethorpe Oak

2283 - Quercus palustris (055-03-017) — Pin Oak

2284 - Quercus phellos (055-03-030) — Willow Oak, "Pin Oak"

2285 - Quercus prinoides (055-03-010) — Dwarf Chinquapin Oak

2286 - Quercus prinus (055-03-008) — Rock Chestnut Oak, Mountain Oak, Tanbark Oak

2287 - Quercus pumila (055-03-029) — Running Oak

2288 - Quercus rubra + (055-03-015) — Northern Red Oak, Red Oak

2289 - Quercus shumardii (055-03-016) — Shumard Oak, Swamp Red Oak

2290 - Quercus stellata (055-03-002) — Post Oak

2291 - Quercus velutina (055-03-020) — Black Oak

2292 - Quercus virginiana (055-03-013) — Live Oak, Southern Live Oak

2293 - Quercus virginiana (055-03-013?) — Sand Live Oak

2294 - Ranunculus abortivus (076-13-011) — Kidneyleaf Buttercup, Early Wood Buttercup, Small-flowered Buttercup, Kidneyleaf Crowfoot

2295 - Ranunculus acris (076-13-016) — Tall Buttercup, Bitter Buttercup

2296 - Ranunculus allegheniensis (076-13-009) — Mountain Crowfoot, Allegheny Buttercup

2297 - Ranunculus ambigens (076-13-006) — Water-plantain Crowfoot, Water-plantain Spearwort

2298 - Ranunculus arvensis var. arvensis (076-13-003a) — Corn Crowfoot, Hungerweed

2299 - Ranunculus bulbosus (076-13-017) — Bulbous Buttercup

2300 - Ranunculus carolinianus (076-13-018) — Carolina Buttercup, Swamp Buttercup

2301 - Ranunculus hispidus (076-13-019) — Hispid Buttercup, Hairy Buttercup

2302 - Ranunculus laxicaulis (076-13-007) — Coastal Plain Spearwort

2303 - Ranunculus micranthus (076-13-010) — Small-flowered Buttercup, Rock Buttercup

2304 - Ranunculus muricatus (076-13-002) — spinyfruit buttercup, Roughseed Buttercup

2305 - Ranunculus parviflorus (076-13-001) — Small-flowered Buttercup, Stickseed Crowfoot

2306 - Ranunculus pusillus (076-13-008) — Low Spearwort, Small Spearwort

2307 - Ranunculus recurvatus (076-13-014) — Hooked Buttercup, Hooked Crowfoot

2308 - Ranunculus repens (076-13-015) — Creeping Buttercup, Meg-many-feet

2309 - Ranunculus sardous (076-13-004) — Sardinian Buttercup, Hairy Buttercup

2310 - Ranunculus sceleratus (076-13-013) — Cursed Buttercup, Celery-leaf Crowfoot, Cursed Crowfoot

2311 - Raphanus raphanistrum (088-10-001) — Wild Radish, Jointed Charlock, White Charlock

2312 - Rhamnus caroliniana (119-04-001) — Carolina Buckthorn, Polecat-tree, Indian Currant, Indian-cherry

2313 - Rhexia alifanus (136-01-002) — Smooth Meadowbeauty, Savanna Meadowbeauty

2314 - Rhexia aristosa (136-01-004) — Awned Meadowbeauty, Bristly Meadowbeauty

2315 - Rhexia cubensis (136-01-005) — West Indies Meadowbeauty

2316 - Rhexia lutea (136-01-003) — Yellow Meadowbeauty, Golden Meadowbeauty

2317 - Rhexia mariana var. exalbida (136-01-006b) — White Meadowbeauty

2318 - Rhexia mariana var. mariana (136-01-006a) — Pale Meadowbeauty, Maryland Meadowbeauty, Dull Meadowbeauty

2319 - Rhexia mariana var. purpurea (136-01-006c) — Hairy Meadowbeauty, Maid Marian, Nash's Meadowbeauty

2320 - Rhexia petiolata (136-01-001) — Ciliate Meadowbeauty, Short Meadowbeauty, Fringed Meadowbeauty, Bog Meadowbeauty

2321 - Rhexia ventricosa (136-01-008) — Swollen Meadowbeauty

2322 - Rhexia virginica var. virginica (136-01-007) — Virginia Meadowbeauty, Wingstem Meadowbeauty, Deergrass

2323 - Rhododendron alabamense (145-05-008) — May White Azalea, Eastman's Azalea

2324 - Rhododendron arborescens (145-05-012) — Sweet Azalea, Smooth Azalea

2325 - Rhododendron atlanticum (145-05-010) — Dwarf Azalea, Coastal Azalea

2326 - Rhododendron calendulaceum (145-05-005) — Flame Azalea

2327 - Rhododendron canescens (145-05-006) — Piedmont Azalea, Southern Pinxter Azalea, Hoary Azalea

2328 - Rhododendron catawbiense (145-05-002) — Catawba Rhododendron, Mountain Rosebay, Purple Laurel, Pink Laurel

2329 - Rhododendron maximum (145-05-001) — Rosebay Rhododendron, Great Laurel, White Rosebay, Great Rhododendron

2330 - Rhododendron minus (145-05-003) — Gorge Rhododendron, Punctatum, Piedmont Rhododendron

2331 - Rhododendron minus (145-05-003?) — Carolina Rhododendron, Punctatum

2332 - Rhododendron nudiflorum (145-05-009) — Pinxterflower, Pinxterbloom Azalea, Election Pink, Pinxter Azalea

2333 - Rhododendron roseum (145-05-007) — Election Pink, Roseshell Azalea, Early Azalea

2334 - Rhododendron vaseyi (145-05-004) — Pinkshell Azalea

2335 - Rhododendron viscosum var. serrulatum (145-05-011b) — Swamp Azalea, Clammy Azalea, Sweet Azalea

2336 - Rhododendron viscosum var. viscosum (145-05-011a) — Swamp Azalea, Clammy Azalea, Swamp Honeysuckle, Catchfly Azalea

2337 - Rhododendron viscosum var. viscosum (145-05-011a?) — Clammy Azalea

2338 - Rhus aromatica (110-01-004) — Fragrant Sumac, Squawbush

2339 - Rhus copallina (110-01-007) — Winged Sumac, Shining Sumac, Dwarf Sumac

2340 - Rhus glabra (110-01-008) — Smooth Sumac, Common Sumac

2341 - Rhus michauxii (110-01-005) — Michaux's Sumac, Dwarf Sumac, False Poison Sumac

2342 - Rhus radicans (110-01-002) — Eastern Poison Ivy

2343 - Rhus toxicodendron (110-01-003) — Poison Oak, Southeastern Poison Oak

2344 - Rhus typhina (110-01-006) — Staghorn Sumac

2345 - Rhus vernix (110-01-001) — Poison Sumac, Thunderwood

2346 - Rhynchosia difformis (098-43-003) — Doubleform Snoutbean

2347 - Rhynchosia reniformis (098-43-001) — Dollarweed, Dollarleaf Snoutbean, Roundleaf Snoutbean

2348 - Rhynchosia tomentosa (098-43-004) — Twining Snoutbean, Erect Snoutbean

2349 - Rhynchospora caduca (030-13-036) — Angle-stem Beaksedge

2350 - Rhynchospora capitellata (030-13-017) — Brownish Beaksedge

2351 - Rhynchospora capitellata (030-13-017?) — Slender-fruit Beaksedge

2352 - Rhynchospora corniculata (030-13-002) — Short-bristled Horned Beaksedge

2353 - Rhynchospora filifolia (030-13-019) — Threadleaf Beaksedge

2354 - Rhynchospora globularis (030-13-032?) — Cymose Beakrush, Cymose Beaksedge

2355 - Rhynchospora globularis (030-13-032) — Globe Beaksedge

2356 - Rhynchospora glomerata (030-13-016) — Clustered Beaksedge

2357 - Rhynchospora gracilenta (030-13-022) — Slender Beaksedge

2358 - Rhynchospora inexpansa (030-13-033) — Nodding Beaksedge

2359 - Rhynchospora inundata (030-13-004) — Narrow-fruit Horned Beaksedge

2360 - Rhynchospora inundata (030-13-004?) — Carey's Horned Beaksedge, broadfruit horned beaksedge

2361 - Rhynchospora megalocarpa (030-13-026) — Sandy-field Beaksedge, Sandhill Beaksedge

2362 - Rhynchospora miliacea (030-13-034) — Millet Beaksedge

2363 - Rhynchospora pallida (030-13-007) — Pale Beaksedge

2364 - Rhynchospora rariflora (030-13-030) — Few-flower Beaksedge

2365 - Rhynchospora tracyi (030-13-001) — Tracy's Beaksedge

2366 - Ribes cynosbati (094-02-004) — Prickly Gooseberry, Dogberry

2367 - Ribes echinellum (094-02-003) — Miccosukee Gooseberry, Spiny Gooseberry, Florida Gooseberry

2368 - Ribes glandulosum (094-02-001) — Skunk Currant, Mountain Currant

2369 - Ribes rotundifolium (094-02-002) — Roundleaf Gooseberry, Appalachian Gooseberry

2370 - Richardia brasiliensis (173-05-001) — Brazilian-clover, Tropical Mexican-clover, Tropical Richardia

2371 - Richardia scabra (173-05-002) — Rough Mexican-clover

2372 - Ricinus communis (107-05-001) — Castor-bean, Castor-oil Plant, Palma Christi

2373 - Robinia boyntonii (098-32-007) — Boynton's Locust

2374 - Robinia hartwigii (098-32-003) — Granite Dome Locust, Highlands Locust, Hartwig's Locust

2375 - Robinia hispida (098-32-004) — Common Bristly Locust

2376 - Robinia hispida (098-32-004?) — Arnot Bristly Locust, Fruitful Locust

2377 - Robinia kelseyi (098-32-008) — Kelsey's Locust

2378 - Robinia nana (098-32-006) — Dwarf Bristly Locust, Dwarf Locust

2379 - Robinia pseudo-acacia (098-32-001) — Black Locust

2380 - Robinia viscosa (098-32-002) — Clammy Locust

2381 - Rorippa islandica (088-19-003) — Bog Yellowcress, Marshcress

2382 - Rosa bracteata (097-11-005) — McCartney Rose, Chickasaw Rose

2383 - Rosa canina (097-11-010) — Dog Rose

2384 - Rosa carolina (097-11-012) — Carolina Rose

2385 - Rosa damascena (097-11-007) — Damask Rose, French Rose

2386 - Rosa eglanteria (097-11-008) — Eglantine Rose, Sweetbriar Rose, Sweetbriar Rose, Rugosa Rose

2387 - Rosa laevigata (097-11-002) — Cherokee Rose

2388 - Rosa micrantha (097-11-009) — Eglantine Rose, Sweetbriar Rose

2389 - Rosa multiflora (097-11-003) — Multiflora Rose

2390 - Rosa palustris (097-11-011) — Swamp Rose

2391 - Rosa setigera (097-11-001) — Ozark Rose, Climbing Prairie Rose

2392 - Rosa wichuriana (097-11-004) — Memorial Rose, Dorothy Perkins Rose, Lucie Rose

2393 - Rotala ramosior (135-01-001) — Toothcup, Lowland Rotala

2394 - Rubus allegheniensis (097-05-007) — Allegheny Blackberry

2395 - Rubus argutus (097-05-009) — Pennsylvania Blackberry, Highbush Blackberry, Eastern Blackberry, Southern Blackberry

2396 - Rubus argutus (097-05-009) — Sawtooth Blackberry

2397 - Rubus bifrons (097-05-005) — European Blackberry, Himalayan Blackberry, Himalaya-berry

2398 - Rubus canadensis (097-05-010) — Smooth Blackberry, Thornless Blackberry

2399 - Rubus cuneifolius (097-05-006) — Sand Blackberry

2400 - Rubus flagellaris (097-05-012) — Common Dewberry, Northern Dewberry

2401 - Rubus flagellaris (097-05-012?) — Southern Dewberry

2402 - Rubus hispidus (097-05-013) — Swamp Dewberry, Bristly Dewberry

2403 - Rubus idaeus var. canadensis (097-05-003) — American Red Raspberry

2404 - Rubus illecebrosus (097-05-015x) — Strawberry-raspberry

2405 - Rubus laciniatus (097-05-011) — Cut-leaved Blackberry, Evergreen Blackberry

2406 - Rubus occidentalis (097-05-004) — Black Raspberry, Blackcap

2407 - Rubus odoratus (097-05-001) — Purple Flowering-raspberry, Thimbleberry, Eastern Mapleleaf-raspberry

2408 - Rubus phoenicolasius (097-05-002) — Wineberry, Wine Raspberry

2409 - Rubus trivialis (097-05-014) — Southern Dewberry, Coastal Plain Dewberry

2410 - Rudbeckia fulgida (179-61-003) — Common Eastern Coneflower, Orange Coneflower

2411 - Rudbeckia fulgida (179-61-003?) — Orange Coneflower

2412 - Rudbeckia heliopsidis (179-61-002) — Sunfacing Coneflower, Pineywoods Coneflower

2413 - Rudbeckia hirta (179-61-006) — Woodland Black-eyed Susan

2414 - Rudbeckia hirta (179-61-006?) — Weedy Black-eyed Susan

2415 - Rudbeckia hirta (179-61-006?) — Coastal Plain Black-eyed Susan

2416 - Rudbeckia laciniata (179-61-001) — Greenheaded Coneflower, Common Cutleaf Coneflower

2417 - Rudbeckia laciniata (179-61-001?) — Blue Ridge Cutleaf Coneflower

2418 - Rudbeckia laciniata (179-61-001?) — Coastal Plain Cutleaf Coneflower

2419 - Rudbeckia mollis (179-61-004) — Soft-haired Coneflower, Woolly Coneflower

2420 - Rudbeckia triloba (179-61-005) — Common Three-lobed Coneflower, Brown-eyed Susan, Thin-Leaved Coneflower

2421 - Rudbeckia triloba (179-61-005?) — Blue Ridge Three-lobed Coneflower, Brown-eyed Susan

2422 - Rudbeckia triloba (179-61-005?) — Chauncey's Coneflower

2423 - Ruellia brittoniana (171-03-004) — Mexican Bluebell, Mexican Petunia

2424 - Ruellia caroliniensis (171-03-007) — Carolina Wild-petunia, Common Wild-petunia, Hairy Ruellia

2425 - Ruellia ciliosa (171-03-006) — Sandhills Wild-petunia, Dwarf Wild-petunia

2426 - Ruellia humilis (171-03-005) — Hairy Wild-petunia, Low Wild-petunia, Glade Wild-petunia, Fringeleaf Ruellia

2427 - Ruellia pinetorum (171-03-002) — Pineland Wild-petunia

2428 - Ruellia purshiana (171-03-003) — Pursh's Wild-petunia

2429 - Ruellia strepens (171-03-001) — Limestone Wild-petunia, Glade Wild-petunia, Smooth Wild-petunia, Limestone Ruellia

2430 - Rumex acetosella (063-02-001) — Sheep Sorrel, Red Dock, Sourgrass, Field Sorrel

2431 - Rumex crispus (063-02-006) — Curly Dock, Yellow Dock

2432 - Rumex hastatulus (063-02-002) — Wild Dock, Heartwing Dock, Sourgrass, Heartwing Sorrel

2433 - Rumex obtusifolius (063-02-009) — Bitter Dock, Broadleaf Dock

2434 - Rumex patientia (063-02-005) — Patience Dock, Monk's-rhubarb

2435 - Rumex pulcher (063-02-008) — Fiddle Dock

2436 - Sabal minor (031-02-001) — Dwarf Palmetto, Bush Palmetto, Dwarf Blue Palmetto, Bluestem Palmetto

2437 - Sabal palmetto (031-02-002) — Cabbage Palmetto

2438 - Sabatia angularis (155-01-005) — Rose-pink, Bitterbloom, Common Marsh-pink, American Centaury

2439 - Sabatia brachiata (155-01-004) — Narrowleaf Rose-pink, Narrowleaf Rose-gentian, Narrowleaf Sabatia

2440 - Sabatia calycina (155-01-009) — Coastal Rose-pink, Coastal Rose-gentian

2441 - Sabatia campanulata (155-01-008) — Slender Marsh-pink, Slender Rose-gentian

2442 - Sabatia difformis (155-01-001) — White Sabatia, Lanceleaf Rose-gentian, Lanceleaf Sabatia

2443 - Sabatia dodecandra var. coriacea (155-01-010b) — Bartram's Rose-gentian

2444 - Sabatia dodecandra var. dodecandra (155-01-010a) — Perennial Sea-pink, Large Marsh Rose-pink, Marsh Rose-gentian

2445 - Sabatia dodecandra var. dodecandra (155-01-010a?) — Blackwater Rose-pink, Marsh Rose-gentian

2446 - Sabatia dodecandra var. kennedyana (155-01-010c) — Plymouth Rose-gentian, Plymouth Gentian

2447 - Sabatia gentianoides (155-01-011) — Pinewoods Rose-gentian, Pinewoods Rose-pink

2448 - Sabatia quadrangula (155-01-002) — Four-angle Sabatia, Four-angle Rose-gentian

2449 - Sabatia stellaris (155-01-007) — Annual Sea-pink, Salt-marsh Pink, Rose-of-Plymouth

2450 - Sacciolepis indica (029-80-002) — Indian Cupscale

2451 - Sacciolepis striata (029-80-001) — American Cupscale

2452 - Sageretia minutiflora (119-05-001) — Shell-mound Buckthorn, Small-flowered Buckthorn, Smallflower Mock-buckthorn

2453 - Sagina decumbens (071-10-001) — Trailing Pearlwort, Eastern Pearlwort, Annual Pearlwort

2454 - Sagittaria engelmanniana (027-03-010) — Engelmann's Arrowhead, Blackwater Arrowhead

2455 - Sagittaria falcata (027-03-008) — Scimitar Arrowhead, Bulltongue Arrowhead

2456 - Sagittaria fasciculata (027-03-005) — Bunched Arrowhead

2457 - Sagittaria graminea var. graminea (027-03-004a) — Grassleaf Arrowhead, Grassy Arrowhead

2458 - Sagittaria graminea var. platyphylla (027-03-004c) — Delta Arrowhead

2459 - Sagittaria graminea var. weatherbiana (027-03-004b) — Weatherby’s Arrowhead

2460 - Sagittaria lancifolia (027-03-007) — Bulltongue Arrowhead

2461 - Sagittaria latifolia + (027-03-009) — Broadleaf Arrowhead, Duck Potato, Common Arrowhead

2462 - Sagittaria longirostra (027-03-011) — Appalachian Arrowhead, Southern Arrowhead, Longbeak Arrowhead

2463 - Sagittaria subulata var. subulata (027-03-003) — Dwarf Arrowhead, Awl-leaf Arrowhead

2464 - Sagittaria teres (027-03-006) — Quillwort Arrowhead, Depression Meadow Arrowhead

2465 - Salicornia bigelovii (064-05-001) — Dwarf Glasswort, Dwarf Saltwort

2466 - Salicornia europaea (064-05-002) — American Glasswort, Virginia Samphire, Pickleweed

2467 - Salicornia virginica (064-05-003) — Perennial Glasswort, Woody Glasswort, Pickleweed

2468 - Salix alba (051-01-004) — European White Willow

2469 - Salix babylonica (051-01-002) — Weeping Willow

2470 - Salix caroliniana (051-01-008) — Carolina Willow, Coastal Plain Willow

2471 - Salix cinerea (051-01-005) — European Gray Willow

2472 - Salix cinerea (051-01-005?) — Olive-leaf Willow, Common Sallow, Large Gray Willow

2473 - Salix humilis (051-01-003) — Upland Willow, Prairie Willow

2474 - Salix humilis (051-01-003?) — Dwarf Upland Willow, Dwarf Prairie Willow, Sage Willow

2475 - Salix nigra (051-01-007) — Black Willow

2476 - Salix purpurea (051-01-001) — Basket Willow, Purple Willow, Purple-osier Willow

2477 - Salix sericea (051-01-006) — Silky Willow, Shrub Willow, Satin Willow

2478 - Salsola kali (064-07-001?) — Southern Saltwort, Carolina Saltwort

2479 - Salsola kali (064-07-001) — Northern Saltwort

2480 - Salsola kali (064-07-001?) — Russian Thistle, Tumbleweed

2481 - Salvia azurea (164-22-004) — Azure Sage

2482 - Salvia lyrata (164-22-001) — Lyreleaf Sage, Cancer-weed

2483 - Salvia urticifolia (164-22-003) — Nettleleaf Sage

2484 - Sambucus canadensis (174-06-001) — Common Elderberry, American Elder

2485 - Sambucus pubens (174-06-002) — Eastern Red Elderberry, Red-berried Elder

2486 - Samolus parviflorus (147-05-001) — Water-pimpernel, Brookweed

2487 - Sanguinaria canadensis (085-01-001) — Bloodroot, Red Puccoon

2488 - Sanguisorba canadensis (097-10-003) — Canada Burnet, American Burnet, White Burnet

2489 - Sanguisorba minor (097-10-002) — Salad Burnet, Garden Burnet, Fodder Burnet

2490 - Sanicula canadensis (140-03-003) — Canada Sanicle, Black Snakeroot, Canadian Black-snakeroot

2491 - Sanicula canadensis (140-03-003?) — Florida Sanicle, Florida Snakeroot, Florida Black-snakeroot

2492 - Sanicula canadensis (140-03-003?) — Large Sanicle, Long-styled Canada Sanicle, Large Black-snakeroot

2493 - Sanicula gregaria (140-03-001) — Clustered Snakeroot, Clustered Sanicle, Yellow-flowered Snakeroot, Fragrant Snakeroot

2494 - Sanicula marilandica (140-03-002) — Black Snakeroot, Maryland Sanicle, Maryland Black-snakeroot

2495 - Sanicula smallii (140-03-004) — Small's Sanicle, Southern Sanicle, Small's Black-snakeroot

2496 - Sanicula trifoliata (140-03-005) — Beaked Sanicle, Long-fruited Snakeroot, Large-fruited Sanicle, Largefruit Black-snakeroot

2497 - Sapindus marginatus (117-03-001) — Florida Soapberry

2498 - Sapium sebiferum (107-08-001) — Popcorn Tree, Chinese Tallow-tree

2499 - Saponaria officinalis (071-15-001) — Soapwort, Bouncing Bet

2500 - Sarracenia flava (089-01-001) — Yellow Pitcherplant, Yellow Trumpet, Trumpets

2501 - Sarracenia minor (089-01-003) — Hooded Pitcherplant

2502 - Sarracenia purpurea (089-01-004) — Southern Appalachian Purple Pitcherplant

2503 - Sarracenia purpurea (089-01-004?) — Southern Purple Pitcherplant, Frog's Breeches, Hunter's Cup

2504 - Sarracenia purpurea (089-01-004?) — Northern Purple Pitcherplant

2505 - Sarracenia rubra (089-01-002?) — Mountain Sweet Pitcherplant

2506 - Sarracenia rubra (089-01-002) — Carolina Sweet Pitcherplant, Carolina Redflower Pitcherplant, Red Pitcherplant, Sweet Pitcherplant

2507 - Sassafras albidum (084-02-001) — Sassafras

2508 - Satureja calamintha var. nepeta (164-27-001) — Lesser Calamint, Basil-thyme

2509 - Satureja georgiana (164-27-002) — Georgia Savory, Georgia Basil, Georgia Calamint, False Peppermint

2510 - Satureja vulgaris (164-27-003) — Wild Basil

2511 - Saururus cernuus (050-01-001) — Lizard's-tail, Water-dragon

2512 - Saxifraga careyana (094-14-005) — Carey's Saxifrage

2513 - Saxifraga caroliniana (094-14-006) — Carolina Saxifrage

2514 - Saxifraga michauxii (094-14-001) — Michaux's Saxifrage, Cliff Saxifrage

2515 - Saxifraga michauxii (094-14-001?) — Escarpment Saxifrage, Shealy's Saxifrage

2516 - Saxifraga micranthidifolia (094-14-004) — Brook Lettuce, Mountain Lettuce, Branch Lettuce, Lettuceleaf Saxifrage

2517 - Saxifraga pensylvanica (094-14-002) — Swamp Saxifrage

2518 - Saxifraga virginiensis (094-14-003) — Early Saxifrage

2519 - Schisandra glabra (082-01-001) — Bay Star-vine, Climbing-magnolia, Magnolia-vine

2520 - Schoenolirion croceum (041-29-001) — Yellow Sunnybell

2521 - Schrankia microphylla (098-02-001) — Littleleaf Sensitive-briar, Eastern Sensitive-briar

2522 - Schwalbea americana (166-27-001) — American Chaffseed

2523 - Scirpus americanus (030-08-007) — Common Threesquare, Chairmaker's Rush, Swordgrass

2524 - Scirpus atrovirens (030-08-013?) — Georgia Bulrush

2525 - Scirpus atrovirens (030-08-013) — Black Bulrush, Dark-green Bulrush

2526 - Scirpus cespitosus var. callosus (030-08-001) — Deerhair Bulrush, Deergrass, Tufted Bulrush

2527 - Scirpus cyperinus (030-08-015) — Woolgrass Bulrush, Marsh Bulrush, Woolly Bulrush

2528 - Scirpus expansus (030-08-012) — Woodland Bulrush

2529 - Scirpus koilolepis (030-08-002) — Keeled Bulrush

2530 - Scirpus olneyi (030-08-006) — Olney Threesquare, chairmaker's bulrush

2531 - Scirpus polyphyllus (030-08-014) — Leafy Bulrush

2532 - Scirpus robustus (030-08-011) — Saltmarsh Bulrush

2533 - Scirpus validus (030-08-009) — Softstem Bulrush, Great Bulrush

2534 - Scleranthus annuus (071-01-001) — Knawel, Annual Knawel, Knotgrass

2535 - Scleria ciliata (030-15-005?) — Broad-leaved Hairy Nutrush, Elliott's Nutrush

2536 - Scleria ciliata (030-15-005) — Fringed Nutrush, Hairy Nutrush

2537 - Scleria oligantha (030-15-001) — Few-flowered Nutrush, Littlehead Nutrush

2538 - Scleria pauciflora (030-15-004) — Papillose Nutrush, Carolina Nutrush, Fewflower Nutrush

2539 - Scleria triglomerata (030-15-002) — Tall Nutrush, Stone-rush, Whip Nutrush

2540 - Scleria verticillata (030-15-007) — Savanna Nutrush, Low Nutrush

2541 - Sclerolepis uniflora (179-29-001) — Sclerolepis, Pink bogbutton

2542 - Scrophularia marilandica (166-15-001) — Eastern Figwort, Carpenter's Square, Late Figwort

2543 - Scutellaria elliptica (164-05-008) — Hairy Skullcap, Elliptic-leaved Skullcap

2544 - Scutellaria elliptica (164-05-008?) — Kentucky Skullcap, Hairy Skullcap

2545 - Scutellaria incana (164-05-006?) — Hoary Skullcap, Downy Skullcap

2546 - Scutellaria incana (164-05-006) — Hoary Skullcap, Downy Skullcap

2547 - Scutellaria integrifolia var. integrifolia (164-05-005) — Hyssop Skullcap, Narrowleaf Skullcap

2548 - Scutellaria lateriflora (164-05-003) — Mad-dog Skullcap, Tall Blue Skullcap

2549 - Scutellaria mellichampii (164-05-009?) — Altamaha Skullcap, Pineland Skullcap

2550 - Scutellaria mellichampii (164-05-009) — Mellichamp's Skullcap

2551 - Scutellaria nervosa (164-05-002) — Veined Skullcap, Bottomland Skullcap

2552 - Scutellaria ovata (164-05-010) — Heartleaf Skullcap

2553 - Scutellaria ovata (164-05-010?) — Heartleaf Skullcap

2554 - Scutellaria ovata (164-05-010?) — Heartleaf Skullcap

2555 - Scutellaria parvula (164-05-001) — Dwarf Skullcap, Small Skullcap

2556 - Scutellaria parvula (164-05-001?) — Shale-barren Skullcap, Glade Skullcap, Leonard's Skullcap

2557 - Scutellaria parvula (164-05-001?) — Southern Skullcap

2558 - Scutellaria saxatilis (164-05-004) — Rock Skullcap

2559 - Scutellaria serrata (164-05-007) — Showy Skullcap, Serrate Skullcap

2560 - Sebastiania ligustrina (107-09-001) — Sebastian-bush

2561 - Secale cereale (029-22-001) — Cereal Rye, Cultivated Rye

2562 - Sedum acre (091-01-003) — Mossy Stonecrop, Wallpepper, Bitter Stonecrop, Gold-moss

2563 - Sedum nevii (091-01-006) — Cliff Stonecrop

2564 - Sedum pusillum (091-01-001) — Puck's Orpine, Granite Stonecrop

2565 - Sedum rosea (091-01-010) — Roseroot, Goldenroot, King's Crown

2566 - Sedum sarmentosum (091-01-004) — Stringy Stonecrop

2567 - Sedum smallii (091-01-002) — Elf-orpine

2568 - Sedum telephioides (091-01-009) — Allegheny Live-forever, Cliff Orpine, Allegheny Stonecrop

2569 - Sedum ternatum (091-01-005) — Mountain Stonecrop, Whorled Stonecrop, Three-leaf Stonecrop

2570 - Selaginella apoda (004-01-001) — Meadow Spikemoss

2571 - Selaginella rupestris (004-01-004) — Rock Spikemoss

2572 - Selaginella tortipila (004-01-003) — Twisted-hair Spikemoss

2573 - Senecio aureus (179-19-008) — Golden Ragwort, Heartleaf Ragwort, Golden Groundsel

2574 - Senecio glabellus (179-19-002) — Butterweed, Smooth Ragwort, Smooth Groundsel, Yellowtop

2575 - Senecio millefolium (179-19-003) — Blue Ridge Ragwort, Yarrowleaf Ragwort, Divided-leaf Ragwort, Blue Ridge Groundsel

2576 - Senecio obovatus (179-19-009) — Roundleaf Ragwort, Roundleaf Groundsel, Spatulate-leaved Ragwort, Running Ragwort

2577 - Senecio pauperculus (179-19-006) — Balsam Groundsel, Balsam Ragwort, Northern Meadow Groundsel

2578 - Senecio pauperculus (179-19-006?) — Bog Ragwort, Crawford's Groundsel, Crawford’s Ragwort

2579 - Senecio robbinsii (179-19-007) — Robbins' Ragwort, New England Ragwort, New England Groundsel, Schweinitz's Ragwort

2580 - Senecio rugelia (179-19-010) — Rugel's Ragwort, Rugelia, Rugel's Indian-plantain

2581 - Senecio smallii (179-19-004) — Small's Ragwort, Squaw-weed, Appalachian Ragwort

2582 - Senecio tomentosus (179-19-005) — Woolly Ragwort, Woolly Groundsel, Woolly Goldenwort

2583 - Senecio vulgaris (179-19-001) — Groundsel

2584 - Serenoa repens (031-01-001) — Saw Palmetto

2585 - Sesbania exaltata (098-28-001) — Bigpod Sesbania, Coffee-weed, Indigo-weed, Hemp Sesbania

2586 - Sesuvium maritimum (069-01-002) — Small Sea-purslane, Slender Sea-purslane

2587 - Sesuvium portulacastrum (069-01-001) — Large Sea-purslane, Shoreline Sea-purslane

2588 - Setaria corrugata (029-68-006) — Coastal Plain Bristlegrass

2589 - Setaria faberi (029-68-007) — Nodding Foxtail Grass, Giant Foxtail-grass, Chinese Foxtail

2590 - Setaria geniculata (029-68-003) — Perennial Foxtail-grass, Knotroot Bristlegrass, Marsh Foxtail, Knotroot Foxtail

2591 - Setaria glauca (029-68-004) — Yellow Foxtail

2592 - Setaria italica (029-68-002) — Yellow Foxtail, Italian Millet, Foxtail Millet, Italian Foxtail

2593 - Setaria magna (029-68-001) — Saltmarsh Foxtail-grass, Giant Foxtail-grass, Giant Bristlegrass

2594 - Setaria viridis (029-68-008) — Green Foxtail, Green Bristlegrass

2595 - Setaria viridis (029-68-008?) — Giant Green Foxtail

2596 - Seymeria cassioides (166-23-001) — Senna Seymeria, Yaupon Black-senna

2597 - Seymeria pectinata (166-23-002) — Comb Seymeria, Combleaf Black-senna, Yaupon Black-senna, Florida Black-senna

2598 - Sherardia arvensis (173-09-001) — Field Madder, Blue Field-madder

2599 - Shortia galacifolia (146-01-001) — Oconee Bells, Southern Shortia

2600 - Shortia galacifolia (146-01-001?) — Northern Shortia, Northern Oconee Bells

2601 - Sibara virginica (088-24-001) — Sibara, Virginia-cress, Virginia Rockcress, Virginia Winged Rockcress

2602 - Sicyos angulatus (177-07-001) — Bur-cucumber, Star-cucumber, Nimble-Kate

2603 - Sida elliottii (122-05-004) — Coastal Plain Sida, Elliott's Fanpetals

2604 - Sida rhombifolia (122-05-003) — Arrowleaf Sida, Diamondleaf Fanpetal, Cuban Jute

2605 - Sida spinosa (122-05-001) — Prickly Fanpetals, Prickly Sida, Prickly Mallow, False-mallow

2606 - Silene antirrhina (071-17-005) — Sleepy Catchfly, Garter-pink

2607 - Silene armeria (071-17-006) — Sweet William Catchfly, Garden Catchfly, None-so-pretty

2608 - Silene caroliniana (071-17-008) — South Carolina Wild-pink, Rock Catchfly, Carolina Pink

2609 - Silene caroliniana (071-17-008?) — Northern Wild-pink, Sticky Catchfly, Pennsylvania Catchfly

2610 - Silene cucubalus (071-17-004) — Bladder Campion, Maiden's-tears

2611 - Silene dichotoma (071-17-003) — Forked Catchfly

2612 - Silene noctiflora (071-17-010) — Night-flowering Catchfly, Sticky Campion, Sticky Cockle

2613 - Silene ovata (071-17-009) — Mountain Catchfly, Fringed Campion, Blue Ridge Catchfly

2614 - Silene stellata (071-17-001) — Starry Campion, Widow's-frill

2615 - Silene virginica (071-17-007) — Fire-pink

2616 - Silphium asteriscus (179-54-005) — Starry Rosinweed

2617 - Silphium compositum var. compositum (179-54-002a) — Carolina Rosinweed, Compassplant, Rhubarb-leaved Rosinweed

2618 - Silphium compositum var. reniforme (179-54-002b) — Ragged Rosinweed, Kidneyleaf Rosinweed

2619 - Silphium connatum (179-54-001?) — Virginia Cup-plant

2620 - Silphium dentatum var. dentatum (179-54-004a) — Starry Rosinweed

2621 - Silphium laevigatum (179-54-007) — Whorled Rosinweed

2622 - Silphium perfoliatum (179-54-001) — Common Cup-plant, Indian Cup

2623 - Silphium terebinthinaceum (179-54-003) — Prairie-dock, Broadleaf Prairie-dock

2624 - Silphium trifoliatum (179-54-006) — Whorled Rosinweed

2625 - Sisymbrium altissimum (088-14-002) — Tumble Mustard, Jim Hill Mustard, Tall Hedge-mustard

2626 - Sisymbrium officinale var. officinale (088-14-001) — Hedge Mustard

2627 - Sisyrinchium albidum (046-02-001) — Pale Blue-eyed-grass, White Blue-eyed-grass

2628 - Sisyrinchium albidum (046-02-001?) — Wiry Blue-eyed-grass

2629 - Sisyrinchium angustifolium (046-02-004) — Narrowleaf Blue-eyed-grass, Stout Blue-eyed-grass

2630 - Sisyrinchium arenicola (046-02-002) — Bristly Blue-eyed-grass, Coastal Plain Blue-eyed-grass

2631 - Sisyrinchium arenicola (046-02-002?) — Nash's Blue-eyed-grass

2632 - Sisyrinchium arenicola (046-02-002?) — Sandhill Blue-eyed-grass, Rufous Blue-eyed-grass

2633 - Sisyrinchium mucronatum var. atlanticum (046-02-003b) — Atlantic Blue-eyed-grass, Eastern Blue-eyed-grass

2634 - Sisyrinchium mucronatum var. mucronatum (046-02-003a) — Needletip Blue-eyed-grass

2635 - Sisyrinchium rosulatum (046-02-005) — Annual Blue-eyed-grass, Lawn Blue-eyed-grass, Fairy Stars

2636 - Sium suave (140-27-001) — Hemlock Water-parsnip

2637 - Smilacina racemosa (041-06-001) — False Solomon's Seal, Eastern Solomon's Plume, May-plume

2638 - Smilax auriculata (041-02-009) — Dune Greenbrier

2639 - Smilax bona-nox (041-02-005) — Fringed Greenbrier, Catbrier, Stretchberry, Tramp's Trouble

2640 - Smilax bona-nox (041-02-005?) — Maritime Catbrier, Maritime Saw Greenbrier

2641 - Smilax ecirrhata var. biltmoreana (041-02-003a) — Biltmore Carrionflower

2642 - Smilax ecirrhata var. hugeri (041-02-003b) — Huger's Carrionflower

2643 - Smilax glauca (041-02-007) — Whiteleaf Greenbrier, Wild Sarsaparilla, Sawbrier

2644 - Smilax herbacea var. herbacea (041-02-002a) — Common Carrionflower, Smooth Carrionflower

2645 - Smilax herbacea var. pulverulenta (041-02-002b) — Downy Carrionflower

2646 - Smilax hispida (041-02-006) — Bristly Greenbrier, Hellfetter, Chinaroot, Chaneyroot

2647 - Smilax laurifolia (041-02-010) — Bamboo-vine, Blaspheme-vine, Wild Bamboo, Laurel-leaf Greenbriar

2648 - Smilax pumila (041-02-012) — Dwarf Smilax, Sarsaparilla-vine

2649 - Smilax rotundifolia (041-02-004) — Common Greenbrier, Common Catbrier, Bullbrier, Horsebrier

2650 - Smilax smallii (041-02-011) — Jackson-brier, Unarmed Catbrier, Sweet-scented Smilax

2651 - Smilax tamnifolia (041-02-001) — Coastal Carrionflower, Bamboo-vine

2652 - Smilax walteri (041-02-008) — Coral Greenbrier, Red-berried Swamp Smilax

2653 - Solanum americanum (165-05-009) — American Black Nightshade

2654 - Solanum americanum (165-05-009?) — Eastern Black Nightshade

2655 - Solanum carolinense (165-05-005) — Carolina Horsenettle, Ball-nettle

2656 - Solanum dulcamara (165-05-001) — Bittersweet Nightshade, Deadly Nightshade, Climbing Nightshade

2657 - Solanum nigrum (165-05-010) — European Black Nightshade

2658 - Solanum rostratum (165-05-002) — Buffalo-bur Nightshade, Kansas-thistle

2659 - Solanum sarrachoides (165-05-012) — Hairy Nightshade, Viscid Nightshade

2660 - Solanum sisymbriifolium (165-05-006) — Sticky Nightshade

2661 - Solidago altissima (179-49-030) — Tall Goldenrod, Field Goldenrod, Common Goldenrod

2662 - Solidago altissima (179-49-030?) — Riverbank Goldenrod, Rock Goldenrod

2663 - Solidago altissima (179-49-030?) — Southern Tall Goldenrod

2664 - Solidago arguta (179-49-017?) — Forest Goldenrod, Sharp-leaved Goldenrod, Cutleaf Goldenrod

2665 - Solidago arguta (179-49-017?) — Boott's Goldenrod, Cutleaf Goldenrod

2666 - Solidago arguta (179-49-017) — Vasey's Goldenrod, Atlantic Goldenrod

2667 - Solidago arguta (179-49-017?) — Atlantic Goldenrod

2668 - Solidago bicolor (179-49-008) — Silverrod, White Goldenrod

2669 - Solidago caesia (179-49-001) — Bluestem Goldenrod, Axillary Goldenrod, Wreath Goldenrod, Bridal-wreath Goldenrod

2670 - Solidago caesia (179-49-001?) — Appalachian Goldenrod, Mountain Goldenrod

2671 - Solidago curtisii var. curtisii (179-49-002) — Curtis's Goldenrod

2672 - Solidago elliottii (179-49-027) — Coastal Swamp Goldenrod, Elliott's goldenrod

2673 - Solidago erecta (179-49-011) — Slender Goldenrod, Erect Goldenrod

2674 - Solidago fistulosa (179-49-026) — Pine Barren Goldenrod, Hairy Pineywoods Goldenrod, Shaggy Pineywoods Goldenrod

2675 - Solidago flexicaulis (179-49-003) — Zigzag Goldenrod, Broadleaf Goldenrod

2676 - Solidago gigantea (179-49-031) — Smooth Goldenrod, Late Goldenrod, Giant Goldenrod

2677 - Solidago glomerata (179-49-006) — Skunk Goldenrod, Clustered Goldenrod

2678 - Solidago gracillima (179-49-018?) — Pine Barren Bog Goldenrod, Northern Wand Goldenrod

2679 - Solidago gracillima (179-49-018) — Southern Bog Goldenrod, Graceful Goldenrod

2680 - Solidago gracillima (179-49-018?) — Piedmont Wand Goldenrod

2681 - Solidago graminifolia (179-49-036) — Northern Smooth Goldentop, Grassleaf Flattop Goldenrod

2682 - Solidago juncea (179-49-016) — Early Goldenrod

2683 - Solidago leavenworthii (179-49-032) — Leavenworth's Goldenrod

2684 - Solidago microcephala (179-49-038) — Carolina Goldentop, Slender Flattop Goldenrod

2685 - Solidago nemoralis (179-49-022) — Eastern Gray Goldenrod

2686 - Solidago notabilis (179-49-035) — Eared Goldenrod

2687 - Solidago odora (179-49-024) — Licorice Goldenrod, Sweet Goldenrod, Anise Goldenrod, Anise-scented Goldenrod

2688 - Solidago patula var. patula (179-49-019a) — Northern Roughleaf Goldenrod

2689 - Solidago patula var. strictula (179-49-019b) — Southern Roughleaf Goldenrod

2690 - Solidago pauciflosculosa (179-49-039) — Woody Goldenrod, Bush Goldenrod

2691 - Solidago petiolaris (179-49-004) — Downy Ragged Goldenrod, Downy Goldenrod

2692 - Solidago pinetorum (179-49-015) — Small's Goldenrod, Pineywoods Goldenrod

2693 - Solidago puberula var. puberula (179-49-009a) — Downy Goldenrod

2694 - Solidago puberula var. pulverulenta (179-49-009b) — Dusty Downy Goldenrod

2695 - Solidago radula (179-49-023) — Rough Goldenrod

2696 - Solidago rigida (179-49-033) — Midwestern Stiff Goldenrod, Hard-leaved Goldenrod, Midwestern Bold Goldenrod, Stiff-leaved Goldenrod

2697 - Solidago rigida (179-49-033?) — Southeastern Stiff Goldenrod, Southeastern Bold Goldenrod

2698 - Solidago roanensis (179-49-010) — Roan Mountain Goldenrod

2699 - Solidago rugosa var. celtidifolia (179-49-029b) — Hackberry-leaf Goldenrod

2700 - Solidago rugosa var. rugosa (179-49-029a) — Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod, Roughstem Goldenrod

2701 - Solidago rugosa var. rugosa (179-49-029a?) — Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod

2702 - Solidago rugosa var. rugosa (179-49-029a?) — Cronquist's Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod, Cronquist's Goldenrod

2703 - Solidago rugosa var. rugosa (179-49-029a?) — Peat-loving Goldenrod

2704 - Solidago sempervirens (179-49-014?) — Southern Seaside Goldenrod

2705 - Solidago sempervirens (179-49-014) — Northern Seaside Goldenrod

2706 - Solidago speciosa (179-49-012) — Showy Goldenrod, Noble Goldenrod

2707 - Solidago sphacelata (179-49-021) — Heartleaf Goldenrod, False Goldenrod, Limestone Goldenrod, Autumn Goldenrod

2708 - Solidago spithamaea (179-49-007) — Blue Ridge Goldenrod

2709 - Solidago squarrosa (179-49-005) — Stout Goldenrod, Squarrose Goldenrod, Ragged Goldenrod

2710 - Solidago stricta (179-49-013?) — Carolina Goldenrod, Beautiful Goldenrod

2711 - Solidago stricta (179-49-013) — Southern Wand Goldenrod

2712 - Solidago tortifolia (179-49-025) — Twistleaf Goldenrod, Leafy Pineywoods Goldenrod, Leafy Pinelands Goldenrod

2713 - Solidago uliginosa (179-49-020) — Northern Bog Goldenrod, Swamp Goldenrod

2714 - Solidago uliginosa (179-49-020??) — Granite Dome Goldenrod, Cliffside Goldenrod

2715 - Solidago ulmifolia (179-49-028) — Elmleaf Goldenrod

2716 - Solidago verna (179-49-034) — Spring-flowering Goldenrod, Spring Goldenrod

2717 - Sonchus arvensis (179-08-001) — Field Sowthistle, Perennial Sowthistle

2718 - Sonchus asper (179-08-002) — Prickly Sowthistle, Spiny-leaf Sowthistle

2719 - Sonchus oleraceus (179-08-003) — Annual Sowthistle, Common Sowthistle

2720 - Sorbus americana (097-19-001) — American Mountain-ash, American Rowan

2721 - Sorbus arbutifolia var. arbutifolia (097-19-002a) — Red Chokeberry

2722 - Sorbus arbutifolia var. atropurpurea (097-19-002b) — Purple Chokeberry

2723 - Sorbus melanocarpa (097-19-003) — Black Chokeberry

2724 - Sorghastrum elliottii (029-89-003) — Elliot's Indiangrass, Slender Indiangrass, Nodding Indiangrass

2725 - Sorghastrum nutans (029-89-001) — Yellow Indiangrass, Prairie Indiangrass

2726 - Sorghastrum secundum (029-89-002) — Lopsided Indiangrass

2727 - Sorghum halepense (029-88-001) — Johnsongrass

2728 - Sorghum vulgare (029-88-002) — Sorghum, Milo, Broomcorn, Sorgo

2729 - Sparganium americanum (020-01-001) — American Bur-reed

2730 - Spartina alterniflora (029-58-003) — Saltmarsh Cordgrass, Smooth Cordgrass

2731 - Spartina cynosuroides (029-58-004) — Giant Cordgrass, Big Cordgrass

2732 - Spartina patens (029-58-001) — Small Saltmeadow Cordgrass, Salt Hay, Marsh-hay Cordgrass

2733 - Specularia biflora (178-01-002) — Southern Venus's Looking-glass, Small Venus's Looking-glass

2734 - Specularia perfoliata (178-01-001) — Clasping Venus's Looking-glass

2735 - Sphenopholis intermedia (029-31-004) — Slender Wedgegrass

2736 - Sphenopholis obtusata (029-31-005) — Prairie Wedgegrass

2737 - Spigelia marilandica (154-02-001) — Indian-pink, Woodland Pinkroot, Wormgrass

2738 - Spilanthes americana var. repens (179-63-001) — Spilanthes, Creeping Spotflower

2739 - Spiraea alba var. alba (097-15-001a) — Narrowleaf Meadowsweet, Pipestem

2740 - Spiraea alba var. latifolia (097-15-001b) — Broadleaf Meadowsweet

2741 - Spiraea betulifolia (097-15-004) — Dwarf Spiraea, Rock Spiraea, Shinyleaf Meadowsweet

2742 - Spiraea japonica (097-15-003) — Japanese Spiraea

2743 - Spiraea tomentosa (097-15-002) — Hardhack, Steeplebush, Rosy Meadowsweet

2744 - Spiraea virginiana (097-15-005) — Virginia Spiraea, Appalachian Spiraea, Virginia Meadowsweet

2745 - Spiranthes cernua (049-12-002a?) — Yellow Ladies'-tresses, Yellow Nodding Ladies'-tresses

2746 - Spiranthes cernua var. cernua (049-12-002a) — Nodding Ladies'-tresses

2747 - Spiranthes cernua var. odorata (049-12-002b) — Fragrant Ladies'-tresses, Marsh Ladies'-tresses

2748 - Spiranthes gracilis var. floridana (049-12-004b) — Florida Ladies'-tresses

2749 - Spiranthes gracilis var. gracilis (049-12-004a) — Southern Slender Ladies'-tresses

2750 - Spiranthes grayi (049-12-003) — Little Ladies'-tresses, Little Pearl-twist

2751 - Spiranthes laciniata (049-12-008) — Lace-lip Ladies'-tresses, Lace-lip Spiral Orchid

2752 - Spiranthes longilabris (049-12-005) — Longhorn Ladies'-tresses, Giant Spiral Orchid, Giant Spiral Ladies'-tresses, Long-lipped Ladies'-tresses

2753 - Spiranthes ovalis (049-12-001) — Lesser Ladies'-tresses, Oval Ladies'-tresses, October Ladies'-tresses

2754 - Spiranthes praecox (049-12-006) — Grassleaf Ladies'-tresses, Giant Ladies'-tresses

2755 - Spiranthes praecox (049-12-006?) — Woodland Ladies'-tresses, Pale Green Ladies'-tresses

2756 - Spiranthes vernalis (049-12-007) — Spring Ladies'-tresses

2757 - Spirodela oligorrhiza (033-01-001) — Dotted Duckmeat

2758 - Spirodela polyrrhiza (033-01-002) — Greater Duckweed, Duckmeat, Minnow-fole, Giant Duckweed

2759 - Sporobolus clandestinus (029-44-007) — Rough Dropseed

2760 - Sporobolus floridanus (029-44-002 & 003?) — Carolina Dropseed, Savanna Dropseed

2761 - Sporobolus heterolepis (029-44-004) — Prairie Dropseed

2762 - Sporobolus junceus (029-44-001) — Sandhills Dropseed, Pineywoods Dropseed

2763 - Sporobolus poiretii (029-44-005) — Smut-grass, Blackseed

2764 - Sporobolus teretifolius (029-44-002) — Wireleaf Dropseed

2765 - Stachys clingmanii (164-20-004) — Clingman's Hedgenettle

2766 - Stachys clingmanii (164-20-004?) — Heart-leaved Hedgenettle

2767 - Stachys clingmanii (164-20-004?) — Nuttall’s Hedgenettle

2768 - Stachys floridana (164-20-001) — Florida Betony, Rattlesnake-weed, Florida Hedgenettle

2769 - Stachys hyssopifolia var. ambigua (164-20-002b) — Roughleaf Hedgenettle, Rough Hedgenettle

2770 - Stachys hyssopifolia var. hyssopifolia (164-20-002a) — Hyssopleaf Hedgenettle

2771 - Stachys latidens (164-20-005) — Broadtooth Hedgenettle

2772 - Stachys nuttallii (164-20-003) — Epling's Hedgenettle

2773 - Stachys tenuifolia (164-20-006) — Smooth Hedgenettle

2774 - Staphylea trifolia (114-01-001) — Bladdernut

2775 - Stellaria alsine (071-07-006x) — Bog Chickweed, Bog Stitchwort, Longstalk Starwort, Bog Starwort

2776 - Stellaria aquatica (071-07-001) — Water-chickweed, Giant Chickweed, Water Mouse-ear

2777 - Stellaria corei (071-07-005) — Tennessee Starwort

2778 - Stellaria graminea (071-07-003) — Lesser Stitchwort, Grassleaf Starwort, Common Stitchwort

2779 - Stellaria media (071-07-002) — Common Chickweed

2780 - Stellaria pubera (071-07-004) — Star Chickweed, Giant Chickweed, Great Chickweed, Common Starwort

2781 - Stenanthium gramineum (041-25-001) — Featherbells, Eastern Featherbells

2782 - Stenanthium gramineum (041-25-001?) — Bog Featherbells

2783 - Stewartia malacodendron (124-01-001) — Silky Camellia, Virginia Stewartia, Stewartia

2784 - Stewartia ovata (124-01-002) — Mountain Camellia, Mountain Stewartia

2785 - Stillingia aquatica (107-07-002) — Corkwood, Water Toothleaf

2786 - Stillingia sylvatica (107-07-001) — Queen's-delight

2787 - Stipa avenacea (029-37-001) — Green Needlegrass, Blackseed Needlegrass, Eastern Needlegrass, Black Oatgrass

2788 - Stipulicida setacea (071-04-001) — Coastal Plain Wireplant, Pineland Scaly-pink

2789 - Stokesia laevis (179-23-001) — Stokes Aster, Stokesia, Blue Stokesia

2790 - Streptopus amplexifolius (041-09-002) — Clasping Twisted-stalk, White Mandarin, Pagoda-bells

2791 - Streptopus roseus (041-09-001) — Rosy Twisted-stalk, Eastern Rose Mandarin, Eastern Twisted-stalk

2792 - Striga lutea (166-22-001) — Asiatic Witchweed

2793 - Strophostyles helvola (098-46-001) — Annual Sand Bean, Beach Pea, Trailing Wild Bean, Trailing Fuzzy-Bean

2794 - Strophostyles umbellata (098-46-002) — Perennial Sand Bean, Perennial Wild Bean, Pink Wild Bean, Pink Fuzzy-Bean

2795 - Stylosanthes biflora (098-25-001) — Pencil-flower, Sidebeak Pencil-flower

2796 - Styrax americana (152-02-002) — American Storax, American Snowbell

2797 - Styrax americana (152-02-002?) — Downy American Snowbell

2798 - Styrax grandifolia (152-02-001) — Bigleaf Snowbell, Bigleaf Storax, Large-leaved Storax

2799 - Suaeda linearis (064-06-001) — Southern Sea-blite

2800 - Swertia caroliniensis (155-03-001) — American Columbo

2801 - Symphoricarpos albus (174-03-X) — Pacific Snowberry

2802 - Symphoricarpos orbiculatus (174-03-001) — Coralberry, Indian Currant, Buckbrush

2803 - Symplocarpus foetidus (032-03-001) — Skunk Cabbage

2804 - Symplocos tinctoria (151-01-001) — Horsesugar, Sweetleaf, Dyebush

2805 - Synandra hispidula (164-15-001) — Guyandotte Beauty, Synandra

2806 - Syngonanthus flavidulus (036-02-001) — Yellow Hatpins, Bantam-buttons

2807 - Taenidia integerrima (140-13-001) — Yellow Pimpernel

2808 - Tagetes minuta (179-78-001) — Muster John Henry, Southern Cone Marigold, Mexican Marigold

2809 - Talinum paniculatum (070-02-002) — Panicled Fameflower, Jewels-of-Opar, Pink Baby’s-breath

2810 - Talinum teretifolium (070-02-001) — Appalachian Fameflower, Appalachian Rock-pink, Rock Portulaca, Quill Fameflower

2811 - Tamarix gallica (128-01-001?) — Salt-cedar, Tamarisk

2812 - Tamarix gallica (128-01-001) — French Tamarisk

2813 - Tamarix gallica (128-01-001?) — Canary Island Tamarisk

2814 - Tamarix gallica (128-01-001?) — Smallflower Tamarisk

2815 - Tanacetum vulgare (179-85-001) — Common Tansy, Golden-buttons, Garden Tansy

2816 - Taraxacum erythrospermum (179-17-001) — Red-seeded Dandelion

2817 - Taraxacum officinale (179-17-002) — Common Dandelion

2818 - Taxodium ascendens (017-01-002) — Pond Cypress

2819 - Taxodium distichum (017-01-001) — Bald Cypress

2820 - Teesdalia nudicaulis (088-03-001) — Shepherd's Cress, Hedge Mustard, Bank Cress

2821 - Tephrosia florida (098-34-002) — Florida Hoarypea, Florida Goat’s-rue

2822 - Tephrosia hispidula (098-34-004) — Sprawling Hoary-pea

2823 - Tephrosia spicata (098-34-003) — Spiked Hoary-pea, Brown-hair Tephrosia, Tawny Goat's Rue

2824 - Tephrosia virginiana (098-34-001) — Virginia Goat's Rue, Devil's Shoestrings

2825 - Tetragonotheca helianthoides (179-60-001) — Pineland Squarehead, Pineland-ginseng

2826 - Teucrium canadense (164-03-001) — American Germander, Wood Sage, Common Germander

2827 - Thalia dealbata (047-01-001) — Powdery Thalia, Powdery Alligator-flag

2828 - Thalictrum clavatum (076-11-002) — Mountain Meadowrue, Lady-rue

2829 - Thalictrum coriaceum (076-11-003) — Appalachian Meadowrue, Maid-of-the-mist

2830 - Thalictrum dioicum (076-11-004) — Early Meadowrue

2831 - Thalictrum macrostylum (076-11-007 & 008) — Small-leaved Meadowrue, Small-flowered Meadowrue

2832 - Thalictrum polygamum (076-11-009) — Common Tall Meadowrue, King-of-the-meadow, Late Meadowrue

2833 - Thalictrum polygamum (076-11-009?) — Appalachian Tall Meadowrue

2834 - Thalictrum revolutum (076-11-005) — Skunk Meadowrue, Waxy Meadowrue

2835 - Thalictrum thalictroides (076-11-001) — Windflower, Rue-anemone

2836 - Thaspium barbinode (140-15-002) — Hairy-jointed Meadow-parsnip

2837 - Thaspium pinnatifidum (140-15-003) — Cutleaf Meadow-parsnip

2838 - Thaspium trifoliatum var. flavum (140-15-001b) — Yellow Meadow-parsnip, Woodland Parsnip

2839 - Thaspium trifoliatum var. trifoliatum (140-15-001a) — Purple Meadow-parsnip, Woodland Parsnip

2840 - Thelypteris hexagonoptera (011-06-002) — Broad Beech Fern

2841 - Thelypteris kunthii (011-06-004) — Kunth's Maiden-fern, Southern Shield-fern, Southern Woodfern

2842 - Thelypteris noveboracensis (011-06-003) — New York Fern

2843 - Thelypteris palustris (011-06-005) — Marsh Fern

2844 - Thelypteris phegopteris (011-06-001) — Northern Beech Fern

2845 - Thermopsis fraxinifolia (098-10-003) — Ashleaf Golden-banner

2846 - Thermopsis mollis (098-10-002) — Appalachian Golden-banner, Allegheny Mountain Golden-banner, Bush Pea

2847 - Thermopsis villosa (098-10-001) — Aaron's Rod, Blue Ridge Golden-banner, Hairy Bush Pea

2848 - Thlaspi alliaceum (088-02-003) — Garlic Pennycress, Roadside Pennycress

2849 - Thlaspi arvense (088-02-002) — Field Pennycress, Frenchweed

2850 - Thlaspi perfoliatum (088-02-001) — Perfoliate Pennycress, Thoroughwort Pennycress

2851 - Thuja occidentalis (018-02-001) — American Arborvitae, Northern White Cedar, Flat Cedar, Eastern Arborvitae

2852 - Tiarella cordifolia var. collina (094-12-001b?) — Escarpment Foamflower, Southern Foamflower

2853 - Tiarella cordifolia var. collina (094-12-001b?) — Sail-bearing Foamflower, Sail-leaf Foamflower

2854 - Tiarella cordifolia var. cordifolia (094-12-001a & b) — Piedmont Foamflower, Heartleaf Foamflower

2855 - Tiarella cordifolia var. cordifolia (094-12-001a?) — Northern Foamflower, Creeping Foamflower

2856 - Tilia americana (121-01-001) — American Basswood, Northern Basswood

2857 - Tilia caroliniana (121-01-003) — Carolina Basswood, Southern Basswood

2858 - Tilia heterophylla (121-01-002) — Mountain Basswood, White Basswood

2859 - Tillandsia usneoides (037-01-001) — Spanish-moss, Long-moss

2860 - Tipularia discolor (049-16-001) — Cranefly Orchid

2861 - Tofieldia glabra (041-18-002) — Carolina Bog Asphodel, White Asphodel

2862 - Tofieldia racemosa var. glutinosa (041-18-001b) — Sticky Bog Asphodel, Northern Bog Asphodel, False Asphodel

2863 - Tofieldia racemosa var. racemosa (041-18-001a) — Coastal Bog Asphodel, Southern Bog Asphodel, Coastal False Asphodel, Savanna Asphodel

2864 - Torilis arvensis (140-06-001) — Spreading Hedge-parsley, Spreading Bur-parsley, Field Hedge-parsley

2865 - Tovara virginiana (063-03-001) — Virginia Jumpseed

2866 - Trachelospermum difforme (156-02-001) — Climbing Dogbane

2867 - Tradescantia hirsuticaulis (038-03-005) — Hairy Spiderwort

2868 - Tradescantia ohiensis (038-03-004) — Smooth Spiderwort, Ohio Spiderwort

2869 - Tradescantia rosea var. graminea (038-03-001b) — Grassleaf Roseling, Pink Spiderwort, Slender Roseling

2870 - Tradescantia rosea var. rosea (038-03-001a) — Piedmont Roseling, Common Roseling

2871 - Tradescantia subaspera (038-03-002) — Zigzag Spiderwort, Wide-leaved Spiderwort

2872 - Tradescantia virginiana (038-03-003) — Virginia Spiderwort

2873 - Tragia urens (107-06-001) — Wavyleaf Noseburn, Southeastern Noseburn, Sandhill Noseburn

2874 - Tragia urticifolia (107-06-002) — Nettleleaf Noseburn, Tragia

2875 - Tragopogon dubius (179-14-001) — Vegetable-oyster, Yellow Salsify, Western Salsify, Yellow Goatsbeard

2876 - Tragopogon porrifolius (179-14-002) — Purple Salsify, Vegetable-oyster, Oyster Plant, Purple Goat’s-beard

2877 - Trautvetteria carolinensis (076-14-001) — Carolina Tassel-rue, Carolina Bugbane, False Bugbane

2878 - Trepocarpus aethusae (140-11-001) — White-nymph

2879 - Tribulus terrestris (102-01-001) — Puncture-weed, Caltrop, Devil's-thorn, Puncture Vine

2880 - Trichomanes - "a filamentous gametophyte" (009-01-?) — Grotto-felt, Appalachian Trichomanes, Weft Fern

2881 - Trichomanes boschianum (009-01-001) — Appalachian Filmy-fern, Appalachian Bristle Fern

2882 - Trichomanes petersii (009-01-002) — Dwarf Filmy-fern, Bristle Fern, Peters' Filmy Fern

2883 - Trichostema dichotomum (164-01-002) — Common Blue Curls, Forked Blue Curls

2884 - Trichostema setaceum (164-01-001) — Narrowleaf Blue Curls

2885 - Tridens carolinianus (029-08-001) — Carolina Triodia, Carolina Fluffgrass

2886 - Tridens flavus var. flavus (029-08-004a) — Purpletop, Purpletop Tridens, Greasy Grass, Tall Redtop

2887 - Tridens strictus (029-08-002) — Longspike Tridens, Longspike Fluffgrass, Spike Triodia

2888 - Trifolium agrarium (098-14-012) — Large Hop Clover, Yellow Clover, Golden Clover

2889 - Trifolium arvense (098-14-003) — Rabbitfoot Clover

2890 - Trifolium campestre (098-14-013) — Hop Clover, Low Hop Clover, Field Clover

2891 - Trifolium carolinianum (098-14-011) — Carolina Clover, Wild White Clover

2892 - Trifolium dubium (098-14-014) — Least Hop Clover, Low Hop Clover, Suckling Clover, Little Hop Clover

2893 - Trifolium hybridum (098-14-009) — Alsike Clover

2894 - Trifolium incarnatum (098-14-004) — Crimson Clover

2895 - Trifolium pratense (098-14-005) — Red Clover

2896 - Trifolium reflexum (098-14-010) — Buffalo Clover

2897 - Trifolium repens (098-14-008) — White Clover, White Dutch Clover, Ladino Clover

2898 - Trifolium resupinatum (098-14-001) — Persian Clover, Reversed Clover

2899 - Trilisa odoratissima (179-31-001) — Vanilla-leaf, Deer's-tongue, Pineland Purple

2900 - Trilisa paniculata (179-31-002) — Deer's-tongue, Hairy Chaffhead, Panicled Chaffhead, Trilisa

2901 - Trillium catesbaei (041-03-007) — Catesby's Trillium, Rosy Wake-robin, Bashful Trillium, Rose Trillium

2902 - Trillium cernuum (041-03-005?) — Southern Nodding Trillium

2903 - Trillium cernuum (041-03-005?) — Northern Nodding Trillium

2904 - Trillium cuneatum var. cuneatum (041-03-001a) — Little Sweet Betsy, Purple Toadshade

2905 - Trillium cuneatum var. luteum (041-03-001b) — Yellow Trillium, Yellow Toadshade, Lemon-scented Trillium, Wax Trillium

2906 - Trillium discolor (041-03-003) — Pale Yellow Trillium, Faded Trillium, Small Yellow Toadshade, Savannah River Trillium

2907 - Trillium erectum var. erectum (041-03-006a) — Red Trillium, Purple Trillium, Stinking Willie, Stinking Benjamin

2908 - Trillium erectum var. erectum (041-03-006a?) — Southern Red Trillium, Barksdale's Trillium

2909 - Trillium erectum var. vaseyi (041-03-006b?) — Sweet White Trillium, Confusing Trillium, Jeweled Trillium

2910 - Trillium erectum var. vaseyi (041-03-006b) — Vasey's Trillium, Sweet Trillium, Sweet Beth

2911 - Trillium erectum var. vaseyi (041-03-006b?) — Bent Trillium, Bent White Trillium, Bentstalk Trillium, Drooping Trillium

2912 - Trillium grandiflorum (041-03-008) — Large-flowered Trillium, Great White Trillium, White Wake-robin, Showy Wake-robin

2913 - Trillium lanceolatum (041-03-004) — Lanceleaf Trillium, Narrowleaf Trillium

2914 - Trillium pusillum (041-03-009) — Carolina Least Trillium, Virginia Dwarf Trillium, Aiken Least Trillium

2915 - Trillium undulatum (041-03-010) — Painted Trillium, Striped Wake-robin

2916 - Trillium viride (041-03-002) — Mottled Trillium, Spotted Trillium

2917 - Triosteum angustifolium (174-04-003) — Yellowfruit Horse-gentian, Lesser Horse-gentian

2918 - Triosteum aurantiacum (174-04-002) — Orange-fruited Horse-gentian

2919 - Triosteum perfoliatum (174-04-001) — Perfoliate Horse-gentian, Perfoliate Tinker's-weed, Wild Coffee, Feverwort

2920 - Triphora trianthophora (049-05-001) — Three Birds Orchid, Nodding Pogonia, Nodding Ettercap

2921 - Triplasis americana (029-09-001) — Southern Sandgrass, Perennial Sandgrass

2922 - Triplasis purpurea (029-09-002) — Purple Sandgrass

2923 - Tripsacum dactyloides (029-92-001) — Gama Grass, Eastern Gamagrass

2924 - Triticum aestivum (029-21-001) — Bread Wheat

2925 - Tsuga canadensis (016-03-001) — Eastern Hemlock, Canada Hemlock, Spruce Pine, Hemlock Spruce

2926 - Tsuga caroliniana (016-03-002) — Carolina Hemlock, Crag Hemlock

2927 - Typha angustifolia (019-01-003) — Narrowleaf Cattail

2928 - Typha domingensis (019-01-004) — Southern Cattail

2929 - Typha glauca (019-01-002) — Hybrid Cattail

2930 - Typha latifolia (019-01-001) — Common Cattail, Broadleaf Cattail

2931 - Ulmus alata (056-01-003) — Winged Elm

2932 - Ulmus americana (056-01-002) — American Elm, White Elm

2933 - Ulmus americana (056-01-002?) — Florida Elm

2934 - Ulmus rubra (056-01-001) — Slippery Elm, Red Elm

2935 - Uniola latifolia (029-10-003) — River Oats, Northern Sea Oats, Fish-on-a-stringer, Indian Woodoats

2936 - Uniola laxa (029-10-001) — Slender Woodoats, Slender Spikegrass

2937 - Uniola paniculata (029-10-004) — Sea Oats

2938 - Uniola sessiliflora (029-10-002) — Longleaf Woodoats, Longleaf Spikegrass, Upland Oats

2939 - Urtica chamaedryoides (059-02-002) — Weak Nettle, Dwarf Stinging Nettle, Heartleaf Nettle

2940 - Urtica dioica (059-02-001) — European Stinging Nettle, Great Nettle

2941 - Urtica dioica (059-02-001?) — American Stinging Nettle, Slender Nettle

2942 - Utricularia biflora (170-02-008) — Longspur Creeping Bladderwort, Twoflower Bladderwort

2943 - Utricularia cornuta (170-02-002) — Horned Bladderwort

2944 - Utricularia fibrosa (170-02-009) — Fibrous Bladderwort, Striped Bladderwort

2945 - Utricularia gibba (170-02-007) — Shortspur Creeping Bladderwort, Humped Bladderwort

2946 - Utricularia inflata var. inflata (170-02-005a) — Swollen Bladderwort, Inflated Bladderwort, Floating Bladderwort

2947 - Utricularia inflata var. minor (170-02-005b) — Small Swollen Bladderwort, Floating Bladderwort, little floating bladderwort

2948 - Utricularia juncea (170-02-003) — Southern Bladderwort, Slender Horned Bladderwort

2949 - Utricularia olivacea (170-02-010) — Dwarf Bladderwort, Minute Bladderwort

2950 - Utricularia purpurea (170-02-004) — Purple Bladderwort

2951 - Utricularia subulata (170-02-001) — Slender Bladderwort, Zigzag Bladderwort

2952 - Utricularia vulgaris (170-02-006) — Greater Bladderwort, Common Bladderwort

2953 - Uvularia grandiflora (041-33-002) — Large-flowered Bellwort

2954 - Uvularia perfoliata (041-33-001) — Perfoliate Bellwort

2955 - Uvularia pudica (041-33-003) — Mountain Bellwort, Appalachian Bellwort, Carolina Bellwort, Coastal Bellwort

2956 - Uvularia sessilifolia (041-33-004) — Wild-oats, Sessile-leaf Bellwort, Straw-lily

2957 - Vaccinium amoenum (145-19-005) — Rabbiteye Blueberry, Swamp Blueberry, Rabbitberry, Smallflower Blueberry

2958 - Vaccinium arboreum (145-19-001) — Sparkleberry, Farkleberry

2959 - Vaccinium atrococcum (145-19-010) — Hairy Highbush Blueberry, Black Highbush Blueberry

2960 - Vaccinium constablaei (145-19-009) — Mountain Highbush Blueberry

2961 - Vaccinium corymbosum (145-19-008) — Smooth Highbush Blueberry, Northern Highbush Blueberry

2962 - Vaccinium corymbosum (145-19-008?) — Southern Highbush Blueberry, Swamp Highbush Blueberry

2963 - Vaccinium corymbosum (145-19-008?) — New Jersey Highbush Blueberry

2964 - Vaccinium corymbosum (145-19-008?) — Blue Ridge Blueberry

2965 - Vaccinium crassifolium (145-19-012) — Creeping Blueberry

2966 - Vaccinium elliottii (145-19-003) — Mayberry, Elliott's Blueberry

2967 - Vaccinium erythrocarpum (145-19-013) — Bearberry, Highbush Cranberry, Mountain Cranberry

2968 - Vaccinium hirsutum (145-19-007) — Woollyberry, Hairy Blueberry, Low-lowbush Blueberry

2969 - Vaccinium macrocarpon (145-19-014) — Cranberry, Large Cranberry

2970 - Vaccinium myrsinites (145-19-011) — Southern Evergreen Blueberry

2971 - Vaccinium stamineum var. melanocarpum (145-19-002b) — Southern Deerberry

2972 - Vaccinium stamineum var. stamineum (145-19-002a?) — Dwarf Deerberry

2973 - Vaccinium stamineum var. stamineum (145-19-002a?) — Florida Deerberry, Whiteleaf Deerberry

2974 - Vaccinium stamineum var. stamineum (145-19-002a) — Common Deerberry

2975 - Vaccinium stamineum var. stamineum (145-19-002a?) — Appalachian Deerberry

2976 - Vaccinium tenellum (145-19-004) — Southern Dwarf Blueberry, Small Cluster Blueberry, Small Cluster Blueberry, Narrowleaf Blueberry

2977 - Vaccinium vacillans (145-19-006) — Hillside Blueberry, Dryland Blueberry, Upland Low Blueberry, Lowbush Blueberry

2978 - Valerianella locusta (175-01-001) — European Cornsalad

2979 - Valerianella radiata (175-01-002) — Beaked Cornsalad

2980 - Valerianella umbilicata (175-01-003) — Navel Cornsalad

2981 - Vallisneria americana (028-03-001) — American Eelgrass, Water-celery, Tapegrass, Vallisneria

2982 - Veratrum parviflorum (041-24-002) — Mountain Bunchflower, Small-flowered Hellebore, Small False Hellebore, Appalachian Bunchflower

2983 - Veratrum viride (041-24-001) — White-hellebore, Indian Poke, Green Hellebore, Cornhusk Lily

2984 - Verbascum blattaria (166-12-001) — Moth Mullein

2985 - Verbascum phlomoides (166-12-004) — Clasping Mullein, Orange Mullein

2986 - Verbascum thapsus (166-12-003) — Woolly Mullein, Common Mullein, Flannel-plant, Velvet-plant

2987 - Verbascum virgatum (166-12-002) — Wand Mullein, Twiggy Mullein, Moth Mullein

2988 - Verbena bonariensis (162-01-002) — Purpletop Vervain, Tall Vervain

2989 - Verbena bonariensis (162-01-002?) — Purpletop Vervain, Tall Vervain

2990 - Verbena brasiliensis (162-01-001) — Brazilian Vervain

2991 - Verbena canadensis (162-01-014) — Rose Vervain, Rose Verbena, Creeping Vervain

2992 - Verbena carnea (162-01-011) — Carolina Vervain, Carolina False Vervain

2993 - Verbena hastata (162-01-008) — Blue Vervain, Common Vervain, Simpler's-joy

2994 - Verbena rigida (162-01-013) — Stiff Verbena, Tuberous Vervain, Veiny Vervain

2995 - Verbena simplex (162-01-010) — Narrowleaf Vervain

2996 - Verbena stricta (162-01-009) — Hoary Vervain

2997 - Verbena tenuisecta (162-01-016) — Moss Vervain, South American Vervain, Moss Verbena

2998 - Verbena urticifolia (162-01-007) — White Vervain, Nettleleaf Verbena, Velvetleaf Vervain

2999 - Verbesina alternifolia (179-66-002) — Common Wingstem

3000 - Verbesina occidentalis (179-66-003) — Southern Crownbeard, Yellow Crownbeard

3001 - Verbesina virginica var. laciniata (179-66-004b) — Southern Frostweed

3002 - Verbesina virginica var. virginica (179-66-004a) — White Crownbeard, Common Frostweed, White Wingstem, Virginia Wingstem

3003 - Verbesina walteri (179-66-001) — Walter's Wingstem, Carolina Crownbeard, Walter's Crownbeard

3004 - Vernonia ×georgiana (179-27-001?) — Georgia Ironweed

3005 - Vernonia acaulis (179-27-001) — Stemless Ironweed, Carolina Ironweed, Flatwoods Ironweed

3006 - Vernonia altissima (179-27-006) — Tall Ironweed, Common Ironweed, Giant Ironweed

3007 - Vernonia angustifolia var. angustifolia (179-27-003a) — Narrowleaf Ironweed, Carolina Slender Ironweed, Carolina Sandhill Ironweed

3008 - Vernonia angustifolia var. scaberrima (179-27-003b) — Georgia Sandhill Ironweed, Georgia Slender Ironweed

3009 - Vernonia glauca (179-27-004) — Broadleaf Ironweed, Appalachian Ironweed, Tawny Ironweed

3010 - Vernonia noveboracensis (179-27-005) — New York Ironweed

3011 - Veronica americana (166-20-009) — American Speedwell, Brooklime

3012 - Veronica anagallis-aquatica (166-20-008) — Water Speedwell, Brook Pimpernel

3013 - Veronica arvensis (166-20-003) — Corn Speedwell, Wall Speedwell

3014 - Veronica chamaedrys (166-20-011) — Germander Speedwell

3015 - Veronica hederaefolia (166-20-004) — Ivyleaf Speedwell

3016 - Veronica officinalis (166-20-010) — Common Speedwell, Gypsyweed, Heath Speedwell

3017 - Veronica peregrina (166-20-002) — Purslane Speedwell, Neckweed, Necklace-weed

3018 - Veronica persica (166-20-005) — Bird's-eye Speedwell

3019 - Veronica serpyllifolia (166-20-001) — Thymeleaf Speedwell

3020 - Veronicastrum virginicum (166-19-001) — Culver's-root, Culver's-physic

3021 - Viburnum acerifolium (174-05-009) — Mapleleaf Viburnum, Maple-leaved Arrowwood, Dockmackie

3022 - Viburnum alnifolium (174-05-001) — Witch Hobble, Moosewood, Hobblebush, Tangle-legs

3023 - Viburnum cassinoides (174-05-002) — Northern Wild Raisin, Witherod, Shonny Haw, Shawnee Haw

3024 - Viburnum dentatum var. dentatum (174-05-008a) — Southern Arrowwood

3025 - Viburnum dentatum var. dentatum (174-05-008a?) — Carolina Arrowwood

3026 - Viburnum dentatum var. dentatum (174-05-008a?) — Southern Arrowwood

3027 - Viburnum dentatum var. lucidum (174-05-008b) — Smooth Arrowwood, Northern Arrowwood

3028 - Viburnum lentago (174-05-002?) — Nannyberry, Sheepberry

3029 - Viburnum nudum (174-05-003) — Southern Wild Raisin, Possumhaw, Swamp Viburnum, Swamp-haw

3030 - Viburnum nudum (174-05-002?) — Possumhaw Viburnum, Witherod Viburnum, Shining Viburnum

3031 - Viburnum obovatum (174-05-006) — Small-leaf Virburnum, Walter's Viburnum

3032 - Viburnum prunifolium (174-05-004) — Blackhaw, Nannyberry

3033 - Viburnum rafinesquianum (174-05-007) — Downy Arrowwood

3034 - Viburnum rufidulum (174-05-005) — Rusty Blackhaw, Blue Haw, Southern Blackhaw, Rusty Haw

3035 - Vicia acutifolia (098-36-010) — Sand Vetch, Fourleaf Vetch

3036 - Vicia angustifolia (098-36-004) — Narrowleaf Vetch, Garden Vetch

3037 - Vicia caroliniana (098-36-011 & 012) — Carolina Vetch, Wood Vetch, Pale Vetch

3038 - Vicia cracca (098-36-005) — Cow Vetch, Tufted Vetch

3039 - Vicia dasycarpa (098-36-007) — Smooth Vetch, Winter Vetch

3040 - Vicia grandiflora var. kitaibeliana (098-36-002) — Bigflower Vetch, Large Yellow Vetch

3041 - Vicia hirsuta (098-36-008) — Tiny Vetch, Hairy Tare

3042 - Vicia lathyroides (098-36-001) — Spring Vetch

3043 - Vicia sativa (098-36-003) — Common Vetch

3044 - Vicia tetrasperma (098-36-009) — Slender Vetch, Smooth Tare, Lentil Vetch, Sparrow Vetch

3045 - Vicia villosa (098-36-006) — Hairy Vetch, Fodder Vetch, Winter Vetch

3046 - Vinca major (156-04-002) — Bigleaf Periwinkle, Greater Periwinkle

3047 - Vinca minor (156-04-001) — Common Periwinkle, Myrtle Vinca

3048 - Vinca rosea (156-04-003) — Madagascar Periwinkle, Rosy-periwinkle, Cayenne Jasmine

3049 - Viola affinis (130-02-004) — LeConte's Violet, Sand Violet, Thinleaf Violet, Missouri Violet

3050 - Viola arvensis (130-02-027) — European Field Pansy

3051 - Viola blanda (130-02-014) — Sweet White Violet

3052 - Viola blanda (130-02-014?) — Disguised White Violet, Largeleaf White Violet, Common Sweet White Violet

3053 - Viola brittoniana var. brittoniana (130-02-012a) — Northern Coastal Violet, Coast Violet, Britton's Violet

3054 - Viola canadensis var. canadensis (130-02-021a) — Canada Violet, Tall White Violet

3055 - Viola conspersa (130-02-024) — American Dog Violet

3056 - Viola cucullata (130-02-002) — Blue Marsh Violet, Bog Violet

3057 - Viola emarginata var. emarginata (130-02-010) — Arrowleaf Violet, Arrowhead Violet

3058 - Viola emarginata var. emarginata (130-02-010?) — Triangle-leaved Violet

3059 - Viola emarginata var. emarginata (130-02-010?) — Deltate Violet?

3060 - Viola eriocarpa var. eriocarpa (130-02-020a) — Downy Yellow Violet, Hairy Yellow Forest Violet

3061 - Viola eriocarpa var. leiocarpa (130-02-020b) — Smooth Yellow Forest Violet, Smooth Yellow Violet

3062 - Viola fimbriatula (130-02-008) — Ovate-leaf Violet, Northern Downy Violet, Sand Violet

3063 - Viola hastata (130-02-019) — Halberdleaf Violet, Halberdleaf Yellow Violet, Spearleaf Violet, Silverleaf Violet

3064 - Viola hirsutula (130-02-007) — Southern Woodland Violet, Silvery Purple-leaf Violet, Southern Wood Violet

3065 - Viola lanceolata (130-02-016) — Lanceleaf Violet, Narrow-leaved Violet, White Bog Violet, Northern Water Violet

3066 - Viola lanceolata (130-02-016?) — Strapleaf Violet, White Bog Violet, Southern Water Violet

3067 - Viola macloskeyi var. pallens (130-02-013) — Wild White Violet, White Marsh Violet

3068 - Viola palmata var. palmata (130-02-005a) — Wood Violet, Southern Three-lobed Violet

3069 - Viola palmata var. sororia (130-02-003 & 005b) — Dooryard Violet, Confederate Violet, Common Blue Violet

3070 - Viola palmata var. sororia (130-02-003?) — Northern Wood Violet, Northern Blue Violet

3071 - Viola palmata var. triloba (130-02-005a?) — Wavyleaf Violet

3072 - Viola palmata var. triloba (130-02-005c) — Northern Three-lobed Violet

3073 - Viola pedata (130-02-001) — Common Birdsfoot Violet

3074 - Viola pedata (130-02-001?) — Sandhills Birdsfoot Violet

3075 - Viola primulifolia (130-02-015) — Primrose-leaf Violet

3076 - Viola rafinesquii (130-02-028) — Johnny Jump-up, American Field Pansy, Wild Pansy

3077 - Viola rostrata (130-02-023) — Longspur Violet

3078 - Viola rotundifolia (130-02-017) — Roundleaf Yellow Violet, Early Yellow Violet

3079 - Viola septemloba (130-02-011) — Southern Coastal Violet, Cleft-leaved Violet

3080 - Viola septemloba (130-02-011?) — Atlantic Coast Salad Violet

3081 - Viola striata (130-02-022) — Pale Violet, Creamy Violet, Striped Cream Violet

3082 - Viola tricolor (130-02-026) — Johnny Jump-up, Pansy

3083 - Viola tripartita var. glaberrima (130-02-018b) — Northern Wedgeleaf Violet

3084 - Viola tripartita var. glaberrima (130-02-018b?) — Southern Wedgeleaf Violet

3085 - Viola tripartita var. tripartita (130-02-018a) — Threepart Violet, Three-parted Yellow Violet

3086 - Viola villosa (130-02-006) — Southern Woolly Violet, Carolina Violet

3087 - Viola walteri (130-02-025) — Walter's Violet, Prostrate Blue Violet

3088 - Vitex agnus-castus (162-03-001) — Chaste-tree

3089 - Vitis aestivalis var. aestivalis (120-02-005a) — Summer Grape

3090 - Vitis aestivalis var. argentifolia (120-02-005b) — Silverleaf Grape

3091 - Vitis baileyana (120-02-004) — Possum Grape

3092 - Vitis cinerea var. cinerea (120-02-006a) — Graybark Grape, Pigeon Grape

3093 - Vitis cinerea var. floridana (120-02-006b) — Florida Grape

3094 - Vitis labrusca (120-02-002) — Fox Grape

3095 - Vitis riparia (120-02-007x) — Riverbank Grape

3096 - Vitis rotundifolia (120-02-001) — Muscadine, Scuppernong

3097 - Vitis vulpina (120-02-003) — Frost Grape, Winter Grape, Chicken Grape

3098 - Vittaria - "a branching, ribbon-like gametophyte, with diffuse rhizoids and linear-shaped gemmae only one cell wide, of the genus Vittaria" (010?) — Appalachian Shoestring Fern, "Appalachian gametophyte"

3099 - Wahlenbergia marginata (178-03-001) — Wahlenbergia, Asian Rockbell, Asiatic bellflower, Southern Rockbell

3100 - Waldsteinia fragarioides (097-03-001) — Southern Barren Stawberry

3101 - Waldsteinia fragarioides (097-03-001) — Northern Barren Strawberry

3102 - Warea cuneifolia (088-26-001) — Carolina Warea, Carolina Pineland-cress

3103 - Wisteria floribunda (098-31-003) — Japanese Wisteria

3104 - Wisteria frutescens (098-31-001) — American Wisteria, Swamp Wisteria, Atlantic Wisteria

3105 - Wisteria frutescens (098-31-001?) — Mississippi Wisteria, American Wisteria, Swamp Wisteria, Kentucky Wisteria

3106 - Wisteria sinensis (098-31-002) — Chinese Wisteria

3107 - Wolffia columbiana (033-03-001) — Colombian Watermeal

3108 - Wolffiella floridana (033-04-001) — Bog-mat, Mud-midgets, Florida Mudmidget

3109 - Woodsia ilvensis (011-02-001) — Rusty Cliff Fern, Rusty Woodsia

3110 - Woodsia obtusa (011-02-003) — Blunt-lobed Cliff Fern, Common Woodsia

3111 - Woodsia scopulina (011-02-002) — Appalachian Woodsia, Appalachian Cliff Fern, Mountain Woodsia

3112 - Woodwardia areolata (012-01-002) — Netted Chain-fern, Net-veined Chainfern

3113 - Woodwardia virginica (012-01-001) — Virginia Chain-fern

3114 - Xanthium spinosum (179-03-001) — Spiny Cocklebur

3115 - Xanthium strumarium var. glabratum (179-03-002b) — Common Cocklebur

3116 - Xanthorhiza simplicissima (076-01-001) — Yellowroot

3117 - Xerophyllum asphodeloides (041-15-001) — Eastern Turkeybeard, Beargrass, Mountain-asphodel

3118 - Xyris ambigua (035-01-005) — Bog Yellow-eyed-grass, Coastal Plain Yellow-eyed-grass

3119 - Xyris baldwiniana (035-01-008) — Baldwin's Yellow-eyed-grass, Grassleaf Yellow-eyed-grass

3120 - Xyris brevifolia (035-01-006) — Shortleaf Yellow-eyed-grass

3121 - Xyris caroliniana (035-01-002) — Pineland Yellow-eyed-grass, Carolina yellow-eyed-grass

3122 - Xyris curtissii (035-01-012) — Curtiss's yellow-eyed-grass

3123 - Xyris difformis (035-01-014) — Flatstem Yellow-eyed-grass, Bog Yellow-eyed-grass

3124 - Xyris elliottii (035-01-009) — Elliott's Yellow-eyed-grass

3125 - Xyris fimbriata (035-01-001) — Giant Yellow-eyed-grass, Fringed Yellow-eyed-grass

3126 - Xyris jupicai (035-01-015) — Richard's Yellow-eyed-grass

3127 - Xyris platylepis (035-01-011) — Bulbous Yellow-eyed-grass, Tall Yellow-eyed-grass

3128 - Xyris serotina (035-01-013) — Acid Swamp Yellow-eyed-grass, Gray-leaved Yellow-eyed-grass

3129 - Xyris smalliana (035-01-003) — Small's Yellow-eyed-grass

3130 - Xyris torta (035-01-004) — Twisted Yellow-eyed-grass, Mountain Yellow-eyed-grass, Slender Yellow-eyed-grass

3131 - Yucca aloifolia (041-12-001) — Spanish Dagger, Aloe Yucca

3132 - Yucca filamentosa var. filamentosa (041-12-003a) — Beargrass, Spoonleaf Yucca, Curlyleaf Yucca

3133 - Yucca filamentosa var. smalliana (041-12-003b) — Weakleaf Yucca

3134 - Yucca gloriosa (041-12-002) — Mound-lily Yucca, Spanish Bayonet

3135 - Zanthoxylum americana (103-01-001) — Northern Toothache Tree, Northern Prickly-ash

3136 - Zanthoxylum clava-herculis (103-01-002) — Southern Toothache Tree, Hercules-club, Sea-ash, Southern Prickly-ash

3137 - Zea mays (029-91-001) — Corn, Maize

3138 - Zenobia pulverulenta (145-09-001) — Zenobia, Honeycups

3139 - Zephyranthes atamasco (044-04-001) — Common Atamasco-lily, Rain-lily, Easter Lily, Naked Lily

3140 - Zephyranthes candida (044-04-003) — Fall Rain-lily, Autumn Zephyrlily

3141 - Zephyranthes simpsonii (044-04-002) — Florida Atamasco-lily, Red-margined Atamasco-lily, Rain-lily

3142 - Zigadenus densus (041-22-003) — Crow-poison, Savanna Camass, Osceola-plume

3143 - Zigadenus glaberrimus (041-22-001) — Large Death Camas, Snakeroot, Sandbog Death-camas, Bog Death Camas

3144 - Zigadenus glaucus (041-22-002) — White Death-camas, White Camass, Mountain Death-camas

3145 - Zigadenus leimanthoides (041-22-004) — Pinebarrens Death-camas

3146 - Zizania aquatica (029-66-001) — Southern Wild-rice, Indian Rice

3147 - Zizaniopsis miliacea (029-65-001) — Southern Wild-rice, Water-millet, Giant Cutgrass

3148 - Zizia aptera (140-14-001) — Heartleaf Golden-Alexanders, Heartleaf Alexanders

3149 - Zizia aurea (140-14-002) — Common Golden-Alexanders

3150 - Zizia trifoliata (140-14-003) — Mountain Golden-Alexanders

3151 - Zornia bracteata (098-23-001) — Viperina, Zornia