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Most habitat and range descriptions were obtained from Weakley's Flora.
Your search found 48 taxa in the family Violaceae, Violet family, as understood by PLANTS National Database.

Common Name:
Eastern Green-violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Cubelium concolor FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Hybanthus concolor FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Hybanthus concolor 130-01-001 FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Very nutrient-rich and mesic forests, especially over calcareous substrates such as limestone and dolomite, sometimes extending upslope into dry-mesic or even dry forests and woodlands when the soils are very basic
Common in GA Mountains (uncommon in Carolina Mtns & Carolina Piedmont) (rare elsewhere in GA-NC-SC)
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Common Birdsfoot Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola pedata var. pedata FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDED WITHIN PLANTS National Database: Viola pedata FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDED WITHIN Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola pedata 130-02-001 FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Dry rocky or sandy forests, woodlands, glades, and roadbanks
Common (uncommon in Coastal Plain of GA & SC)
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Sandhills Birdsfoot Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola pedata var. flabellata FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDED WITHIN PLANTS National Database: Viola pedata FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDED WITHIN Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola pedata 130-02-001? FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Dry to xeric longleaf pine sandhills
Uncommon in Carolinas, rare in GA
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Blue Marsh Violet, Bog Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola cucullata FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola cucullata FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola cucullata 130-02-002 FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Bogs, seeps, margins of spring branches
Common in Carolina Mountains, uncommon in GA Mountains; uncommon in Carolina Piedmont (rare elsewhere in GA-NC-SC)
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Dooryard Violet, Confederate Violet, Common Blue Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola sororia var. sororia FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDING PLANTS National Database: Viola sororia FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDING Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola palmata var. sororia 130-02-003 & 005b FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Loam or clay soils in dry-mesic to wet-mesic forests, higher ground and terraces or borders of bottomlands, and lawns and other anthropogenically modified sites formerly with native vegetation
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name: Yard Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola domestica FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Suburban yards
Native to North Carolina (the distribution very poorly known because of past inclusion of this taxon in others)

Common Name: Northern Wood Violet, Northern Blue Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola septentrionalis FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola septentrionalis FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDED WITHIN Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola palmata var. sororia 130-02-003? FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Moist woods, moist thickets
Native to North Carolina

Common Name:
LeConte's Violet, Sand Violet, Thinleaf Violet, Missouri Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola affinis FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDED WITHIN PLANTS National Database: Viola affinis FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola affinis 130-02-004 FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Damp to saturated (less typically periodically inundated), often sandy soils bordering vernal pools, streams and rivers in mesic to wet forests, and on terraces in floodplains and swamp borders
Common in Carolina Piedmont, Carolina Coastal Plain, & SC Mtns (uncommon or uncertain elsewhere in GA & NC)
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Wood Violet, Southern Three-lobed Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola palmata var. palmata FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDED WITHIN (PRO SP.) PLANTS National Database: Viola ×palmata [brittoniana or pedatifida × affinis or sororia] FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDING Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola palmata var. palmata 130-02-005a FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Drier to dry sandy, sandy loam in dry oak and oak-pine woods and dry to dry-mesic savannas and closed forests, on slopes and bluffs
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Wavyleaf Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola subsinuata var. subsinuata FAMILY: Violaceae
(?) PLANTS National Database: Viola triloba var. dilatata FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDED WITHIN Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola palmata var. triloba 130-02-005a? FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Rich, dry-mesic and dry upland forests, probably associated with mafic rocks
Common in Mountains (uncommon in SC)
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name: Monacan Violet, Blue Ridge Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola monacanora FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Rocky loam soils at moderate elevations
Native to North Carolina

Common Name: Northern Three-lobed Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola palmata var. triloba FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola triloba var. triloba FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola palmata var. triloba 130-02-005c FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Drier to dry sandy, sandy loam in dry oak and oak-pine woods and dry to dry-mesic savannas and closed forests, on slopes and bluffs, ranging into somewhat moister substrates in forested situations, including drier microsites on stream and rivers terraces and borders of swamps
Native to North Carolina

Common Name:
Southern Woolly Violet, Carolina Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola villosa FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola villosa FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola villosa 130-02-006 FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Pocosin ecotones, other sites with moist soils
Uncommon (rare in Mountains) (rare in NC Piedmont)
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Southern Woodland Violet, Silvery Purple-leaf Violet, Southern Wood Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola hirsutula FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola hirsutula FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola hirsutula 130-02-007 FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Bottomlands, moist slopes, dry forests and clearings
Common (rare in Coastal Plain)
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Ovate-leaf Violet, Northern Downy Violet, Sand Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola fimbriatula FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola sagittata var. ovata FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola fimbriatula 130-02-008 FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Somewhat acidic, well-drained sandy and gravelly soils in glades and prairie-like openings, or on slopes of oak forests
Common in NC Mountains (uncommon in Mountains of GA & SC) (uncommon in NC Piedmont) (rare elsewhere in GA-NC-SC)
Native to North Carolina

Common Name:
Arrowleaf Violet, Arrowhead Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola sagittata FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola sagittata var. sagittata FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDING Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola emarginata var. emarginata 130-02-010 FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Dry to moist forests and woodlands
Common (uncommon to rare south and west of SC Mountains)
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name: Triangle-leaved Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola emarginata var. emarginata FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDED WITHIN Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola emarginata var. emarginata 130-02-010? FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Somewhat acidic, well-drained sandy soils in oak and oak-pine forests, and open sites along forest borders and roadsides adjacent to open woodlands
Uncommon in Carolina Piedmont & NC Coastal Plain (rare elsewhere in GA-NC-SC)
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name: Insect-leaf Violet, Walkingstick Insect Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola emarginata var. 1 ["phasmatifolia" variant] FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Somewhat acidic, well-drained sandy soils in oak and oak-pine forests, and open sites along forest borders and roadsides adjacent to open woodlands
Native to North Carolina

Common Name: Deltate Violet?
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola emarginata var. 2 ["deltate" variant] FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDED WITHIN Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola emarginata var. emarginata 130-02-010? FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Somewhat acidic, well-drained sandy soils in oak and oak-pine forests, and open sites along forest borders and roadsides adjacent to open woodlands
Uncommon in Piedmont, rare in Mountains
Native to North Carolina

Common Name:
Sword-leaved Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola emarginata var. 5 ["xiphophylla" variant] FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Limited information suggests sandy or rocky soils in montane oak and oak-pine forests, or dry open oak barrens
Native to the Carolinas

Common Name:
Southern Coastal Violet, Cleft-leaved Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola septemloba FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola septemloba FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDED WITHIN Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola septemloba 130-02-011 FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Longleaf pine sandhills, other sandy pinelands and secondary habitats derived from them
Common in GA & SC (uncommon in NC)
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Atlantic Coast Salad Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola edulis FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola ×esculenta [septemloba × triloba] FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDED WITHIN Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola septemloba 130-02-011? FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Sandy to mucky alluvial soils of low terraces, floodplains and swamps along blackwater streams and rivers
Uncommon in Carolina Coastal Plain (rare elsewhere in GA-NC-SC)
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Eggleston's Violet, Nashville Violet, Cedar Glade Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola egglestonii FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola egglestonii FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Calcareous barrens and glades, also in disturbed calcareous sites, including pastures, roadsides, and lawns
Native to Georgia

Common Name:
Northern Coastal Violet, Coast Violet, Britton's Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola brittoniana FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola brittoniana var. brittoniana FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola brittoniana var. brittoniana 130-02-012a FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Moist to seasonally inundated sandy soils of fields, meadows, trail edges, and forest clearings adjacent to rivers and coastal marshes, also peaty river shores
Uncommon in NC Coastal Plain (rare elsewhere in GA-NC-SC)
Native to the Carolinas

Common Name:
Wild White Violet, White Marsh Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola minuscula FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH (MISAPPLIED) PLANTS National Database: Viola macloskeyi ssp. pallens FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH (MISAPPLIED) Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola macloskeyi var. pallens 130-02-013 FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Brookbanks, seepages
Common in NC Mountains (rare elsewhere in GA-NC-SC)
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Sweet White Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola blanda FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola blanda var. blanda FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDED WITHIN Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola blanda 130-02-014 FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Moist microsites in mesic forests on slopes and along streams, often under conifers (e.g., Tsuga), northern, or at higher elevations southwards
Common in Mountains, uncommon in Piedmont
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name: Disguised White Violet, Largeleaf White Violet, Common Sweet White Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola incognita FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola blanda var. palustriformis FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDED WITHIN Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola blanda 130-02-014? FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Moist to wet forests
Uncommon in NC Mountains, rare in NC Piedmont
Native to North Carolina

Common Name:
Primrose-leaf Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola primulifolia FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola ×primulifolia [lanceolata × macloskeyi] FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola primulifolia 130-02-015 FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Bogs, wet savannas, pocosins, sandhill streamhead ecotones, moist organic soils along small streams
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Lanceleaf Violet, Narrow-leaved Violet, White Bog Violet, Northern Water Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola lanceolata FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola lanceolata ssp. lanceolata FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDED WITHIN Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola lanceolata 130-02-016 FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Bogs, seepage slopes, pitcher plant seepage bogs, streamheads and their margins, small swamp forests, depression ponds, interdune swales and ponds, other wet habitats
Common in NC Coastal Plain, uncommon in SC Coastal Plain (rare elsewhere in GA-NC-SC)
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Strapleaf Violet, White Bog Violet, Southern Water Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola vittata FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola lanceolata ssp. vittata FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDED WITHIN Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola lanceolata 130-02-016? FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Depression ponds, Carolina bays, other wetlands lacking flowing water
Common in Coastal Plain
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Roundleaf Yellow Violet, Early Yellow Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola rotundifolia FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola rotundifolia FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola rotundifolia 130-02-017 FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Rich coves
Common in Mountains
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Threepart Violet, Three-parted Yellow Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola tripartita FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDED WITHIN PLANTS National Database: Viola tripartita FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola tripartita var. tripartita 130-02-018a FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Moist slopes and bottomlands, especially over mafic or calcareous rocks
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Northern Wedgeleaf Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola glaberrima FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDED WITHIN PLANTS National Database: Viola tripartita FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola tripartita var. glaberrima 130-02-018b FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Rich mesic to wet-mesic forests on lower slopes and bottomlands, especially over mafic or calcareous rocks
Native to the Carolinas

Common Name: Southern Wedgeleaf Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola tenuipes FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDED WITHIN PLANTS National Database: Viola tripartita FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDED WITHIN Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola tripartita var. glaberrima 130-02-018b? FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Rich dry to dry-mesic forests
Uncommon to rare
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Halberdleaf Violet, Halberdleaf Yellow Violet, Spearleaf Violet, Silverleaf Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola hastata FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola hastata FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola hastata 130-02-019 FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Acidic coves, dry-mesic oak forests, bluff forests, bases of rock ledges
Common in Mountains, uncommon in Piedmont, rare in Coastal Plain
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Downy Yellow Violet, Hairy Yellow Forest Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola pubescens FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola pubescens var. pubescens FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola eriocarpa var. eriocarpa 130-02-020a FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Rich deciduous forests
Common in GA Mountains, uncommon in NC Mountains (rare elsewhere in GA-NC-SC)
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Smooth Yellow Forest Violet, Smooth Yellow Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola eriocarpa FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola pubescens var. scabriuscula FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola eriocarpa var. leiocarpa 130-02-020b FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Mesic forests and floodplain terraces of brownwater rivers
Common in Mountains of GA & NC, uncommon SC Mountains (rare elsewhere in GA-NC-SC)
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Canada Violet, Tall White Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola canadensis FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola canadensis var. canadensis FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDING Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola canadensis var. canadensis 130-02-021a FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Rich cove forests, other rich mesic situations, such as floodplains
Common in Mountains, rare in Piedmont
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Pale Violet, Creamy Violet, Striped Cream Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola striata FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola striata FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola striata 130-02-022 FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Mesic forests and woodlands, disturbed areas
Common (rare in Coastal Plain)
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Longspur Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola rostrata FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola rostrata FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola rostrata 130-02-023 FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Acidic cove forests, other mesic forests, often under Tsuga canadensis, but also in calcareous forests (as in n. AL)
Common in GA Mountains, uncommon in Carolina Mountains (rare elsewhere in GA-NC-SC)
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
American Dog Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola labradorica FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola labradorica FAMILY: Violaceae
INCLUDING Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola conspersa 130-02-024 FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Moist alluvial woodlands and forests, seepage slopes, marl ravines, hammocks
Uncommon in NC Mountains (rare elsewhere in GA-NC-SC)
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Walter's Violet, Prostrate Blue Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola walteri FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola walteri FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola walteri 130-02-025 FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Nutrient-rich woodlands and forests, dolomite bluffs and ledges especially on mafic or calcareous rocks to the north, sandy or rocky and often acidic soils in dry or dry-mesic forests southward
Common (uncommon in Mountains of GA & NC) (uncommon in SC Coastal Plain) (rare in NC Piedmont)
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name:
Appalachian Violet, Henry's Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola appalachiensis FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola appalachiensis FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Moist loam on stream terraces in mesic forests, rich cove forests, and on mafic or ultramafic rocks especially in seepage, serpentine barrens
Native to North Carolina

Common Name:
Johnny Jump-up, Pansy
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola tricolor FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola tricolor FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola tricolor 130-02-026 FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Lawns, garden borders, railroad rights-of-way, commonly cultivated
Non-native: Europe

Common Name:
European Field Pansy
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola arvensis FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola arvensis FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola arvensis 130-02-027 FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Roadsides, fields, other disturbed habitats
Common (uncommon in Mountains, rare in GA)
Non-native: Europe

Common Name:
Johnny Jump-up, American Field Pansy, Wild Pansy
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola rafinesquei FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola bicolor FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH (UNACCEPTABLE ORTHOGRAPHIC VARIANT) Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Viola rafinesquii 130-02-028 FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Pastures, roadsides, lawns, other disturbed habitats, less commonly in dry rocky woodlands and barrens
Common (uncommon in GA Coastal Plain)
Native to the Carolinas & Georgia

Common Name: Asian Wedgeleaf Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola inconspicua FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Disturbed areas, parking lots, gardens, increasingly appearing in natural areas
Non-native: east Asia

Common Name:
English Violet, Sweet Violet
Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Viola odorata FAMILY: Violaceae
SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Viola odorata FAMILY: Violaceae
Habitat: Gardens, lawns, disturbed places, persistent or weakly spreading from horticultural use
Non-native: Europe
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