Your search found 460 image(s) illustrating the term "bract." For a written explanation, click on "bract" in the Glossary.

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Your search found 460 image(s) illustrating the term "bract." You are on page 1.

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"There are two kinds of misunderstanding. There is the misunderstanding of the man who misunderstands because he has not yet reached a stage of knowledge and of experience at which he is able to grasp the truth. There is a genuine inability to understand, an inability which is the inevitable result of lack of knowledge. When a man is in that state our duty is to do all that we can to explain things to him so that he will be able to grasp the knowledge which is being offered to him. But there is a failure to understand which comes from unwillingness to understand; there is a failure to see which comes from the refusal to see. A man can deliberately shut his mind to truth which he does not wish to see; he can be deliberately dense towards teaching which he does not wish to accept." — William Barclay